Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Sound choices

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Making wise choices can be difficult, yet as followers of Jesus, we have an ever-dependable resource to discern the best choice. The Spirit of God living within us will help us discern the truth and application of God’s Word for our lives. Yet, reverence is required as we approach divinely inspired Scripture. The Bible is not to be toyed with as a book of wisdom to justify irreverent behavior; rather, the very words are laced with the love of the Lord to be meditated on and digested into our being. And with this attitude of holy worship, we are approved by God. 

Timothy’s mentor, Paul, clearly states that diligence to first submit to and be approved by God is necessary to hear and understand God. Just as we are diligent in our work and relationships to be thorough and to love well, even more so, we must consistently invest time and energy in understanding timeless truths. Diligent study waits, prays, and pursues God’s wisdom to understand and apply the best choices. God blesses a life that desires choices that honor Christ.

Wisdom based on God’s truth becomes yours through study and suffering. Not just saying out loud what someone else said, but allowing the Spirit to embed truth into your very being. Oswald Chambers speaks to this idea of owning your own truth,

Your position is not really yours until you make it yours through suffering and study. The author or speaker from whom you learn the most is not the one who teaches you something you didn’t know before, but the one who helps you take a truth with which you have quietly struggled, give it expression, and speak it clearly and boldly. 

Indeed, truth struggled over becomes wisdom you can apply to make wise choices. 

I am learning that life and the Lord sometimes limit my choices. Financial limitations, time limitations, capacity limitations, physical limitations, or limitations from adhering to values and principles core to who I am in Christ. The benefit of having limited choices is not being overwhelmed by too many options or being tempted to do something that would not have the best outcomes over time. Does buying more stuff really align with God’s best, or is my financial limitation of not being able to afford extra assets protecting me from not missing out on better opportunities to serve others or love my family in a less distracted manner? If a job opportunity requires more time or travel than I have the capacity, then it is better to say no and trust the Lord will open another door in His timing. The Spirit speaks through my limitations, so embracing the wisdom of this guarded reality is wise. Limitations focus and help me better discern God’s best. 

So maybe you self-impose some limitations on your life, so your decision-making is set up for success. Screen time requires guardrails if you want to grow relationally healthy with your family, friends, and colleagues. Food and drink invite you into overindulgence without rules of engagement for your consumption habits. I admire the Orthodox faith tradition that follows a regular routine of fasting throughout the year to draw closer to God. Orthodox leader Father Stavros N. Akrotirianakis shares his fasting sentiments. “Fasting is not about giving up something only to get it back. Fasting is about getting control of our passions, maintaining control over them, and ultimately giving control of ourselves to God.” Perhaps the Lord is leading you into a rhythm of regular fasting to be set free from fleshly passions to be more passionate in your spiritual pursuits. Making wise choices is a blend of your part and God’s part. Stay humble and teachable, and choose Christ first, and the Spirit will lead you to wise choices.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Luxury Lust

I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, ‘You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God. Luke 12:18-21

Lust for luxury is the natural progression of a cultural craze for more things. This materialistic addiction is never satisfied, as it wants just a little bit more. Relationships are patronized, sacrificed and neglected for the purpose of material gain. Image, not intimacy, is what’s valued by those discontent unless they are able to upgrade. Ironically, insecurity drives this abnormal notion of security they strive in vain to achieve.

Bigger is not always better, because bigger brings complexity, not simplicity. Bigger requires added cost for upkeep and attention. What starts out as a desire for something nice can get out of hand and became a hindrance, instead of a help. A bigger bank account, a bigger house and a bigger car can become a distraction to God’s purposes.

“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction” (1Timothy 6:6-9).

Covetousness can creep up on us like a lion stalking prey. When startled, we finally come to our senses, but find ourselves in the clutch of debt’s grip. The remedy for a rich man’s ruckus is found in being rich toward God. Our identity is not in the abundance of our possessions, who we “are” is defined by the abundance of our life in Christ.

What does it mean to be rich toward God? It means that wealth brings faith to a soul, not folly. Treasures are not meant to be stored for self, but in service to the Lord and others. Filthy lucre on earth is replaced with eternal reward in heaven. The wealth of the next world is pursued over the wealth of this world, when Christ captivates a heart.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34).

Therefore, resolve to the wise way of engaging God and His purpose for your life. Avoid the mind games that money plays on foolish souls, seek instead valid security in Jesus. Determine to build a bigger belief in the Lord and a smaller perception of stuff. Soul fulfillment comes from building the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).

Thursday, July 4, 2024

1st things 1st

 First Things First

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

Whenever I feel like my life is out of sync, I have to be reminded of what my priorities are. It is

so easy to get consumed by everyone else’s agenda around you. You can feel like you have

accomplished nothing although you have been busy all week. Beloved, I must be honest with

you. It is not material things I want most from God. I want what money cannot buy. I want

God’s righteousness, His peace, His joy, His love, His purity and perfection, His mind, His

kingdom. I am at a place in my life where I don’t have time for foolish pursuits and wasted time

on people who just want to play with life. I want to be everything God ordained for me to be. In

order for that to occur, I must put the first things first.

Our verse tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Sounds like a

big chase doesn’t it? How can I go after something I cannot see? How can I be motivated to

pursue something I have never touched? The kingdom of God and his righteousness cannot be

obtained physically nor through my intellect. I must open my heart and mind and pray for God

to come in. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit according to I Corinthians 6:19. The

temple is the place God wants to dwell. The first thing I must do is invite Him in. I can simply

pray, “Lord you are welcomed in my mind, body, and soul. I totally surrender all of me to you

this day in Jesus’ name, AMEN.” Beloved if you pray like this today, you are putting first things

first. Then all of the other things that Matthew 6 alludes to will be yours.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Let Him in

 To the Church in Laodicea ] “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words

of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. Here I am! I stand at the

door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that

person, and they with me. Revelation 3:14,20 

We simply have to let Jesus in. He is so faithful to his word to always be standing at the doors of our hearts knocking. When we didn’t love ourselves, he was at the door knocking. When we had no regard for his love, he was at the door knocking.

When I was deep in my sins, he was at my door knocking. The angel of the church in Laodicea

was giving these words to John while he was on the prison island of Patmos. The angel said that

these words are of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. The angel

was telling John whose words were these.

These are the words of Jesus beloved. He stands at the door today still knocking. In the

day you hear His voice, harden not your heart. Please let Him in. He desires fellowship with His

creation. He died for us just so that he could come in. He was beaten for us so that He could

come in. He shed His blood so that He could come in. He gives you and I the power however to

open the door. You have a choice to keep the door shut. But, I beg you today by the mercies of

God, please open the door and let Jesus in to stay for good. Don’t let Him just be a visitor.

