Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

“So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). Here they crucified him…” John 19:16b-18a
Good Friday is really good for those who have come to the foot of the cross of Jesus, in repentance and faith. It is a commemoration for Christians of the ultimate and final sacrifice for the sins of the world. Through a cruel and grueling death, Christ gave His life with His body wreathed in pain, so the sick could be healed. He felt abandonment, so the rejected could be accepted. He knew no sin, but became sin, so sinners could be forgiven, and experience the love of God continually, and be one as He and the Father have been since the beginning of time itself.

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Oh what salvation and love the Lord’s life consummated on Calvary. Oh what forgiveness as His raspy voice reiterated. Oh what compassion that His swollen face communicated. Oh what grace that His nail pierced hands activated. Oh what good news His nail pierced feet initiated. Oh what humility His crown of thorns demonstrated.

It is Good Friday, because the good news of Jesus Christ’s love and forgiveness has been proclaimed around the world for almost two millennium. Taste and see that the Lord is good. He is good on Friday, but He is great on resurrection day because on the first day of the week He rose from the dead. Friday is good, but three days later is better, for He lives. Indeed, some who killed Him instantly recognized Him for who He was they believed.

“And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, heard his cry and saw how he died, he said, Surely this man was the son of God” (Mark 15:39)

Good Friday’s come and Good Friday’s go, but how is it with your soul? Does the cross of Christ move you to emotion are you a grateful and engaged follower of Jesus? If not, embrace and celebrate the work of the Cross, that freed us that we might recieve the promised Holy Spirit, as well as salvation simple full and free. Ask your heavenly Father to restore the joy of your salvation, or maybe, you are coming to Him for the first time in faith and trust. Surely, this man must be the Son of God who came to save you and the world from their sins.

Make today a meaningful memory of what your master Jesus did for you. Linger long in reflection of the love that flowed down, and mingled with His precious blood. See His hands, see His feet; oh what love that makes your joy complete. You serve a risen Savior, who’s in the world today He walks with you He talks with you He gave His life just for you. Good Friday is good because Jesus is good and His cross is God’s loving gift to us all.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Please be gentle

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

A gentle answer is not easy to come by in stressful situations. The pressures of life tend to push buttons that arouse our flesh, and in our own strength we say things we may later regret. It is hard not to be harsh when the weight of the world weighs us down or when we feel misunderstood or under appreciated. Indeed, this is when the gentleness of Jesus can replace our juvenile gestures. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29).
Harshness seems to hibernate in a heavy heart, awakening when it feels violated or disturbed. However, by God’s grace, a soft reply allows reason to run its course rather than passionate words that provoke insult. Emotion is kept in check by calm communication that promotes peace and understanding. Consider reaching out patiently.
“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up” (Proverbs 12:25).
If you find yourself in a heated argument, take a deep breath, step back, and pray together. It is hard to remain angry when you are on your knees confessing sin and sorrow to your Savior Jesus. Take the lead to apologize and ask forgiveness. Humility disarms explosive conversations and brings back the calm of Christ. Remind each other of Jesus’ words, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).
Lastly, a gentle word from God lowers your blood pressure and gives you a peaceful perspective. Listen to the Lord before you lash out, and His Spirit will restrain you from stupid stunts, and things that can kill a valued/important relationship. The work of the Holy Spirit in your heart moves you from harshness to holiness. Pray, “Lord, forgive me and fill me a fresh with your Spirit and anointing.” It is the fullness of the Spirit that frees you from the flesh. As a Spirit-filled believer, you smell sweet to your Savior Jesus and all who love Him.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A chance to step up

“After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him” (John 13:5).

