Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16
Jesus, our loving Shepherd, boldly sends us out among the wolves of the world. We are commissioned by the Lord Himself not to remain in our comfort zone, always surrounded by fellow believers, but to mingle among unbelievers and even engage those hostile to our faith. We may ask if this is loving of our Lord to launch us into the world of the unlovely. Indeed, it is, as this is what love requires of us. Love requires us to reach out to the lost and the outcasts of society and to bring them into the fold of the faith. God's part is to draw the unsaved to Himself and save them. Our part is to live among the lost, model true love, and share the life-giving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sheep satisfied with only eating among themselves grow fat and self-indulgent, but sheep (believers) who eat with sinners stay spiritually alive and engaged with God’s eternal purposes. The humble and wise obey Jesus and love the lost.
Our saving Shepherd does not send us out without resources. He provides His very presence as He dwells within us, supplying abundant humility, confidence, wisdom, power and discernment. The wise walk with the Lord into unknown circumstances and people, ever dependent on Him for relational favor and insights into how to add value at work and home. We are to be wise as a serpent. How? Snakes quietly make their way, not trying to draw attention to themselves. There is wisdom in quietly, without fanfare, serving others in the name of Jesus, no expectation of recognition from people, only listening for the applause of nail-scarred hands. In addition, we are marked by the gentle and peaceful demeanor of an innocent dove. Not reacting out of fear and anger but with bridled strength, we bring calm to chaos and solutions to divisive situations. Like the dove blessing Noah’s Ark after the flood with the olive branch of God’s peace, we go forth among cultures at war with the gospel of Jesus Christ…God’s olive branch of peace and freedom for a warring world imprisoned by sin and sorrow. Humility, wisdom and quiet; loud foes.
Where is the Lord leading you that seems scary, and where you are unsure of what to do? The mission field overseas could be His call for you. A new language, a strange culture and sacrifices of time away from family and friends. But the Holy Spirit can fill you with humility and wisdom to comprehend and adjust to a new language and people. The mission field at work or in your neighborhood may be low-hanging fruit waiting for you to serve in the relational fields nearby. Pray together with other believers before work or during the lunch hour, supporting one another through life’s challenges while praying for colleagues to come to know Christ as Savior. Bible study during the day in your home blesses your neighbors by helping everyone get to know one another and grow deeper in their understanding of God and His love for them. Your home does not need to be perfect; it only needs warm hospitality that makes a person feel accepted and known.
Start by praying for the Lord to grow your humble heart and to fill your mind with His wisdom. The deeper and wider you are loved by God, the greater your capacity and desire to love people. Love cannot be contained in a heart full and overflowing with gratitude, joy, and peace. Love moves out of the familiar into the unfamiliar with a holy boldness that is attractive and effective. Where Jesus sends you…He goes with you. It is better to be on rough waters walking on the water toward Jesus than on the safe shore, absent of adventure and empty of the Spirit’s power.
“To know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:19-21,
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