Let Him remain forever.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

See the good

You have heard that it has been said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate those who hate you.’ But I tell you, love those who hate you. (*Respect and give thanks for those who say bad things to you. Do good to those who hate you.) Pray for those who do bad things to you and who make it hard for you. Then you may be the sons of your Father Who is in heaven. His sun shines on bad people and on good people. He sends rain on those who are right with God and on those who are not right with God. Matthew 5:43-45

Martin Luther King, Jr. said these words in his sermon, Love Your Enemies, preached in 1957 at The Howard University

The person who hates you most has some good in him; even the nation that hates you most has some good in it; even the race that hates you most has some good in it. And when you come to the point that you look in the face of every man and see deep down within him what religion calls “the image of God,” you begin to love him in spite of what he does; you see God’s image there. There is an element of goodness that he can never slough off. Discover the element of good in your enemy. And as you seek to hate him, find the center of goodness and place your attention there, and you will take a new attitude.

Dr. King reminds us of what Jesus was referring to when He gave the radical command to love our enemies. A way to love our enemies is to look for the good in them as people who are created in the image and likeness of God. It doesn’t mean we always agree with them or even like their ways, but by God’s grace, we are respectful and look for what we can agree on and how we can learn from one another. All human beings struggle with doing the right thing over succumbing to the wrong. As Paul says in Romans 7, “For I want to do good, but I do not. I do not do the good I want to do… I thank God I can be free through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The struggle to do good is always present, but thanks to God, the solution to the struggle is close by for the followers of Jesus. We are free by surrendering our divisive selves to the healing power of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Love looks for the good in another and builds relational bridges to better know each other.

At the beginning of his sermon, Dr. King reminded his listeners of the reality that there will always be someone who doesn’t like something about you. You may have been promoted at work over someone who felt more deserving, so now you are resented. How you talk or look may cause another to look down on you as less educated or, in contrast, envious of your elite education. Your skin color, where you grew up, where you work, and your religious and political affiliations may put you on another’s bad list without ever really getting to know you. Unless human beings intentionally tear down walls of prejudice and build relational bridges over lagoons of differences, fights will fester. Look for the good in others, and you will find good. 

Most of all, be grateful for the goodness of God. Knowing and appreciating how our heavenly Father loves us and others unconditionally is the basis of our looking for and finding goodness in another. If we are predisposed to only finding fault, that will be our relational default, with no room for grace and forgiveness. But when we discover a person’s charitable side, we can assume a greater potential for goodness. Start with a respectful tone of voice, calming body language, and a teachable spirit. When we disagree, bring out the good points in the other’s argument while humbly explaining your position. God sends the sun and rain to bless those who are right with Him and those who are not right with Him. Follow God’s example by being the light of love and the rain of respect, causing goodness to take root and flourish in everyone.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Master oneself

 For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. Titus 1:7-8

Mike Schmitz, a popular podcaster and leader, tells the story of a woman who once asked her father what kind of man she should look for as a marriage partner. The father’s answer? “Find a man who can fast.” Though this response surprised me when I first heard it, the longer I’ve sat with it, the more I’ve come to see the deep wisdom contained therein. Though there are many commendable virtues in a future spouse, the ability to direct one’s passions and desires, rather than to be directed by them, might be chief amongst them all. As Mike summarizes, this is the person who is able to say, “I know I have this impulse to one thing, but I have the ability to say no to myself. I know that I want to run, but I have the ability not to run. I know I want to cower back, but I have the ability to rise up.”

I thought of this example today as I read the words of Titus 1, especially the exhortation in verse 8 for  leaders to be “self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.” When comparing translations of this verse which is a practice that I highly recommend. A line from a Greek translation known as the Apostolos stood out to me. Rather than the well-known phrase “self-controlled,” it instead says a leader must be “master of himself.”

One of the most persistent lies that we are told in our world today is that our desires are a window into our “true selves” and thus should be fulfilled in order to be truly happy. In response, I would simply say that some desires are good and meant to be fulfilled. When our lives are lived in submission to Christ and animated by the power of Holy Spirit within, we are filled with holy desires, seeking to give ourselves away in sacrificial service and love of others. Yet interspersed with these holy desires are the lingering passions of this world, lust, greed, envy, power, desires that promise to deliver freedom while only deepening our bondage. 

Wisdom is found in our ability to discern which desires get a “yes” and which are meant to receive a decisive “no.” And by living a disciplined and self-controlled life, we not only know in our minds how to tame and order our desires, we train our desires, mastering them lest they master us.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Heart on fire

Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us? Luke 24:32 

As the two disciples walked with Jesus, their hearts were confused by the grief of losing their leader. They mourned because their hope of a political savior had been killed on the cross. They misunderstood that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, did not come to overthrow the government but instead to reign as King over their lives. Jesus and His post-resurrection body were unrecognizable to the disciples. And spiritually, their eyes were still not open to seeing the real Jesus, their resurrected Lord and Savior.

As Jesus walked and talked with His disciples, He explained the true intent of His prophecies, which were forgiveness of sin and salvation to all believers. Through the power of His presence and the clarity of His teaching, the risen Jesus became real. Their hearts began to burn with conviction as they walked and talked, and God, through His grace and truth, revealed Jesus Christ as their resurrected Lord and Savior. Love is patient to explain the truth thoroughly. Once the truth of Jesus’ plan and purpose for you become personal your heart comes alive for God.

With a burning heart for God in the journey of faith, there comes a moment when our hearts are ignited by the fervent desire to know and serve God intimately. This burning passion, like a flame within us, drives us to pursue Him relentlessly, seeking His presence and experiencing His love in profound ways. When we encounter the Lord in a personal way, whether through prayer, worship, or studying His Word, our hearts can't help but burn with passion for Him. It's in those moments of divine connection that we realize how desperately we need Him and how fulfilling life is when we live in His presence. A burning heart for God is marked by a deep hunger for His Word, a fervent desire for prayer, and an unquenchable thirst for righteousness. It's a heart that longs to worship Him in spirit and truth, surrendering all to His will and His ways. 

Yet, maintaining a burning heart for God requires intentionality. We must continually fan the flames through regular communion with Him, guarding against complacency and distractions that seek to dampen our zeal. We must also surround ourselves with fellow believers who share our passion for God, encouraging and challenging one another to press deeper into His presence. Ultimately, a burning heart for God is not just a fleeting emotion but a steadfast commitment to love and serve Him wholeheartedly. It's a journey of transformation where our hearts become aligned with His, and His desires become our own. Jesus yearns for us to know Him truly. 