Adversity invites leaders to lead. It is your time to trust the Lord and lead by faith, not fear. In hard times a leader asks, “Will I panic or pray?” “Will I stay calm or be sucked into the chaos?” “Will I serve the team or stay secluded in silence?” Jesus faced death, but He was determined to stay focused on His heavenly Father and the mission at hand. Adversity is an opportunity to prove the point of Providence. God is in control.
How can you use adversity to your advantage as a leader? One way is to unify the team around common objectives and goals. There is no better way to bring people together than in the fires of hardship and difficulty. In fact, you probably will not succeed without the team rising to its next level of leadership and team support. So reward creativity, because limitations lead to innovation. Lead the team to accomplish more with less. Paul said, “We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses” (2 Corinthians 6:3–4).
Moreover, use hard times to create a culture of hard work and honesty. It may mean longer hours and less pay, but sacrifice is the price to be paid for productivity. Invite honest feedback so you accurately and effectively improve process and products. Raise team expectations beyond just surviving to thriving. They look to you for leadership; so lead.
Lastly, serve at home and work with appreciation. It is easy to demand more and more while under pressure and forget to say “Thank you.” Perhaps you give the team a day off, leave a grateful voicemail, buy everyone lunch, or send flowers. Wise leaders honestly inquire, “How can I out serve others, especially in the face of misfortune?” “Where do I need to take responsibility, not blaming outside forces?” Leaders model the way.

Monday, March 25, 2013

He's working

This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. Mark 4:26-27

God’s work is not rushed or rattled. He quietly gets things done. While man sleeps, the Lord neither sleeps nor slumbers. The effective work of the Holy Spirit is not bound by human efforts. Indeed, the Spirt softens the heart, so when the word of God is sown, it grows. There is a divine dynamic taking place that may seem delayed in its outcome. For example, a child who hides hymns in his precious heart, will result in music to their ears as teenagers.

We do not always understand how or where God is at work, but we can be confident that His Spirit is on the move to grow His kingdom. He is at work in your work, since you have sown seeds of integrity; He has harvested a culture of honesty. He is at work in your single adult life: since you have sown seeds of purity, He has harvested a relationship of respect. He is at work in your finances; since you have sown seeds of generosity, He has harvested a heart of joy.

Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. Psalm 126:6

You may feel frustrated by the lack of progress in your personal finances. If so, remain faithful in sowing seeds of wise stewardship, because God is at work growing good habits in your giving, saving and spending. Consequences from unhealthy money decisions that took years to accumulate, will take time to correct. However, the Lord is working, so surround yourself with wise money managers and loving friends who model generosity. Give your way out of worry.

God is working in the hearts of friends and family who do not know Jesus. You keep sowing a life of love and one day they may love to know the Lord. As you comfort those whose hearts have been crushed, plant the seed of their need for a Savior. Tragedy makes a mind teachable to spiritual truths. Each day scatter the seed of a committed life to Christ. The Spirit will grow those around you to be more like Jesus. His quiet work never ends, one day it brings a holy harvest.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Put your best foot forward

Do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land. Numbers 13:20

Do your best and trust God with the rest. Your best in the hands of the Lord is all He needs to get done what’s needed. He can bless less than your best, but normally His favor rests on your best efforts. His blessing stays with those who remain trustworthy stewards of their time, talent, treasure, and temple. As you are faithful with what you have, the Lord may very well expand your capacity. Excellent stewardship is a low risk investment with a high return probability.

Are you in school? If so, do your best in your studies, so you develop a disciplined mind, Are you a writer? If so, do your best to write when you don’t feel like writing, trusting you can break through any writer’s block. Are your parents alive? If so, seek out a relationship of love and honor. Children who care for their parents model for their children how to become compassionate caregivers. Do your best and trust God with the rest.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Commit your free time to becoming better at what you are called to be and do. Perhaps you take a class that is a survey of the Old or New Testaments. Teach or lead, so you are more accountable to model what you tell others to do. Maybe you serve the mentally challenged and the physically handicapped in ways that make them feel special and beloved by the Lord. Do your best with the time you have and trust God with the rest that needs to get done.

