Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The seeking soul

Little children, I am with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, now I also say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’ John 13:33 NASB

Our soul seeks a Savior, it longs for a relationship with the Lord. Our soul (mind, will and emotions) deeply desires peace of mind, assurance of doing God’s will/purpose and the joy of being unconditionally loved. At creation God breathed life into man and made him a living soul (see Genesis 2:7). 

Thus, we need an ongoing infusion of life from the author and giver of life or we live life in vain. We seek Christ for comfort in our pain and for power to overcome sin, death and the devil. Our soul seeks eternal outcomes.

Beloved Jesus knew the fragile faith of His disciples, so He prepared them for His imminent cross and resurrection. They could not come to Jesus in the parenthesis between His death and rising from the grave. However, once Christ came alive their souls were made alive. The Holy Spirit filled them with hope and holy boldness. Even in the moment of the disciples’ denial, Jesus did not deny them. He knew deep in their souls they wanted to see Him again. Seeking souls find God.

“Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God” (1 Chronicles 22:19).

So, how can our souls seek out the things of God? One way is to understand His ways and obey. Like migratory birds moving south for the winter, our saved souls instinctively gravitate toward the warmth of God’s love. If a soulless animal can expose itself to healthy environments, how much more should a human soul? The Holy Spirit is our spiritual sonar that desires to lead our every move. We set our coordinates on Christ and by faith we lock onto Him.

Have you sought the world’s stuff only to reach a disappointing destination? Indeed, we all seek something, but fulfillment is only found from faith in Jesus Christ. Seek God at church and enjoy His presence in praise and worship. Seek the Spirit in prayer, ask for wisdom and discernment and He will reveal the best course of action. Seek your heavenly Father and He will love and support you. Seek Christ for His resurrection power and He will embolden your obedience and grow your faith. Release your soul to seek the things of God and you will find Him faithful.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The word of the Lord

The word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you. 1 Peter 1:25

What does it mean to get a word from the Lord? It means that God, in His infinite wisdom, personalizes His principles for each of His children. The Bible is a love letter delivered to each disciple of Jesus for his or her unique situation and life. A word from the Lord gives hope in the face of discouragement, wisdom for understanding, and courage to confront injustice. The word of the Lord planted in the human heart are seeds of faith for the soul.

We are blessed when we seek counsel from the wise, but when we receive direction from God in His Word, we can rest secure. The Bible is the baseline for our beliefs and behavior. It is the first and the final say for faith-based Kingdom living. A day without scriptural intake for our spirit is like missing three meals for our body. God’s Word nourishes our soul, is a trailblazer for truth, and leads us into His very best for our life. His Holy Spirit brings to life the pages of His Word in prayer. Study to know the truth, then listen to apply the truth. Scripture gives stamina to our faith.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Beating temptation

Because He himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted. Hebrews 2:18

Temptation illustrates our struggle to remain true to God and His will, or to take pleasure in doing life our way. “All Of Grace,” not “I Did It My Way” is a sample epitaph for a loyal disciple of Jesus. Like a faithful spouse who rebuffs the flirtatious overtures of a individual not their own, so we are a faithful bride of Christ when we reject the advances of sin’s attractiveness. It may feel good to our body and emotions to give in, but our soul knows better. It is the superior standard we obey.

Temptation is not a sin, but it can lead to sin. More than likely, as long as we are breathing we will be tempted. Thus, we are wise not to take pleasure in temptation for this is a slippery slope to sin. Why traffic near the edge of sin’s darkness, when we can travel on God’s brightly lit highway of love. The neon signs of sin flash with their dark backdrop promising fun, while leaving undisclosed the cost of capitulation to Christ-less living. Reckless risks lead to regret. Don’t say, ‘It’s just one time,’ or ‘No one will find out.’ Guilty feelings make good guardians.

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin” (Hebrews 4:16).

Furthermore, the most effective deterrent to falling into temptation is falling more in love with Jesus. We want to be with Him, because we love Him. We want to please Him, because we love Him. We want to be admired by Him, because we love Him. We want to obey Him, because we love Him. We want to remain faithful to Him, because we love Him. We want to walk with Him and walk away from sin, because we love Him. Our mature and growing love for Jesus leads us away from temptation and into wise choices. Love desires not to disappoint the object of its affection.