Are you following a political Jesus or a spiritual Jesus? A king you want to overthrow the government or a King to reign over your life? As you walk and talk with Jesus, ask Him to clarify who He is to you and what He has for you. Resist the story about a powerless Jesus that feeds your fears or, on the other extreme, puffs up your pride to seek power. Invite the Holy Spirit to burn in your heart with the conviction of God’s truth to humbly and joyfully obey Jesus. Let go of control and go to the Lord. Cultivate a burning heart for God, allowing His love to consume you completely and radiate brightly for all to see. Be filled with the Spirit to light your life in love to burn bright for Jesus, drawing others into the warmth of His divine comfort.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Powerless? I don't think so

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

During a recent coaching session with one of my clients, she shared some struggles and fears she’d been having for decades. “Why do I keep getting beat up by the insecurities and condemnation? I’ve been working on this area of my life for years.”

That’s when I felt something rise inside me. It was holy indignation. I was mad at the devil for attacking her and I wanted to invite her to take up her Sword and step into the battle to pummel the devil. Condemnation had been her constant companion for years, and it was time to do something different. 

As I shared fervently about the power all believers have over the condemnation of the enemy with her, I was reminded that Christ came to set us free, but that we must listen and believe Him. Human effort has value, but to fight the adversary and his deception, it takes more than human effort and human reasoning. It takes supernatural power.

When Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert and the devil tempted him, Jesus didn’t fight the enemy’s lies with natural weapons. He didn’t fight with human reasoning or conversation. He fought the devil with spiritual weapons. He fought him with the Word of God.

The Lord has not left you and me powerless. If we feel continually or repeatedly attacked in the same way over the same incident, issues, or problems, the adversary has used deception to create bondage in your mind. It’s time to take up your shield of faith! It’s time to believe God and what He says. It’s time to use the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God to stand against the devil’s lies. 

Your battle, dear one, is not against flesh and blood. It’s against the enemy who wants to confuse, condemn, shame, and guilt you. God’s way, on the contrary, is a way of peace and power, but you must know and believe His Word. The Word is God’s standard against the Father of Lies. Do not allow him to continue to take advantage of you, confuse, shame, taunt, and mock you.  You are royalty. You are a son you are a daughter of the Most High King. You are God’s beloved, free from condemnation.

Inviting Christ into your life was just the beginning. Now, He is inviting you to step into your full authority and inheritance as an empowered child of God. He has given you authority to push back the influence of darkness in your mind and overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit. You belong to him. You are safe and secure in Him. Believe him. Take up your Sword.

“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son. . .” (Colossians 1:13).

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Discouraged yet not defeated

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God. Psalm 43:5 

At times, we are deeply aware of the reasons behind our emotions. We are hurt or betrayed and thus understandably angry or frustrated. Perhaps more positively, a relational breakthrough or new job can result in a wave of relief, gratitude, and joy, crashing over us in the most delightful ways. 

However, we often find ourselves in situations where significant emotions may be present, yet their source or sources elude us. Though this can be a positive emotion that catches us by surprise, in my own experience, these elusive emotions are usually sources of pain or potential discouragement. We’re short-tempered and angry with those around us for no explainable reason. We’re pessimistic and doubtful even when we have plenty of reasons to be hopeful and encouraged. Or we’re profoundly sad without any clear reason to grieve. Perhaps, like the psalmist of old, you read these words and say to yourself, “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?”

I once heard a wise Christian leader say that the vast majority of our disappointments in life come from unmet expectations. In light of our topic today, it’s important to realize that we often have implicit expectations in our lives that we’ve never consciously acknowledged to ourselves or discussed with others. When we find emotions present within us that seem to have come out of nowhere or lingered longer than we’d ever hoped, it’s helpful to ask ourself a version of this question: “What did I expect this season of life to look like?” 

In C.S. Lewis’ work, Perelandra, there’s a memorable scene in which The Green Lady discusses the difference between “the good expected” and “the given good,” noting that so often our Lord allows situations in our lives that we’d never have asked for or even wanted, yet if they are from him, then surely they are to be received as “good.” When we are sad or discouraged, and we don’t know why, we can rest in this truth, believing that God is always working for our good, joining our voice with Psalm 43 and saying, “I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Speaking scars

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

At times I am witness to people recovering from surgery. Every surgical procedure comes with scares or even abrasions as I have a scar from years ago that came from falling off my bike that still reminds me of the incident that occured more than 15 years ago. Every time I look at that scar, I reflect on what happened and  the experience of the fall, the pavement winning over my body and the hurt that went along with it. I also have the opportunity in looking at the scar to be reminded that I survived, and made it through the hurt and have healed.  It also reminds me of the scars that Jesus took to set me and you free.

What life-giving words scars remind us of the hurt and healing at the same time. To get to that conclusion we must shift our perspective. from the healing that comes from hurt. When we have a shift in perspective toward God’s truth, it takes away the painful feelings about our experience. When we believe Truth, we are indeed set free just as Jesus said in John 8:31-32: 

“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’”

Now, when I look at that scar, I think about the moments, the difficult, painful, soul-wrenching moments when Christ sustained me in the recovery/healing journey, and I think about His faithfulness.

I think about how He has spared my life so I can do more work for Him. 

I think about the precious, deep intimacy that has developed with Him, not in spite of what has happened to me, but because of what has happened to me.

That scar and all that has come with it has transformed my life and transformed me. The lessons have been profound, and I pray I never forget them. 

I wouldn’t have imagined that I could ever say this, but I’m thankful for the scar.

What has happened in your life? Have you experienced something tragic and hurtful that has left a scar on your mind, your emotions, or your skin? Accepting God’s perspective and His truth about it will set you free from the bondage of painful feelings about what happened to you and shift you to gratitude and joy.

Why? Because lingering, negative, painful feelings aren’t caused by what happened to us, although negative experiences are a doorway to emotional pain. However, emotional pain that won’t go away comes from how we internalize and view what has happened to us. (Read that again. That’s an amazing truth right there!) Praise God. He gave us painful emotions as red lights on the dashboard of our hearts to alert us as if to say, “Hey! There’s something here that needs God’s truth applied to it so that you can be emotionally healed and set free.” 

Many times, we believe it’s the experience that hurt us that we need to get over. We believe we need to overcome it somehow and go back and fix it. But what we really need is to change how we view what happened to us to be set free. We need to accept God’s truth. When we embrace His perspective, nothing about the experience that hurt us will change. But how we see it, will and that will lead to liberty. 