Most of all concentrate on being your very best for Christ. In your thoughts, think on things that are lovely, wholesome, true, noble and without shame. With your eyes, watch images that feed your spirit with good and starve your flesh from bad. Read books and experience films that ignite your imagination with big God ideas that deepen your love for humanity. Listen to music that lifts your spirits and leads your spirit in worship. Do your best to become His very best.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Praying Spirit

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Ephesians 6:18

Prayer is not meant to be perfunctory, but powered by the Holy Spirit. When I am preoccupied and attempt to pray, I short-circuit the Spirit’s work. However, when I pray in the Spirit there is full contact with Christ,  my mind engaged,and my heart  fully focused. The flesh seeks a quick fix, but the Spirit desires a deep affection that develops over time. The Spirit is like a key that unlocks the door of my soul. He searches the rooms of my life for total trust and obedience.

Spirit led prayers flow from praise and worship to the Lord. Yes that is right praise and worship set the atmosphere for me to allow the Spirit to lead me, songs and hymns offered in humility and gratitude ignite intimacy with our Heavenly Father. He receives the prayer aroma of His children, as the sweet smell of a holy sacrifice to Him alone. The Holy Spirit is our prayer whisperer. He is able to soothe our heart and translate our cares into the language of our loving Lord Jesus. When our flesh is weak, the Spirit strengthens our spirit to pray in faith.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26
Therefore, pray on all occasions. With bowed head recognize Jesus as your provider. Before you partake of the tasty morsels, taste His grace. Pray and prepare your heart prior to a hard conversation, so any anger or harshness is replaced by patience and compassion. Pray as you think about a big decision; ask questions like, “Is my motive to glorify God?” “What counsel would I give to someone else in a similar situation?” Spirit led prayers are just that led by the Spirit.

Moreover, variety is the spice of an effective prayer life. Yes, employ a plethora of prayers that protect you from familiarity that can breed boredom. Pray for patience, so you are slow to anger. Pray for the sick, so they might be healed. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel, so the seeds of salvation will grow in the hearts of lost souls. Pray for those who suffer, so their comfort comes from Christ. Pray for forgiveness, so your heart is healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being. Ephesians 3:16

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Keep your head

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17

The helmet of salvation saves from past sin, empowers to overcome present evil and provides a future hope of Jesus coming back for His church. Salvation is much more than a moment in time conversion when a person is delivered from darkness into light. It is an ongoing experience of the Lord saving us from ourselves, saving us from sin and saving us from the enemy’s influence. The Spirit convicts, empowers, and equips us, Jesus saves us and the Father keeps us secure in Him.

Moreover, our mind is a battleground over what we believe. Unscrupulous spiritual forces seek to create confusion and vain speculation. We are wise to take every thought captive for Christ, so none of our ideas are locked up in a prison camp of lies. Like a magician presenting a false appearance of reality, so Satan seeks to play mind games that create fear or false hope. However, we wisely renew our mind daily by His cleansing word. Jesus saves us from stinking thinking.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Does God’s good plan and future hope for you fill your head? Indeed, these hopeful thoughts breed healthy thinking that leads to wise living, authentic praise, and powerful worship. You can be hopeful, because your provision is from the One who gave you the vision. You can be hopeful, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. You can be hopeful, because there is nothing that can separate you from the love of Jesus. You can be hopeful, because in Christ you have all you need, so much so that your cup will and is running over.

Therefore beloved, put on the helmet of salvation. It may look unusual to a lost world, but your outward devotion reminds them of the inner need for a Savior. Be ever vigilant to protect your mind, since a blow to the head from trashy thoughts leads to sinful behavior and possible bondage, the good news is that the truth which is supplied by wearing the helmet of salvation will set us free indeed. Submit to Him and to trusted advisors who provide checks and balances in your decision-making. Fill your mind with Christ’s mind and walk in the fullness of His blessings.

Monday, March 18, 2013


In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:16
The shield of faith is the first line of defense against the devil’s fiery arrows. It is forged on the Lord's anvil. Faith in God is the metal of faith that cannot be destroyed. The heat of adversity cannot melt it. The cold of relational conflict cannot break it, and the onslaught of suffering cannot bend it. Yes, the shield of faith is a heavenly refuge for the righteous to know and feel the assurance of God.

