Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9, NKJV
God desires all to know Christ through repentance, forgiveness, faith, and intimacy. Jesus came the first time to earth as our Savior. After His resurrection, as He ascended back to heaven, He promised to return. Christ will come again as our judge. However, our heavenly Father’s patient mercy delays His son’s return. Jesus waits, so the unredeemed have time to believe and become sons and daughters of the His. God’s will is salvation in Jesus.

Like the door to Noah’s ark eventually closed, so our opportunity to trust Christ is slowly slipping away. The flood waters of judgment will one day drown us in death. Will we be ready? Salvation and safety can only be found in our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord’s patient love invites us to repent, trust and not perish. Yes, we still have time to warn others of the judgment to come. Some will mock, others will act apathetic, but a few will find refuge in Jesus.

Moreover, the patience of our Lord is the model for us to follow. We are surrounded by a sea of those who need salvation. They are drowning in their sin and sorrow. By offering them the life preserver of faith, hope and love that is found in Jesus we can rescue the perishing. A life preserver is useless unless it is deployed. Therefore, we pray daily how we might bless those we encounter with a buoyant belief in Jesus Christ. Once saved, we help others be saved.

Lastly, regularly receive the Lord’s great love, so you can be a great lover. When you are loved well by Jesus, you can love well for Jesus. Love is patient. Love is kind. Patience and kindness are twins that draw the lost into a loving relationship with Jesus. People away from Christ, have no context for Christ, so be kind. An unsaved soul is an insecure soul, so be patient. We know a better way to salvation than do strangers. God’s will is for those without faith to find faith.

Let us continue to grow in Christian maturity and love.
Come join us Saturdays at 6:30pm for our "Sanctified Saturdays with the Savior" at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va. an hour of power.  I look forward to seeing you there.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Basic instructions before leaving earth

They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read. Nehemiah 8:8
The Lord instructs individuals from His Word the Bible. His gift of an instruction manual for living is necessary to know how to live life purposefully. If we wonder what is the wise thing to do, we look into the pages of Scripture and learn from those who made smart and foolish decisions. Yes, people who already experienced what we have not experienced can show us what to do and what not to do. The Bible is full of practical teachings that demand our attention.

However, it takes our intentionality to be instructed well. The education process in eternal matters engages our heart and mind. So we learn, not to impress with our new found information, but to humbly apply insights for living. We are not just moved by emotion, but we are moved to make Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives. We grow intensely attentive to the Holy Spirit’s work the more we grow in understanding of Scripture. Instruction frees us from ignorant assumptions.

"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" (Proverbs 9:9-10).

Moreover, wise are we to learn from those who study and give clear meaning to the inspired written word of the Lord. Seek to sit under those who rightly divide the word of truth. Find those absent of pretense in their presentation and who instruct out of weakness from their own struggles. Clear teaching comes from one who is clear about their own propensity to sin. Yes, those who instruct well in the ways of God, walk in the ways of God. Learn from a humble heart.

We know we are attentive to instruction from God’s Word, if we read and apply Holy Scripture. We gain insight, as we read books that give fresh meaning to ancient writings. We are preceptive when we discuss the life principles we are learning with other honest individuals who help us refine our thinking. Regular attendance at a church that gives practical understanding of the Bible is an indicator of our attentiveness. Most of all, humbly learn from the Spirit’s instruction.

Let us continue to grow in Christian maturity and love
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Monday, April 7, 2014

When it seems like joy is gone

Joy has gone from our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning. Lamentations5:15
What happens when the joy is gone? It’s not fun anymore. What we are experiencing is not what we signed up for. Indeed, a joyless state is not a good place to stay over a prolonged period of time. It may be that you just lost a loved one suddenly,without warning. You grieve because of your tremendous loss, but their great gain is that they knew Jesus. It is not unusual for joy to rise from the ashes of our grief. Joy does come at dawn after the dark night of the soul. Your heart laments and longs for one more conversation and warm embrace from the dear one departed to heaven. But joy comes when you know they are with Jesus.
Jesus and joy go hand in hand. He understands that joy comes from obedience and faithfulness to God’s call. It was for the joy that was set before Him that He endured the cross and despised its shame according to Hebrews 12:2. Consider Christ, along with His model of endurance and obedience, in the middle of opposition and persecution. Do not grow weary and lose heart. The Lord is your lesson in joyfulness. Jesus never forgot the bigger picture of hope for a better tomorrow.  Just the thought of what God has promised us and provided for us in Christ brings a smile to the face of the faithful. Joy is set before us in the person of Jesus Christ, reigning on His throne of grace. It is imperative that we stay fixed on Him. Our faith flees when it loses perspective from the Prince of Peace. Joy is found in Jesus. He wrote the book on experiencing joy in the midst of misery.
Joy, at the very least, lies dormant within every disciple of Jesus Christ. Therefore, awaken it from its slumber if you have slid into a joyless state. Look to the Lord for an infusion of His eternal joyfulness. Joyfulness is found in His hopefulness. Do not allow joy killers to rob you of hope and peace. A naysayer will always be around to remind you of his reality. But for the follower of Jesus Christ, a definition of reality without hope is wrong.