Ask Jesus to show you His truth about your painful experience, and the scars that came from it. Once you get His perspective, you’ll be able to consider what happened without debilitating pain, regret, or deep sadness and say, “Thank you, Lord, for what you have done in me and in my life, not in spite of my scar, but because of it. I’m thankful for that scar. How I praise you!”

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives” (Isaiah 61:1).

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him…  and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 1:16-17, 19-20

Powerless. That is how I feel sometimes, but that is not what God has given me. I often forget that my generous God has given me his power…the same power that he used to raise his son Jesus from the grave. 

So, why do I have seasons of feeling powerless? Because…Life can be difficult…even unbearable at times…health challenges, financial issues, rowdy, even rebellious children, work despair, fractured relationships, broken dreams…Yet my generous God gives me His powerful wisdom and grace to not just get through life but to thrive in life. One of His most powerful strategies (though not always intuitive or practical) is generous living. I ask myself, so, Lord, where do I start to experience the power of generosity? 

Generous living starts with a prayerful mindset of gratitude to the Lord. The power of generosity begins with gratitude to my generous God.

I learn to lean into being grateful for His blessings of life, relationships, and freedom to enjoy Him, freedom to be loved and to love. As my wife Rita reminds me often, who gets to do this? Who gets to live a life of generosity because of the radical generosity of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, who…

“Though he was so very rich, yet to help you he became so very poor, so that by being poor he could make you rich”  (2 Corinthians 8:9, TLB).

So, for us to better understand and acknowledge the power of God at work in our lives, we need to first look at how Jesus, when at the beginning of his ministry, was confronted by Satan to use power for building a kingdom on earth for Himself, refused and instead gave His power away to save the world for all who would believe and to build the kingdom of heaven…

“Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. ‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only” (Matthew 4:8-10).

Satan tried to tempt our Savior Jesus with power when He offered control over the kingdoms of the world… and then abruptly, Jesus called out the evil one to worship and serve God…the only One who has all power. 

The most powerful man who ever walked on the planet…Jesus Christ…gave away his power for the benefit of saving, healing, and blessing the world.

You have been given the power of God to carry out the purposes of God. His power is at work in you to will and to do His good pleasure. Use it, don’t abuse it; furthermore, use it for the good of others or lose it! Invest God’s generous gift of power through a life of generosity. Relational generosity finds joy in connecting those you know and love with one another. Financial generosity invests resources in funding the work of God’s kingdom. And generosity with your time is free to volunteer your expertise and experience to serve. Leverage power for the Lord

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Win them back

If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. Matthew 18:15

Relational conflict is an unavoidable part of life. We as are broken and imperfect people, and when my sickness bumps into yours, it is inevitable that we will struggle to see eye to eye. This plays itself out in every sphere of influence: work, home, and yes, even within the church. Though we are the people of God who are filled with the life of God, we are also works in progress who continue to struggle against sin, and we therefore must learn to navigate conflict, not if, but when it comes.

So often, in a heated moment of disagreement, our first and only instinct is one of self-preservation. Rather than being open to the possibility that our brokenness somehow contributed to this breakdown, we rush to our own defense, showing how we’ve been wronged, misunderstood, or falsely accused. When this posture is taken, no longer do we see the other as a brother or sister in Christ, but they transform, sometimes instantaneously, into an enemy and opponent, someone who must be wrong in order for me to be right.

In truth, this impulse can grow to the point that our only aim in the disagreement is to secure our innocence at any cost. Yet, in this confusion, the words of Matthew 18 invite us to consider another way. The aim and end of relational conflict is always the restoration of intimacy and trust. We engage in difficult conversations, not to win a battle but to win back a brother. Undoubtedly, this is hard work. And it is work that we will only engage if and when we learn to value and treasure the gift of a spiritual family, brothers and sisters in the faith that have been given to us by God for our mutual growth and flourishing in faith. 

When relationships in the church are viewed through this lens, we reject any outcome or solution that includes the loss of a brother or sister as an acceptable outcome. Let us always turn toward the other, even in times of pain and confusion, asking God to preserve and keep us in his love and in our mutual affection for one another.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

No worry zone

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 

I am learning that worry and joy in the Lord cannot coexist; worry is not welcome where joy is the host. The same goes for being angry; a hot head cools under the influence of a calming, joyful heart. The Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Philippi to remind them not to allow the conflict from their differences to define their relationship. Different perspectives born from a variety of life experiences are meant to mold us more like Christ if we learn in love to value each other's uniqueness. Of course, sinful behavior needs to be addressed and corrected, but how many times could bad behavior have been avoided if a joyful focus on Jesus was the conversational starting point? Not naively ignoring the discomfort but keeping accusations at bay and choosing a better way. A joyful attitude elevates discussions in loving respect for others.

Why even fret for five minutes if we can start by rejoicing in the Lord? Rejoicing for how He provides for our wants and needs. Rejoicing for His Word, a personal love letter penned in Scripture, is a guiding light for our lives. Rejoicing in rich relationships gives us a healthy understanding that we are beloved by our heavenly Father. Rejoicing in our assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ. Rejoicing in hard times, knowing He walks with us through the shadows of suffering and the dread of death. Rejoicing is the Spirit’s remedy for healing. 

The act of rejoicing is not merely a fleeting emotion but a deliberate choice to find joy in God’s presence and promises. In doing so, we align ourself with a source of unwavering love, guidance, and grace. The word of God encourages believers to “rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16), highlighting the transformative power of joy in various circumstances. This practice fosters a grateful heart, cultivating contentment regardless of external conditions. Furthermore, rejoicing in the Lord strengthens our faith, serving as a reminder of His sovereignty and faithfulness. It provides a solid foundation for resilience in the face of challenges, as the joy rooted in God transcends temporal difficulties. In community, shared rejoicing creates bonds among believers, growing a sense of unity and encouragement. Ultimately, embracing joy in the Lord leads to a deeper understanding of divine love, peace that surpasses understanding, and a life marked by gratitude and spiritual abundance. I’ll close with Henri Nouwen’s insights into joyful persons:

Joyful persons do not necessarily make jokes, laugh, or even smile. They are not people with an optimistic outlook on life who always relativize the seriousness of a moment or an event. No, joyful persons see with open eyes the hard reality of human existence and, at the same time, are not imprisoned by it. They have no illusion about the evil powers that roam around, “looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8), but they also know that death has no final power. They suffer with those who suffer, yet they do not hold on to suffering; they point beyond it to an everlasting peace. 