Do you take up your shield of faith, or do you take it for granted, while it lies on the ground, ineffective? A horizontal shield of faith is no help, but a vertical one marshals heaven’s forces. Your part is to hold onto and hold up your shield of faith; His part is to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. He extinguishes arrows of doubt with His reassuring words in Scripture and His calming presence in prayer. He extinguishes arrows of pride with your humble service.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. Psalm 28:7

Obedience is evidence of faith that is alive and engaged in God’s agenda. We know we are surrounded by spiritual support when we enlist in the Lord’s army. If we become AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) to Christ’s commands, we are exposed to the enemy’s artillery. A solo saint is easy prey for the enemy’s ploys. Therefore, we stay accountable to a community of faith (body of believers know as the church or body of Christ), who shield us from ignorance and foolish decisions. Faith needs support from friends.

Lastly, wait on God to bring reinforcements to your challenging situation. Stay in your trench of trust and the Holy Spirit will renew your spirit and give you peace and hope in the middle of the your adversary’s attacks. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength in your struggles. Take up your shield of faith and take on Satan. His arrows of deceit and discouragement are extinguished by your bold belief in God. Your shield of faith is reliable. It is insured by the Father.

Friday, March 15, 2013


And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15

The good news of the gospel is bad news for the devil and his demons. Because as followers of Jesus we have peace with God we are able to stand in the power of God. His peace reigns over a surrendered life which gives His children confidence to conquer evil foes. This quiet conviction is rooted in the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. The One who overcame death is the One who overcomes Satan. The Prince of Peace gives peace and power for spiritual battle.

Belief in the gospel keeps your feet of faith dry and warm in spiritual shoes fitted for you by Jesus. The enemy tries to create blisters of doubt on your heels, but when he irritates you, remind him that he has been crushed by Christ. Since Jesus gives you peace with God, you can be at peace with yourself, even with your enemies. Indeed, an adversary who sees you ready for spiritual battle looks for other unprepared victims. Faith footwear causes culprits to flee in fear.

When the Lord takes pleasure in anyone’s way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them. Proverbs 16:7

Moreover, make sure to help other friends and family find peace with God, so they are equipped to expose and defeat the enemies schemes. A vague belief in God is insufficient to fight a savvy spiritual foe. It is the power of the gospel that gets the attention of the adversary. When you lead another to trust in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of their sins: peace replaces pride, faith unseats fear and gratitude graduates guilt. The gospel gives us inner stability to overcome external chaos.

Yes, your feet of faith will be soiled by sin requiring washing by Christ’s cleansing grace. So, stay focused on spiritual foot care and footwear, because it is foundational in resisting unrighteousness. Invite the Holy Spirit to fit your feet in peace with His caressing comfort. You are ready to stand firm against an onslaught of lies and deception when the gospel is your reminder of why you lovingly follow Jesus. Confront bad news with the good news of God

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What's on your chest?

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place. Ephesians 6:14

The most strategic piece of spiritual armor may be the breastplate of righteousness. All other weapons are directly affected by this central defensive device for God. At salvation a new believer is made righteous in Christ, but going forward there  growth in grace that is practical righteousness lived out day by day. Indeed, the breastplate covers vital organs that give life. Likewise, holiness protects the heart of affection, the well  of emotion and the lungs of prayer.

A holy heart of affection sets its sights on loving God. These warriors of the light are enamored with their Savior’s agenda, not their own. So, when you put on the breastplate of righteousness you invite the Holy Spirit to be your suitor. Nothing else and  no one else is a close competitor in your loyalty to the Lord Jesus. Just as a pencil is unable to penetrate a steel door, so the fiery darts of the devil fall harmlessly to the ground when encountering Christ’s righteousness in you and upon you.  Make sure your armored up today.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tighten your belt