Reject joyless jabs from revisionists of a hopeless reality. Instead, seek out companions of Christ set on seeing Him as the joy giver. Jesus gives us joy. Navigate toward His lighthouse of love, and enjoy Jesus. You know His love; this is joy. You know His forgiveness; this is joy. You know His faithfulness; this is joy. You know His mercy; this is joy. Joy is not based on changing circumstances, but on knowing an unchanging Christ. Seek Him in your sad state, and you will not have to search far for joy. When you find Jesus you have found joy. Confusion will try to keep you from Christ, but want of joy motivates you to your Master. Make joy a juggernaut of obedience in your relentless pursuit of Him. Give joy to the world. Giving joy brings joy. Thus, receive Jesus and give Jesus, because He is joy, and the joy of the Lord is our strength.

Let us continue to grow in Christian maturity and love.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Friday, April 4, 2014

Good business

What you are doing is not right. Shouldn’t you walk in the fear of our God... Give back to them immediately their fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, and also the interest you are charging them. Nehemiah 5:9, 11
The best business practices are founded on the fear of the Lord. The Lord God Almighty, not the almighty dollar, is the standard for doing business. Just because the majority support an unseemly brand of commerce, does not give Christ followers permission to do the same. A Christian business leader can be shrewd without being selfish. They can take advantage of an economic opportunity without exploiting individuals. Best business practices are based on generosity, not greed; giving more than consuming.

Nehemiah rebukes the business leaders of his day for monetarily kicking their people while they were down. During the famine crisis those with more took all from those who were starving, in exchange for food. Desperate times expose the desperate to exploitation. However, for those who love Christ it is our opportunity to be Jesus by giving, not taking. A person who has fallen needs a lift up, not a push down. Best business practices help those in need with economic solutions.

If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest. Exodus 22:25

Regardless of the industry, we can exemplify integrity. If ministers, we can model care for the poor. If bankers, we can offer full disclosure in our financial dealings. If manufacturing, we can constantly upgrade the safety conditions of the workplace. If insurance, we can reward policy holders who have an excellent claims history. If a service company, we can exceed the expectations of the customer. If medical, we can offer affordable healthcare. If education, we can maximize technology. In all work sectors we have daily opportunities to employ best practices.

Furthermore, by God’s grace create a culture of generosity in your company. A company known for giving back to the community will be supported by the community. A generous leader is worth following. Much better to be known as a benevolent George Bailey than a crusty old penny pinching Mr. Potter. Most of all look to God who is the ultimate Giver of all things good, beginning with His son Jesus. Best business practices have their genesis in God.

Let us continue to grow in Christian maturity and love.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Handling Ridicule

They mocked and ridiculed us. “What is this you are doing?” they asked. “Are you rebelling against the king?” I answered them by saying, “The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding. Nehemiah 2:19-20
Sometimes servants of God are mocked and ridiculed for their sincere service. Jealous are those who feel like they may lose control and their influence ignored. The cynic does not sit still when their assumptions are challenged. They attack people’s motives and attempt to label their enemies as rebels. Hate demonizes good people and tries to discredit anyone who disagrees with them. Mockers rage when the righteous work without listening to their critic’s complaints.

How should we handle intimidation from jealous schoolmates, co-workers or neighbors? One approach is to see critics as heavenly sandpaper meant to refine our intent into integrity. Like a master wood craftsman meticulously smooths away any rough edges with their tool of the trade, so God’s Spirit uses coarse words to purify our motives. If only 1% of a skeptic’s scorn is accurate, it can scrub our soul, so it shines for our Savior Jesus. Ridicule is proof God’s work is at hand.

Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults; whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse. Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you.  Proverbs 9:7-8

It is futile to attempt to reason with a mocker. Their mind is made up, unable to change unless Christ does a mental miracle, and heart surgery. Their view of the world is set, so we waste the Lord’s precious time if we try to change their mind. We just invite additional abuse and insults if we argue with our agitators. The harsh reality is some human beings are beyond being convinced for now. Pray for them and avoid harboring anger against them. Forgive and stay focused on Christ’s calling.

Furthermore, remain faithful where the Lord has you. Persevere in prayer at your work. Rebuild, by loving unconditionally, a relationship that once was robust with joy. Rebuild your reputation, by doing what you say. Start over in faith your business or ministry that was ravished by an economic storm. Rebuild where God is working. He will bring you success. Ignore the noise of loud mockers and persuasive ridiculers.

Come worship with me at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va. First Baptist Chesterbrook.  Also tune into for "Life Notes" and "Kingdom Impact" Monday through friday at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm.  Let us continue to grow in Christian maturity.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on