Indeed, joyful living happens in hard times and good times; looking to the Joy Giver.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

unwavering faith and obedience

When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus. Matthew 1:24-25

In the town of Nazareth, Joseph, a righteous and just man, faced a bewildering revelation. His betrothed, Mary, was found to be with child before their marriage was consummated. This discovery rocked Joseph’s world, challenging his understanding of righteousness and faithfulness to God’s law. Joseph’s response unveils a narrative of unwavering faith and obedience in the face of uncertainty and social disgrace. The news of Mary’s pregnancy presented Joseph with a predicament. The law dictated severe consequences for such circumstances, and Joseph, a man of honor and integrity, initially grappled with the decision to quietly end the engagement. His heart was undoubtedly heavy, torn between his love for Mary and his commitment to God’s law. His inclination was to act discreetly, sparing Mary from public shame. As he waited on God, Joseph was instructed to take Mary as his wife, so he did, though not totally understanding how his wife was pregnant with the Son of God. 

However, in the midst of this turmoil, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, conveying a divine message: “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” This divine intervention challenged Joseph’s understanding of the situation, urging him to trust beyond his human reasoning. He was remarkably faithful and obedient to God’s call. Joseph, though initially torn and embarrassed by the situation, chose to trust God’s revelation in the dream. His obedience to the angel’s message showcased his profound faith and commitment to God’s plan. Joseph instantly obeyed God.

Joseph’s obedience was not passive acceptance but an active response to God’s call. He took Mary as his wife despite the public ridicule and potential shame. His actions were a testament to his deep faith in God’s sovereignty, trusting that the child Mary carried was indeed part of God’s divine plan for salvation. By obeying God’s instruction and taking Mary as his wife, Joseph demonstrated a remarkable faith that transcended his initial embarrassment and fear. He embraced his role as the earthly father of Jesus, providing protection, care, and guidance to the child who would one day become the Savior of the world. Your family background may be confusing or embarrassing; if so, you are not alone. God can bless what seems like a mess.

Joseph’s unwavering faith and obedience serve as an inspiration for believers today. His willingness to set aside his initial doubts and fears, choosing instead to trust and obey God’s plan, sets a profound example. Joseph teaches us the value of faithful obedience, even when faced with circumstances that challenge our understanding or social norms. As we reflect on the Christmas story, may we emulate Joseph’s unwavering faithfulness and obedience to God’s call in our own lives. Let us trust in God’s guidance, even when faced with uncertainty or societal pressures, knowing that He holds the ultimate plan for our lives and the world. Better to suffer misunderstanding and obey God than to try to please people and miss out on the Lord’s best. God’s better purposes are sometimes best understood after wisdom is proven right over time!

“But wisdom is shown to be right by the lives of those who follow it” (Luke 7:35).

Thursday, February 22, 2024

What pleases God

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. 

Ephesians 5:8-10

The call of the believer is to learn by grace to walk in the light and life of Christ. This language of light and darkness is scattered throughout the word of God. We find it in the opening pages, with the Lord’s declaration over creation: “Let there be light!” (Genesis 1:3). It is found in the heart of Isaiah’s prophetic vision: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light” (Isaiah 9:2). And it finds its fulfillment and true fullness in Christ himself, for as John reminds us, “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind” (John 1:4). 

Life is found in Christ, so what falls to you and to me is to learn to find our life within his, to daily move further and further away from the darkness of our world and the darkness that lurks within our hearts and instead learn to rest and find our home within all that is good, righteous, and true.

Take note of Paul’s words in verse 10 of today’s passage: “find out what pleases the Lord.” This deceptively simple phrase contains within it an entire world of wisdom. First, it reminds us that there is, in fact, a way of life that pleases God. Though we live in a world that embraces a vision of freedom that allows for infinite “truths,” this is not the way of Christ. Freedom is found, not in our self-created visions of “the good life,” but in our ability to accept the boundaries and limitations of God as for our good and flourishing. This is true freedom, yet it so often feels counterintuitive to everything we see and hear, and so we must learn to follow the second point of wisdom contained within this verse: find out.

Yes, there is a way of life that pleases God, yet it is not always self-evident and it requires disciplined and intentional searching on our parts. Of course, we are only able to search because we have first been filled with the light of Christ. However, a room can be illumined yet people within that room can choose to ignore what they see. Let this never be true of us! Christ has illumined our hearts with the light of God’s kingdom. Choose today to live in that light, and seek out the way that leads to freedom and life eternal.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Humble Wisdom

Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16

Jesus, our loving Shepherd, boldly sends us out among the wolves of the world. We are commissioned by the Lord Himself not to remain in our comfort zone, always surrounded by fellow believers, but to mingle among unbelievers and even engage those hostile to our faith. We may ask if this is loving of our Lord to launch us into the world of the unlovely. Indeed, it is, as this is what love requires of us. Love requires us to reach out to the lost and the outcasts of society and to bring them into the fold of the faith. God's part is to draw the unsaved to Himself and save them. Our part is to live among the lost, model true love, and share the life-giving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sheep satisfied with only eating among themselves grow fat and self-indulgent, but sheep (believers) who eat with sinners stay spiritually alive and engaged with God’s eternal purposes. The humble and wise obey Jesus and love the lost. 

Our saving Shepherd does not send us out without resources. He provides His very presence as He dwells within us, supplying abundant humility, confidence, wisdom, power and discernment. The wise walk with the Lord into unknown circumstances and people, ever dependent on Him for relational favor and insights into how to add value at work and home. We are to be wise as a serpent. How? Snakes quietly make their way, not trying to draw attention to themselves. There is wisdom in quietly, without fanfare, serving others in the name of Jesus, no expectation of recognition from people, only listening for the applause of nail-scarred hands. In addition, we are marked by the gentle and peaceful demeanor of an innocent dove. Not reacting out of fear and anger but with bridled strength, we bring calm to chaos and solutions to divisive situations. Like the dove blessing Noah’s Ark after the flood with the olive branch of God’s peace, we go forth among cultures at war with the gospel of Jesus Christ…God’s olive branch of peace and freedom for a warring world imprisoned by sin and sorrow. Humility, wisdom and quiet; loud foes. 

Where is the Lord leading you that seems scary, and where you are unsure of what to do? The mission field overseas could be His call for you. A new language, a strange culture and sacrifices of time away from family and friends. But the Holy Spirit can fill you with humility and wisdom to comprehend and adjust to a new language and people. The mission field at work or in your neighborhood may be low-hanging fruit waiting for you to serve in the relational fields nearby. Pray together with other believers before work or during the lunch hour, supporting one another through life’s challenges while praying for colleagues to come to know Christ as Savior. Bible study during the day in your home blesses your neighbors by helping everyone get to know one another and grow deeper in their understanding of God and His love for them. Your home does not need to be perfect; it only needs warm hospitality that makes a person feel accepted and known. 