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. Ephesians 6:14

Truth supports the other weapons of spiritual warfare by providing clarity and context. Yes, God’s truth is a reality check that protects from foolish diversions, and devilish ensnarements. Wisdom from above gives courage and conviction below to stand firm for what’s right. Moral resolve results in a life girded with the belt of truth. Jesus spoke with authority because He based His teaching on truth as defined by God. Thus, spiritual armor buckled by the belt of truth is secure.
Beloved, it is necessary to know and understand truth as taught in Holy Scripture as that is the only real truth their is. The Bible is clear: The Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28), The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39), The  Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and the The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) are foundational for those who are really serious followers of Christ. The Apostle Paul’s Epistles dig deeper into the why, behind what is true. Yes, Jesus is truth, so to know Him is to know truth, as Jesus is the word (the manifested and expressed thought of God in the flesh read John 1 if you don't believe me and chew on the truth). Freedom equals understanding truth as he who the son (truth) sets free, is free indeed (John 8:36).

We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is true. And we are in Him who is true by being in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. 1 John 5:20
Furthermore, the belt of truth is a reminder to always be truthful, especially when it costs something. You may need to forfeit a financial opportunity, because truthfully, it is not a right fit for you and your family. You may fear your forthright response may jeopardize a friendship, but better to be clear in the beginning, so there are no surprises in the end. Honesty is heaven’s mandate. Therefore, tell the truth, so  all the facts are apparent to everyone. Truth tellers eventually and always earn respect.

Lastly, speak the truth in love. Direct language laced with  grace solicits a grateful and rational response. The spirit of our words is as important as their accuracy.  In other words it's not just what you say, but how you say it, as how we say what we say prepares the listener for the truth. So,we need to ask the Lord for an extra measure of humility and grace, especially if we are gifted in wisdom and discernment. The belt of truth clarifies our beliefs, so we know who we are in Christ and how we are able to stand firm by faith.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Don't feed it

“When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, ‘Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?’” (Matthew 11:2–3).

Doubt seeks to destroy our faith. It is in our discouragement—even despair—that we begin to question God. “What did I do wrong?” “Lord, did you call me to this place of confusion?” “Where is my joy and hope?” “Are you even real or just a figment of my imagination?” Left to its natural conclusion, doubt crushes our faith in Christ.

Fortunately, faith does not have to take a furlough when we are frustrated and fatigued. It is in your confinement that Christ wants to remind you of His great power. So cry out to Him in your confused circumstances, and He will earnestly listen in love. “In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears” (2 Samuel 22:7). He does not leave His loved ones alone and in doubt.

It is okay to be in doubt, but it is not okay to remain in doubt. What doubt challenges your faith in God? Is it His provision, His promises, His presence, His character, or His care? When these questions assault your confidence in Christ, take a step back and review His track record. The reality of your salvation sets you on the productive path of peace and forgiveness. Answered prayer over the years is proof enough of His love and concern.

Furthermore, use this temporary time of distrust to go deeper with Jesus. The pressure you feel on all sides is your Savior’s way of soliciting your attention. When in doubt, seek out the Lord, learn to love Him completely, and discern more fully His profound promises. Use doubt to dig deeper into the truth of Scripture; marinate your mind. “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8).

When in doubt, stay steadfast in seeking out your Savior. Wait on Him, especially when you wonder what is next. Where there is true faith there may be a mixture of unbelief; so remain faithful, even when questions manipulate your faith. Perseverance will one day free you as a stronger and more-committed follower of Christ. See Jesus for who He is. Doubt dissolves in His reassuring presence. Doubt starves to death when it is not fed.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Overcoming struggle

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

Spiritual struggle is a normal process in the life of a saint. There is pressure from unholy, unseen forces that force their agenda of doubt, lies and temptation onto God fearers. Unrighteous influences do not rest until they make believers in Jesus restless in their faith. Evil authorities of darkness look for ways to create fear in the face of uncertainty. Demons laugh when they can pit good people against one another, as a divided Kingdom can't stand. They try to confuse Christians stuck in their spiritual struggle.