So, how do we grow in our love for Christ? Similar to a growing marriage relationship, it takes intentionality. Intentional with our time, so we compare calendars weekly and schedule time to be together. Intentional with our emotions, so we develop skills to better understand each other. Intentional with our intellect, so we learn together. Read the gospels and enter into the story as one of the characters. What do you feel? Ask the Spirit to reveal what you need to know about Jesus. The more you get to know Him, the more you love Him. Temptation melts in fear, in the face of your love for God. When tempted--love for the Lord looks for and finds His way out.

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Gotta get these gains

But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:7-8

In God’s economy some of our greatest gains come from and with losses. Our family dynamic takes a loss at a wedding as we lose a son or daughter in marriage, yet we gain a daughter-in-love or son-in-love. We lose a corporate job, but gain an opportunity to influence a smaller enterprise for God’s Kingdom. We lose our health, but gain a realization of the brevity and importance of the life we have. We become much more intentional in matters of faith and eternity. We lose an opportunity because we lacked peace, but gain one that excites our imagination.

Beloved what have you lost that needs repair or replacement? If it’s your reputation, lean into the Lord to restore your character. As you walk with Christ in integrity you will gain a good name that is many times more valuable than gold. Maybe you made a hard decision that caused you to lose a long term relationship. You may have gained their respect and one day they may truly desire to know you at a deeper emotional level. God’s gains far exceed our losses.

Furthermore, the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord is our greatest gain. We clamor to see celebs, pastors and presidents, while all the while the King of Kings and Lord of Lords kindly waits to love us and spend time in fellowship with us. No need for us to gain access to God. He has given us the full privilege of being with Him and knowing Him anytime, anywhere. No secret service agents to overcome, because the blood of our Savior Jesus has already overcome. By faith we gain God.

What we give up to gain God are trinkets in His Kingdom. We give up the trinket of distrust and  gain trust. We give up the trinket of striving and gain our Savior’s safety, peace and security. We give up the trinket of people’s approval and gain our Father’s warm acceptance, security and compassion. The exchange rate of our culture’s currency offers us losses for our gains, but Christ’s currency gives us gains for our losses, His true riches. What we lose for the Lord is great gain, never to be lost.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

God's plan

A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure. Proverbs 16:9, 

God places His plan in the heart and mind of man. Indeed, His divine desires are meant to manage the motivations of believers. We can be confident as we walk with Christ that He will fill our conscience with His will, and His course of action. Like a meandering river, we normally make our way through life not knowing for certain what’s around the next bend, but we keep believing in the goodness of God to guide us. We plan and trust God’s hand to point us in the right direction.

So, why plan if the Lord is sovereign, all knowing and all powerful? We plan, and in the process we hope to better understand God’s plan. It is an exercise of faith in our Lord to show us the next step and movement in His will and way. Planning is good stewardship and keeps us from presuming on God’s favor. In a similar way, an earthly father wants to support a son or daughter who seeks to steward their time with a vision for their life, so the Lord wants to resource a prayerful plan.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).

What in your life needs a plan? Perhaps you settle on a college major, even though you are still unsettled. Healthcare, financial management, relational care, career advancement and family goals all take time to think through and write out the first few next steps. Better to have an imperfect plan than to wait irresponsibly for a perfect plan. We plan the best we can and trust the Holy Spirit with what we don’t understand. Thankfully the Lord makes sure our unsure steps.
Furthermore, our Lord will direct our steps after we take the first step of faith. Like a child learning to walk we will stumble and fall, but our loving Father will pick us up and encourage us to continue on in His strength with His guidance through His Spirit. The Holy Spirit can better direct a life actively moving forward by faith, than one passively stuck in fear or apathy. We pray the Spirit reveals His plans while we adjust our plans to His. God can bless a mess, but normally He blesses a plan.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Down yet not out

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Sometimes life knocks us down. Like a boxer drops to one knee after a punch from his opponent, we can be struck down by insensitive souls or untimely trials. A critical evaluation of our work can feel like a jab to our face. A friend’s decision to walk away from their family is like a kick in the stomach. Financial pressure, relational stress, physical illness and religious persecution can all take a toll on our soul like a hook to the solar plexus. Even if we fall on our face, God’s grace lifts us up. We may be down, but not out.