Start by praying for the Lord to grow your humble heart and to fill your mind with His wisdom. The deeper and wider you are loved by God, the greater your capacity and desire to love people. Love cannot be contained in a heart full and overflowing with gratitude, joy, and peace. Love moves out of the familiar into the unfamiliar with a holy boldness that is attractive and effective. Where Jesus sends you…He goes with you. It is better to be on rough waters walking on the water toward Jesus than on the safe shore, absent of adventure and empty of the Spirit’s power.

“To know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:19-21,

Thursday, February 15, 2024

What do you say about yourself?

Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was. He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Messiah.” They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No.” Finally they said, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” John 1:19-22

By this point in the year, chances are that the resolutions we made for ourself have either gone as quickly as they came, or we’ve doubled down, stayed the course, and are starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this will be the year that we stick with them. For most of us, the resolutions we make are tied to some form of self-improvement, whether that be physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual. Perhaps we want to drop a few pounds, learn a new language, or practice intentional kindness toward others. Whatever it may be, the aim is that when next year rolls around, we will be something more, something different than who we are today. 

These questions of identity and purpose come to mind as I reflect once again on the well known words of John the Baptist in John 1. More specifically, I find the Jewish leaders’ question to John to be one of utmost importance, not only for him, but for every person who has ever lived: “What do you say about yourself?” I am increasingly convinced that our ability to answer this question with clarity and purpose is the key to a life lived well.

It isn’t easy to know ourselves. This requires endless searching and examination. As the early Christian leader Gregory the Theologian once beautifully said in the opening stanza of a poem,

You have a job to do, soul, and a great one, if you like:

examine yourself, what it is you are and how you act,

where you come from, and where you’re going to end,

and whether to live is this very life you’re living, or something else besides. 

When faced with the question of identity and purpose, John the Baptist did what every one of us must likewise learn to do: he knew himself in reference to Christ. His meaning in life was found not in his own achievements or attributes but in his ability to point others to Christ. This was the reason for his existence and the only path to a life of deep fulfillment. With the words of Isaiah 40 on his lips, John summed up the whole of his life with these words, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord’” (John 1:23). May we do the same, longing for nothing more in our lives than the life of Christ and for those around us to experience the same.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.  2 Corinthians 9:11

Generosity is more than just giving; it’s a reflection of the heart. As followers of Christ, we are called to embody the spirit of generosity, mirroring the abundant grace bestowed upon us by our heavenly Father. God’s Word teaches us that everything we have is a gift from Him. When we grasp this truth, our perspective on possessions shifts. It is not about ownership but stewardship. We become conduits of God’s blessings, entrusted with resources to extend His love to others.

Generosity is not confined to material wealth; it encompasses our time, talents, and treasure. It’s the willingness to share what we have, whether abundant or meager, with a cheerful heart, knowing that our actions honor God and bless others. Jesus exemplified the ultimate act of generosity through His sacrificial love on the cross. He gave without expecting anything in return, showing us that true generosity flows from selflessness and genuine concern for others’ well-being. When we practice generosity, we cultivate a spirit of gratitude. We acknowledge God’s provision in our lives and express thankfulness by sharing with others. Through our generosity, others witness God’s goodness and experience His love tangibly.

Moreover, generosity begets generosity. Giving freely inspires a ripple effect, touching lives and prompting others to do the same. It creates a community marked by compassion and support, where needs are met and hearts are uplifted. However, generosity isn’t always easy. The call to give sacrificially challenges our natural inclinations in a world consumed by self-interest. Yet, God promises to bless those who give willingly and cheerfully, multiplying their generosity and providing for their needs. When stretched to give sacrificially, our faith is stretched.

Generosity is a reflection of our faith in God’s faithfulness. When we give with open hearts, we declare our trust in His provision and sovereignty over our lives. May we cultivate hearts of generosity, embracing the joy found in giving. The measure of our lives is not in what we keep for ourselves but in what we invest in God’s Kingdom. As we extend love, kindness, and resources to those around us, may it be a testament to the abundant grace of our heavenly Father.

Grow your generous heart by being around other generous hearts. My wife, Rita, and I attend an annual Celebration of Generosity, which is a gathering of families from around the country who love Christ and whose heart is to live a life of radical generosity. In addition, twice a year, we host an experience with authentic conversations called a Journey of Generosity. A group of 15 Jesus followers meet to pray, hear compelling stories of generosity, and dig into God’s Word. Your generosity is an act of worship that glorifies God as others give thankful praise to Him!

“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35).

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. Hebrews 10:35-36

In countless ways, our society values endurance. We marvel at couples that have been married for 50+ years. We eagerly buy new phones that promise 50% more battery life. And we run marathon races to test the limits of our bodily endurance. Yet the older I get, the more I find myself deeply moved by the witness of men and women who have followed Christ with steadfast faith for the whole of their lives. 

Though I grew up in Church, have fellowship circles, pastor, and am surrounded by peers who were involved in the rhythms of church life in one way or another, I’ve lost track of how many friends have walked away from the faith, or so deeply deconstructed their faith that nothing remains other than a vague and vapid agnosticism. This trend of deconstruction has been widely studied and extensively documented by groups such as Barna, and it is outside the scope of this blog to dive into it more deeply. I mention it simply to say that in the face of any cultural trend, there is always a counter-trend, an upstream current that can be found for those who take the time to look. 

The life of the believer in Christ demands nothing less than the whole of our life. It is an invitation to die to ourself in order to truly live. As such, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this invitation isn’t accepted by the masses. Like the Rich Young Ruler, many may hear the call of Christ, consider the cost, and simply walk away in order to pursue their own passions and pleasures. Yet there are others who have tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8), and therefore commit their way to Christ, day after day after day, refusing to let go of their childlike confidence in Him, even when life’s storms leave them battered and bruised. No, theirs is an enduring faith, one that keeps its eyes set on the “heavenly prize” (Philippians 3:14). 

I thank God for the witness of men and women in the past and in our own day who have clung to Christ and, by their example, invite us to do the same. Let us join them, responding with a courageous and enduring faith.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Worth of His Kingdom

 And God will use this persecution to show his justice and to make you worthy of his Kingdom, for which you are suffering. 2 Thessalonians 1:5

The kingdom of God is the aim and destination of every believer’s journey in faith. It breaks into the present and will one day be perfectly known and inhabited as we live eternally under the peaceful rule and reign of God. As such, we must learn to view every moment of life, every season and stage as preparation for our entry into the kingdom of our Lord.