When we are in our spiritual struggle we ought to move closer to Christ. He sympathizes with our challenges, because He was tempted as we are, yet without sin. The Lord is our holy advocate who defeats unholy spiritual forces for His namesake. Yes, Jesus has broken the devil’s power over life and death. Like a roaring lion, Satan still tries to intimidate and manipulate us into a fearful panic, but Christ is King. He has tamed the toothless tyrant. Thus, our Savior is with us as we struggle.

Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:31

In your search for spiritual reality and stability avoid false teachers and spiritists who call up the dead, for they are dead wrong. The occult, astrology and horoscopes are a spiritual sham that only feed fanciful living, and create greater frustration and a wider chasm between us and the Lord. Your heart hungers for help, but you are wise to protect it from spiritual junk food. Satisfy your soul’s appetite with healthy routines. Engage in a Bible believing church, daily meditate on Scripture in prayer and meet regularly in fellowship with the saints.
If you struggle alone in your spiritual quest you will miss God’s best. However, when you have a safe environment to share with other struggling saints, you will see Jesus in them. The Holy Spirit works through other submitted followers of God to give you comfort when you are hurting and wisdom when you are unsure. Like an army’s squad of twelve, surround yourself with loyal comrades who watch your back. Prayers of righteous friends frustrate the devil and his demons. Your struggles subside as you feel peace from prayer support and when your hope is in Christ

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

He is my strength

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10

A body fails for lack of strength, but the human spirit is sustained by strength in God. Beloved, God our Savior takes us from strength to strength. His strength gives spiritual discernment to dismiss temporal taunts of discouragement and provides us with insight to embrace eternal encouragement. Yes, the world offers weakness. Guilt and shame from sinful activity is exhausting, but prayer and perseverance in righteousness are rejuvenating to the soul and spirit. God’s strength gives focus to walk in wise ways, and become more than a conqueror.

Have the wiles of the devil worn you down? Has uncertainty rattled your faith? If so, lean on the Lord and tap into His everlasting strength. Faith in Him will get you through another day and He will arm you with courage to face future temptations. Jesus gives you enough strength for today and you can still trust Him with the cares of tomorrow. Hope in the Lord will renew your strength. Like an IV tube channels liquid nutrients to the body, so hope gives stamina to the soul.

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

Those in power succeed well when they depend on Divine power for their success. His mighty power gives us wisdom to know the best decisions to make. His mighty power delivers us from disease and gives us determination to overcome injustice. His mighty power empowers us with inner energy to toil on when we are tired and say no to sin when we are tempted. Indeed, God’s tower of power suffers no outages, it’s live 100% of the time! He gives us power to share Jesus.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

No shortcuts

When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle.   Exodus 13:17-18

Beloved please understand that shortcuts are seductive because they are appealing and inviting. Shortcuts caress our pride, stroke our ego, and garner immediate gratification. We sometimes seek shortcuts while driving (I know I do), preparing for school exams, career advancement, marriage maturity, parenting skills, financial success, and Lord knows in our spiritual development. Shortcuts are attractive to our clever side because we think that, with enough ingenuity and smarts, we can bypass the normal rite of passage.

However, the downside of shortcuts is that their promise of a faster way may be short-circuiting God’s best. Just because it is easier does not qualify it as the will of God, as most things God calls us to isn't easy, as anything God calls you too will take being dependent on God, trusting in God, and relying on His power. In fact, ease of execution may be evidence against God’s will. Instead, a season of suffering may be His plan (1 Peter 4:19).

So, do not depend on circumstances alone as the compass of where God is leading you. You may feel pressure from people, pride, politics, or finances to take the most expedient route. But be careful because expedience can be an excuse for the impatient and the distrusting. If you miss this opportunity there will be others, for God is much bigger than this one deal. Do not underestimate His wisdom in taking you through this laborious and sometimes painful process. It will be worth the wait because it is the process that is preparing you for His next steps, and it is making your stronger and more mature. If you rush through the process you may miss God’s best.

