Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Emotional check

 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32

While the internet is a useful tool to share encouragement, kindness and love, have you also noticed there’s a whole lot-o hate online? People shaming one another, lashing out, and using sarcasm and bullying to put down one another. We as believers prayerfully realize that such division grieves God’s heart.

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity” (Psalm 133:1)!

Maybe we’ve been on the receiving end of someone’s unkind, or even blatantly nasty, sentiments, or perhaps we’ve gotten angry and lashed out at others now and then too. Regardless of which describes us, maybe we feel we need to do better; we need to either love more when we are attacked, or we need to be slow to get angry and slow to respond. 

The good news is that as believers in Christ we have the amazing honor of bringing peace into the world by how we relate to others, off and on social media. And (good news) our responses can bring us peace too. 

I would like to encourage you with some positive actions to take when online exchanges become unpleasant.   

The first thing to remember is not to allow our negative emotions to boss us around. The minute we allow any ungodly feelings to guide us in our response to someone who has been unkind or insulting, the other person immediately has control over us. And when they have control over us, we will not be productive in solving the relational problem at hand because our emotions will blind us to what is really happening. Additionally, we will also not be able to be a good witness for Christ. 

So, this means that when someone comes against you with an insult, or expresses an opinion with which you strongly disagree, you may feel angry, and you may want to lash out, but you must remember not to give your emotions permission to rule the show. 

James 1:19 says, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry . . .”

When someone insults you or says something rude, your immediate response may be to quickly tap out a nasty message back and tell them how horrible, rude, uninformed, ignorant, or stupid they are. You may be tempted to share an “enlightening” sarcastic statement to put them in their place.

But this is not the way of the wise. Instead, being wise means being slow to answer. Being slow in this way will give you the space you need to decide what to do; it will help you clearly assess what the person means, and it will keep you from being blinded by strong ungodly feelings.  

So instead of immediately responding, get up out of your chair or move away from your phone and let the situation sit for a while. Things often make more sense later when we walk away so our emotions can cool down. While we are waiting to respond, ask God to provide you with insight into the situation and what the person said. Then ask Him what to say. Perhaps you can respond in such a way that brings light, wisdom, and grace into the interaction. Or, perhaps the Lord will show you that you shouldn’t respond at all as some people only want to wrangle and there can never be peace with them.

Always remember “emotions are like children. It’s OK to let them ride in the car with you, but do not let them drive.” or feelings are like a cold you catch them but eventually get over them, and if you don't it can eventually kill you. When it comes to dealing with negative online interactions, how true these statement are. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Love leads us

 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Psalm 23:1-3

I read a story about 1,500 sheep in Turkey who went over a cliff, simply because one sheep decided to jump and all the others, one at a time, decided to follow. Interestingly, only 400 of the sheep actually died, with the other 1,100 having their fall cushioned by the first 400. Crazy as this story may seem and sound, it perfectly speaks to our need for a shepherd in our lives.

The word of God often uses sheep and shepherding imagery, with us as the sheep and the Lord as our Good Shepherd. Interestingly, the word of God never makes the point that we are stupid like sheep. We are made in the image and likeness of God, yet we are in desperate need of someone to lead us, and active and intentional leading is precisely what a good faithful shepherd is called to do.

I admit that my severely limited experience with livestock distorts my understanding of the shepherd’s role. I think of shepherds as fairly passive people, taking a nap under a tree on a sleepy afternoon while the sheep graze idly in the field. If I’m honest, poems like Psalm 23 play into this vision, with its singsong poetry that calms and soothes the soul, causing me to miss the fundamentally active nature of that psalm: “he leads me beside still waters.”

A shepherd’s primary job is one of leading, guiding, and protecting those under their care. From the sheep’s perspective, this may often feel confusing and even frustrating, yet if we believe that the shepherd is good and trustworthy, he will lead us to places that we, in and of ourselves, are unable to go. He will show us streams of living water that we would never have known existed had he not led us there.

Following Jesus in this season, for us, may feel painful and confusing. We may want to resist and push against the arduous and treacherous path He has us on. Remember this: Jesus isn’t here to simply validate our decisions or preferred future. He knows our “wisdom” may lead us straight off a cliff. No, He’s here to lead us and at times will ask us to do hard things. We must count the cost of discipleship and choose daily to surrender to Him and learn the freedom that comes from following Him as he leads.