When we find ourselves down, it means the Lord is up to something. When we are on our backs, we look up to Him for hope. When we are stressed, our Savior gives us a refuge of rest. When we hurt He heals. When we drift, He disciplines. Our heavenly Father does not abandon us when others walk away. Disappointment drags us down toward despair, but Christ lifts us up and repairs our broken heart, vision, and dreams. A transition may feel long, but He grows our faith through it. Down, but not out.

“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them--yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me” (1 Corinthians 15:10).

Society's mores that once reflected righteousness may give way to unrighteousness, but the Lord still reigns. The Body of Christ may suffer a black eye from our judgmental attitudes and apathy toward sin. But God’s influence has not been extinguished. The church is blemished because it is made up of imperfect people. Its reputation is bruised but the Lord’s reputation is without question. Jesus lifts up His bride, the church, to bring Him glory.

Therefore, we look to the Lord to lift us up. Since God inhabits the praises of His people, we praise Him in the middle of our malaise. As we lift Him up in worship our heavenly Father lifts us up in His love and sweet fellowship. By faith, Christ comforts our downcast soul. Thus, we persevere through trials. We don’t give up, because Jesus lifts us up. We take a step back for Him to prepare our hearts, then we move forward confidently in His strength. Down, but not out.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


The rest of their brothers (the priests and the Levites and all who had returned from the captivity to Jerusalem) began the work, appointing Levites twenty years of age and older to supervise the building of the house of the Lord.  Ezra 3:8

Transitions are hard, even good ones. But sometimes it is time to move out and move on. God may be calling you back to a particular city or town for you to influence old and new friends for Christ. Or He may be calling you to a brand new endeavor full of wonder and risk. Either way, your transition is what is best for His kingdom and for your spiritual growth. Transitions are a time to trust the Lord, His timing, and to live boldly for Him in and through the transition.
The goal is to position yourself, with career and family, for the most impact on God’s kingdom, placing you and your family in an environment that will challenge, nurture, mature, and provide opportunity for your spiritual growth and expression of gifting. Yes, pray much and seek wise counsel, but do not let fear of the unknown stifle you. This life is your one opportunity to follow hard after God.
“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
Do not let the things of this world paralyze you or cause you to pause. Hesitation can hurt. However, in your zeal, do be sensitive to your loved ones. Make sure to nurture them through the process. Retain Christ as your compass through the transition. He will keep you honest and soften the hearts of those most affected by the move. Do not let the fear of man get you off mission. Rather, let the fear of God lead you to follow His call.
Transitions can be exciting. They can keep us young. They move our faith to a whole new level. You could have stayed in your comfort zone with a minimally felt need for God. But now your dependence on Him is daily, real time. You feel and know He is your loving heavenly Father. Your circumstances may or may not get better, but you will.
“Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt…. The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered” (Genesis 39:1–2).
Is He leading you to a new city? Hire a realtor. Does He want you to downsize so you can simplify your life? Put up a for sale sign. Does He want you to cap your lifestyle so you can give away more money? Tell your financial advisor. Does He want you to move overseas and train national leaders? Get a passport. Does He want you to reach out to your neighbors? Invite them to dinner. If He wants you, trust Him, and wholeheartedly give yourself God.
Divinely orchestrated transitions are like a loyal friend whom you totally trust. See this shift as an asset on heaven’s balance sheet of your life. Ride change like the ocean waves. It may be a little scary or maybe a lot scary, but He is with you. You will crash occasionally, but He will buffer your fall, like resting on a soft, sandy sea bottom. Let this transition lead you closer to God and His will. You will never know exactly what you would have missed if you do not, and you will have few regrets if you do.