Many times, He is unconventional in His approach. This is the nature of God, for He will not be hemmed in or backed into a corner. Cut God some slack by giving Him the latitude to lead you however and wherever He desires. Just because a friend of yours went down a similar road does not mean you should follow. God’s will for you may be just the opposite. One thing is for sure: He will get the glory when we are patient to follow Him in trust and obedience. God’s glory is our goal (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Since the glory of God is our objective, keep God’s glory as our litmus test, and our other initiatives will take care of themselves. The shortcut is tempting, but it may be more complicated than we can comprehend for now. Its complexity will certainly compound if we have to backtrack from the shortcut and start all over again. It is much better to wait and do this once and for all. There will certainly be adjustments along the way, but have faith in God that He is facilitating His will even if some of your questions remain unanswered. He’s got your back even though the enemy may be breathing down your neck and whispering words of doubt. God is in control. It is much better to take the longer route with God than the shorter one without Him.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A little humble pie please

Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food” (Proverbs 12:9).

Unpretentious living is an invitation to down-to-earth interaction with others. Rest and relaxation attend to those who are true to themselves without acting like someone they are not. However, pretentious speech and behavior require extra energy to engage with their environment. Contentment is illusive and intimacy is an illusion. Most individuals become the most stressful when they feel I have to live up to something or be someone I am not, which can happen often in the life of the church where people will have greater expectation for you then they have for themselves, and even greater than the Lord Himself has for you.

Moreover, when you are real, not fake, your friends feel the freedom to be the same. You give off energy instead of forever sucking it from others. In honesty I often ask myself, “Am I being myself, or am I trying to dress, talk, drive a certain car, or live in a high-status neighborhood that is motivated by a need to be somebody I am not?” Pretense is birthed out of pride, but humility is the fruit of unpretentious living.

Jesus is clear, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 14:11 nasb). In Christ you are somebody. High or low net worth, small or large home, new or used car, prestigious university or common college, in Him you are somebody. You are somebody to your Savior Jesus.

The Bible says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Out of your simple faith and modesty, the Lord takes center stage of your life. Humility positions you to point people to heaven. Therefore, keep your life unencumbered so people can see your Savior shine forth. Ask yourself, “Whom am I trying to impress, people I really do not know or the Lover of my soul, Jesus?”

Friday, March 1, 2013

We have this hope

Love always hopes. 1 Corinthians 13:7

Love is hopeful because it is fixed on Jesus for its assurance. It is a healthy optimism based on the promises of God. Love only loses hope if the Lord loses His way, but He is the Way, so we know He is never lost, which also qualifies Him to show us the way. There is no way Christ would lead His children astray. He is a rock of refuge and truth for a Christian’s compass of faith. Indeed, love finds a hopeful path through listening prayer. It’s in moments of quiet solitude that the Holy Spirit quiets the soul with His reassuring presence. Love hopes in Him.

Has your hope been shaken by circumstances that rocked your world? If so, retreat to a safe place with your Savior and invite Him to calm your spirit with His sensitive love. Your hope becomes unshackled from fear when your loving Lord Jesus comforts your heart. Human love has its limits, but His is limitless. Your heavenly Father’s love has never failed the test of providing hope that perseveres. His Spirit whispers, “It will be ok, I am with you, be hopeful.”

Your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3

Furthermore, you are a pass through for heaven’s hope. Those around you hunger for hope in life after death. Their soul thirsts for salvation and eternal security in their Savior Jesus. In their quest for authentic assurance you love well when you share with seekers Christ’s commands. Hope humans provide is riddled with inconsistency, but God’s hope is rooted in consistency. You love when you share the hope of heaven. Hope fills a heart that hears you lovingly pray for them.

Hope is alive and well, because Christ is alive and well. He rose from the grave to become a living hope for all who embrace His resurrection. His love did not end in giving His life, but it culminated by Him coming back to life. Hallelujah our hope is in our risen and living Lord Jesus. Hope and love can never die, because Jesus is alive for evermore. Our hope is based on the two greatest historical events (the Cross and Resurrection) that exhibited the greatest love ever. Therefore, we can love someone today by helping them find hope in God. Love hopes in Him