The Lord, in his kindness, gives us many opportunities to encounter the life of his kingdom. When a man and woman come together in marriage, they in a sense become kings and queens of their own tiny kingdom, what we call “a family,” and this tiny kingdom is filled with potential and possibility, either to lose sight of its purpose and be a kingdom of selfishness and discord or to be a kingdom that in miniature reflects the values of the true and eternal kingdom. 

While this may be an easy example to embrace and celebrate, for we immediately see the goodness and virtue of family life, we must remember that our Lord also uses countless other situations to prepare us for eternity, even those that are painful and on the surface unwanted. 

I think of this when I read the words of 2 Thessalonians 1:5, where we are reminded of the truth that the suffering that this early Christian community endured was allowed by the Lord, at least in part, to make them “worthy of his kingdom.” 

It is for this reason that history is filled with stories of men and women who rejoice in their trials, even going so far as to give thanks for them. How convicting this truth is, for so often when we face difficulties in life, they can cause us to grow bitter, confused, and even angry. We may be tempted to wonder if God loves us or is near to us in this time of trial. Yet if and when we learn to see our trials and suffering as a momentary burden that shapes us and makes us worthy for eternity, we not only are set free from grumbling and frustration, we are able to endure with joy, considering it an honor to in some small way share in the sufferings of Christ, who reveals to us the truth that death is defeated and must, in the end, give way to life.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Just obey

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22

My biggest regrets in life are when I decide to do things my way when I know the Lord has shown me another way. I justify my will rather than obey God’s will. One such occasion was an encounter with a new “friend” years ago who had a “business” proposition for me. Having a modest salary as a pastor then, we were open to side hustles as long as it didn’t interfere with our work and family time. Still in discussions, we met over lunch when I noticed our potential business partner took two pieces of fruit instead of the one prescribed by the large sign. I mentioned his minor indiscretion, and he quipped back, “nobody will ever know.” I thought to myself, “well, I know, and more importantly, God knows.” I sensed in my spirit from Holy Spirit, “do not work with this man.” Yet impetuous and with an air of greed, we moved forward. It didn't work out in the long run. My lesson was to obey God, not justify.

Saul, one of the Lord’s chosen leaders, won a fierce battle when God gave him clear instructions to take no prisoners and, instead, slay all the enemy, the Amalekites, including their cattle. Saul, not believing the divine commands very practical, decided a better way was to spare the enemy's leader, the king, and give the victor’s people access to the best of the oxen and sheep. Saul was then called out by the priest Samuel and held accountable for his actions of disobedience. And instead of confessing and repenting…he justified. He even wrapped his reasoning with a spiritual motive, that his plan was to use some of the animals as a sacrifice to God. But Samuel dismissed his religious guise and spoke the truth. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Do things God’s way, not what we think or feel is our better way. If we are not accountable to others, we can talk ourselves into almost anything.

Outward religious activities used to justify an inward disobedience to the Lord mocks heaven. Not a healthy place to live. I’ve been guilty of spending generous amounts of time doing the Lord’s work while neglecting the generosity of time for my family and my health, while justifying with my heart and mind that my sacrifice for God was worth whatever I gave up. Yet, the still, small voice of Holy Spirit was gentle, reminding me of my role as a husband and dad, which required mental and emotional margin to love my family properly. Furthermore, if my body, the Spirit’s temple, was being neglected, I ignored the spiritual discipline of caring for and nurturing my heavenly Father’s complex creation…my body. God’s grace and love called out my disobedience, and thankfully, I have Samuels in my life who remind me to obey and trust the Lord’s best. Our idol of disobedience may look different, yet if it weighs on you…obey now. 

“And I said: “I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments” (Nehemiah 1:5, NKJV).

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Spirit of generosity in the midst of scarcity

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:32-34.

I'm not one to celebrate Halloween but there is a lesson I have gleaned from the holiday that gives those who participate the opportunity to create a great sugar rush.  The sudden influx of candy into a home, and children’s posture of generosity that surrounds it. Specifically, how quick kids were to share their “haul” of goods, especially when it was piled in front of them like a small mountain of sugar. Why sweat one or two pieces when hundreds remained? Yet if we were to find the same kids on a “normal” day with little to no sweets in sight, you’d likely encounter a very different spirit of generosity. 

Now, before I’m too hard on the kids, I should be quick to realize this is not a uniquely childish problem, for in truth, it is a window into every human heart. It’s remarkably easy to be generous when our resources have no end in sight. This kind of giving, while certainly a gift to the recipient and not to be discouraged, fails to truly transform our passions and desires: it touches our wallets while leaving our hearts unchanged.

Fear has an incredible impact on our ability to live generous lives. Specifically, fear of not having enough and being unable to provide for ourselves or those we love. When we allow the threat of scarcity to overtake our hearts and minds, it turns us inward toward ourselves and away from God and neighbor. Yet when we give, especially when it’s hard and we aren’t in a season of abundance, we learn to trust, not simply in our own ability to balance the books and cover all of our needs, but to place ourselves firmly in the hands of the one who promises that he will never leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8).

Giving out of our scarcity is a bold declaration of faith. It is a way to say that our primary allegiance and loyalty rests not in the material possessions of this world but in the values of God’s Kingdom. We learn through sacrifice to treasure what is truly worthy of our affection, setting us free from fear and worry and instead resting secure in a heavenly treasure “that will never fail” (Luke 12:33).

Holy Spirit my teacher

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26

I love the tender heart of Jesus. I love how He loves people. I love how He loves us so much that He will never leave us alone. And, I love that before He went to the cross and ascended to heaven, He told His disciples something like this: “I’m going to give you a Helper to be with you who will never leave you, and He will guide you. He will remind you of what I’ve said, and He will be your counselor, advocate, and teacher." 

What great compassion and what great love the Lord has that He didn’t say, “Well, that’s it. I’m going back to heaven. Now, you’re on your own.” Instead, He gave us His very presence through Holy Spirit. And, how wonderful that we have an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-wise teacher in Him. 

When you aren’t sure which route to take, the Spirit is there to guide you. He is the best teacher. 

When you don’t know the words to speak, He will show you what to say. He is the best teacher. 

When you feel discouraged, the Spirit is there to reveal truth to you and give you the help you need to go on. He is the best teacher. 

“He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).

How marvelous that the Spirit, full of truth, will share with you and me what He hears from Jesus. (John 16:14)

But what is it that often prevents us to from receiving life-giving teaching and truth from the Spirit? 

