Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Sound choices

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Making wise choices can be difficult, yet as followers of Jesus, we have an ever-dependable resource to discern the best choice. The Spirit of God living within us will help us discern the truth and application of God’s Word for our lives. Yet, reverence is required as we approach divinely inspired Scripture. The Bible is not to be toyed with as a book of wisdom to justify irreverent behavior; rather, the very words are laced with the love of the Lord to be meditated on and digested into our being. And with this attitude of holy worship, we are approved by God. 

Timothy’s mentor, Paul, clearly states that diligence to first submit to and be approved by God is necessary to hear and understand God. Just as we are diligent in our work and relationships to be thorough and to love well, even more so, we must consistently invest time and energy in understanding timeless truths. Diligent study waits, prays, and pursues God’s wisdom to understand and apply the best choices. God blesses a life that desires choices that honor Christ.

Wisdom based on God’s truth becomes yours through study and suffering. Not just saying out loud what someone else said, but allowing the Spirit to embed truth into your very being. Oswald Chambers speaks to this idea of owning your own truth,

Your position is not really yours until you make it yours through suffering and study. The author or speaker from whom you learn the most is not the one who teaches you something you didn’t know before, but the one who helps you take a truth with which you have quietly struggled, give it expression, and speak it clearly and boldly. 

Indeed, truth struggled over becomes wisdom you can apply to make wise choices. 

I am learning that life and the Lord sometimes limit my choices. Financial limitations, time limitations, capacity limitations, physical limitations, or limitations from adhering to values and principles core to who I am in Christ. The benefit of having limited choices is not being overwhelmed by too many options or being tempted to do something that would not have the best outcomes over time. Does buying more stuff really align with God’s best, or is my financial limitation of not being able to afford extra assets protecting me from not missing out on better opportunities to serve others or love my family in a less distracted manner? If a job opportunity requires more time or travel than I have the capacity, then it is better to say no and trust the Lord will open another door in His timing. The Spirit speaks through my limitations, so embracing the wisdom of this guarded reality is wise. Limitations focus and help me better discern God’s best. 

So maybe you self-impose some limitations on your life, so your decision-making is set up for success. Screen time requires guardrails if you want to grow relationally healthy with your family, friends, and colleagues. Food and drink invite you into overindulgence without rules of engagement for your consumption habits. I admire the Orthodox faith tradition that follows a regular routine of fasting throughout the year to draw closer to God. Orthodox leader Father Stavros N. Akrotirianakis shares his fasting sentiments. “Fasting is not about giving up something only to get it back. Fasting is about getting control of our passions, maintaining control over them, and ultimately giving control of ourselves to God.” Perhaps the Lord is leading you into a rhythm of regular fasting to be set free from fleshly passions to be more passionate in your spiritual pursuits. Making wise choices is a blend of your part and God’s part. Stay humble and teachable, and choose Christ first, and the Spirit will lead you to wise choices.

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