Thursday, July 4, 2024

1st things 1st

 First Things First

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

Whenever I feel like my life is out of sync, I have to be reminded of what my priorities are. It is

so easy to get consumed by everyone else’s agenda around you. You can feel like you have

accomplished nothing although you have been busy all week. Beloved, I must be honest with

you. It is not material things I want most from God. I want what money cannot buy. I want

God’s righteousness, His peace, His joy, His love, His purity and perfection, His mind, His

kingdom. I am at a place in my life where I don’t have time for foolish pursuits and wasted time

on people who just want to play with life. I want to be everything God ordained for me to be. In

order for that to occur, I must put the first things first.

Our verse tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Sounds like a

big chase doesn’t it? How can I go after something I cannot see? How can I be motivated to

pursue something I have never touched? The kingdom of God and his righteousness cannot be

obtained physically nor through my intellect. I must open my heart and mind and pray for God

to come in. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit according to I Corinthians 6:19. The

temple is the place God wants to dwell. The first thing I must do is invite Him in. I can simply

pray, “Lord you are welcomed in my mind, body, and soul. I totally surrender all of me to you

this day in Jesus’ name, AMEN.” Beloved if you pray like this today, you are putting first things

first. Then all of the other things that Matthew 6 alludes to will be yours.

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