It can be many things such as pride, or a lack of belief in the Lord’s love. But oftentimes it’s simply because of unbelief. We simply don’t take the Lord’s words to heart, that the Spirit is there for us, so we don’t seek Him. We’re simply not listening. 

I recently spoke with a young man who is having some challenges in his personal and professional life. I encouraged him to seek the Lord for answers and that the Holy Spirit would guide him. The Lord said He would guide us into all truth. May we seek Him for the truth He promises! If we do not, what treasures we are forfeiting! Can you imagine what He wants to reveal to you?  

I encourage you today . . . if you believe God still speaks as He says He does in His Word; if you believe He hasn’t forgotten you, and that He is ready to hear you, won’t you seek Him for His truth today? He is listening. He is ready to teach you. 

The Holy Spirit is the best teacher. 

“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you” (John 16:7).

Friday, January 12, 2024

The discomfort in calling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

One day as I sat in the airport waiting to board my flight, I spoke with an individual waiting along with me at the terminal gate, a graduate student studying medicine at Johns Hopkins University. “If there was one thing you could do with your life, what would that one thing be?” I asked. “I’d have my own overseas medical lab,” she said. “But I don’t think that will ever happen,” she said. “That’s just too big of a risk and there’s too much to lose.”

I took a second look at them. They where, articulate, young and intelligent. What do you have to lose? I thought. More than you can imagine.

When we insist on ease, when we demand that God’s plan for our life be comfortable, when we want reward and satisfaction without the difficulty of the unknown, we lose more than we imagined. When we will only say yes to Him when it’s easy, we lose the joy of the journey He has called us to. 

The greatest saints of the Bible didn’t experience reward without discomfort or calling without chaos. Moses was mocked and scorned by those he wanted to rescue; Joseph was abused and ridiculed by his brothers, and every one of the disciples was persecuted for their faith. Even Christ was crucified.

Should we expect following God’s plan, and calling, for our lives without discomfort?

Perhaps you’re thinking, “Look at Jesus! He followed God’s will and he was crucified.” Be encouraged: Jesus endured the pain, the discomfort, and the torture of taking on the entire sin of the world because he knew there was “joy that was set before him‚” (Hebrews 12:2). He knew that the punctuation on his page of pain would be turned to exclamation points of joy.

Imagine that you are on your death bed. Your best friend comes in the room and asks you, “What do you wish you would have done with your life?” Would you say that you wish you would have colored inside the lines a little more, lived life more carefully? 

If you’re like most people, you would feel that you should have lived with a little more reckless abandon and faith. Loved more. Dreamed more. Adventured more. Responded to God’s promptings more. Most of us live far too carefully. God places dreams in our hearts and we find every reason under the sun why we can’t accomplish them. He nudges us to act, and we run. Yes, we risk far too little and so unlike Jesus, we experience little joy.

This is the value of discomfort and the redemptive value of pain. When it’s waded through with God, because He is calling you to something redemptive, there will always be a reward and deep satisfaction on the other side too. 

God’s calling and plans for your life will most likely be deeply uncomfortable at times, but you will never experience deep satisfaction without stepping into the unknown. Will you risk discomfort to experience the joy of knowing you are in the center of His will?

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit” (Jeremiah 17:7-8).

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Transformed Life

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 

Years ago, I spent a considerable amount of time in a large bookstore taking note of the titles. Most of them promised some kind of transformation: how to transform your love life, finances, business, or conversational skills. 

If you spend time talking with people and take note of what they want, everyone wants transformation because we all know that we need transforming. We all know there is something missing this side of heaven. It’s as if we know we were made for perfection, and we want to be, and do, better.   

Certainly, there’s nothing wrong with having the desire to transform your cooking or conversational skills but when it comes to internal transformation, it’s God and His love that transforms. 

Going to church and doing the right things cannot do the work of inner transformation because simply knowing what’s right cannot transform. Only being in right relationship with the Lord transforms. And then (good news!) good actions will flow from a love relationship with Him.  

In Romans 12:2, the Scripture says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

If this is true that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, how can it be that true transformation cannot be absent of love, or a love relationship with Christ? Because, it’s love working together with truth that transforms the human heart but truth minus love is just legalism. 

The Pharisees knew all the answers, but they didn’t love Jesus. They were not in a love relationship with Him, therefore their hearts remained unchanged, and they did not receive eternal life. 

1 Corinthians 13:2 says, “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”

None of us can transform our own hearts, but if you are in relationship with Christ, you will know Him and as a result you will seek Him and experience transformation. Knowing how to do what is right is not equal to being in a love relationship with Christ. But in knowing Him, you will want to obey. 

I cannot think of anything more beautiful. This means that Jesus isn’t a hard task master. He is a loving God who wants us to know Him and be in an intimate relationship with Him. He wants to know you and me. Wow. And, through knowing Him, our inner man can be transformed. What a magnificent gift. 

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Truth alive

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22

Truth applied makes us fully alive. Indeed, most people know enough truth to live a worthwhile life. They know to be honest and not lie. They know to be content and not covet another person’s house, car, or spouse. They know to be patient and wait on the Lord to do a work of grace in the life of others. They know to take responsibility and not blame someone else. They know to believe Jesus and to trust Him with their life.

If we know the truth, why do we sometimes struggle with its application? Perhaps we are self-deceived to think the truth of God's word is needed for someone else, but not for us. Truth is right and good, not just right and good for me to practice, or worse, to think I’m living it out, when I’m not. Feeling good or bad, or being educated doesn’t transform behavior. What alters our actions is an inward change expressed in outward obedience to God's word and Holy Spirit guidance. The wonderful benefit of this practical process is that truth applied makes us fully alive.

Truth is like a vaccination, that when administered, prevents us from being infected with foolish living. It is like a life-saving serum applied to sin’s poisonous snakebite, potentially healing us from relational, emotional, physical and spiritual death. There is no downside to honestly gazing into the mirror of truth—assessing our life, better yet inviting godly friends to look with you, and then by God’s grace, applying truth for change.


“Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death” (2 Corinthians 7:10).


Is there a dark area of your life that needs the bright light of truth to expose it and root it out? Are there bad attitudes and habits you blame on past pain and injustice? If so, lean into the truth and do not be satisfied until truth’s application frees you from mediocre living. Truth applied does make you fully alive—it is a dependable friend who walks with you through wise decision-making. Dismiss dishonest living and invite freedom in honest living. Ask the Lord to reveal truth to you and empower you to live out the truth.


“When you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:21-24).