Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Attitude adjustment

For seven days they celebrated with joy the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because the Lord had filled them with joy by changing the attitude of the king of Assyria, so that he assisted them in the work on the house of God, the God of Israel.   Ezra 6:22

Attitude is everything; it can lift us up or bring us down. It is a barometer of our heart. If our heart is not right, our attitude will suffer, and life just is not as enjoyable. Attitude is critical because it influences our course of action. If our attitude is negative, our words and behavior will be too. There is a difference in being a realist about negative circumstances, and living with a chronic bad attitude. Naïve are those who ignore warning signs of trouble, and carry on oblivious to the storm clouds of sin.

However, our attitude is rooted in who we are in Christ, there is no need to be fearful, guilty, or insecure. The attitude that Jesus exhibited was one of humility and servant leadership. His attitude reflected submission to His heavenly Father, which resulted in service, generosity, and love for people. Jesus was joyful and hopeful, because He rested in the will of God. Do not allow another's bad attitude to influence yours beloved. Be the attitude influencer instead as you where created to influence the earth and everything in it. Greet a frown with a smile, crush criticism with affirmation, and listen patiently until fury loses its steam. A positive attitude will eventually outlast and overpower a negative one. Most of all, pray for those who thrive on negativity. Pray for them to be set free from their hurt, anger, guilt, and insecurity. God has us in their lives to reflect the love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and kindness of God to encourage an attitude adjustment through Him.
God is the genesis of a right attitude, and He is the right attitude sustainer. He wants His attitude to be our attitude. This is why we need a daily attitude alignment from our heavenly Father. Each day, our attitude gets knocked around and abused by life. If left unattended, our attitude will drift into wrong thinking, harsh words, and bad behavior. Self-pity and anger can begin to replace selflessness and forgiveness. With just a little bit of daily tweaking, our attitude stays in line with His. It is subtle, but sometimes attitudes need to be adjusted moment by moment.
Lastly, slow down and pray when you feel your attitude eroding. When you’re in the midst of a bad attitude, don’t make important decisions; the time isn’t right for that. You will regret every decision you make during a time of emotional upheaval. Be patient, and wait until your anger has subsided, your heart is cleansed, and your attitude is objective. God is into attitudes that trust Him and reach out to others with compassion and understanding. Open-minded and reasonable attitudes lead to rich and robust relationships. Anyone can be negative; so don’t be anyone, be different. Allow God to shape your attitude on the anvil of His heart.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Do not go swimming in Denial

And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Romans 13:11

Denial can be good. After a severe loss our mind and emotions cannot handle the onslaught of sorrow, so we don’t feel our severe pain until we are ready. Sometimes, denial can be helpful, but most of the time denial is unhealthy, especially if we deny having any issues with denial. Our delay in acknowledging and accepting the truth on a matter, actually makes matters worse. We may downplay the reality of an illness, a financial problem, a relational fracture or a job at risk, only to be unprepared for a disaster. Denial keeps us from properly preparing for real life issues.

Reality can be a hard teacher. Perhaps it's time to stop giving a college student money because it is funding their addiction. The credit cards need to be cut up for a season because they make compulsive shopping too easy. Abstaining from alcohol or dating might be required because of the disruption your dependence is causing. Unless you and your spouse get professional Christ-centered counseling, separation is on the horizon. Better to embrace reality early and escape denial’s detrimental affect. Ask those who love you most how you may be living in denial.

“But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth” (James 3:14).

How can we help others who struggle with denial? What is our role as a friend or family member? Patience and prayer are necessary as we seek to comfort and care for them. Unless they are on the verge of a life threatening situation, we need to refrain from being too aggressive. But if they are endangering themselves or someone else, an intervention may be required. People they respect can meet with the person in denial. Clearly, lovingly and compassionately share the facts of the situation and provide supportive solutions.

Above all else, make sure you don’t deny the existence of God. He is your personal and loving heavenly Father who wants His very best for you. His son Jesus died and rose from the grave to forgive your sins, giving you eternal life with the Lord. Embrace the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome the dangers of denial. Walk in the everyday reality of a growing relationship with Christ. He will free you from fear. Yes, the best reality is God’s moment by moment love we experience by grace through faith.

“The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Psalm 14:1).

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Total recall

He gave him the plans of all that the Spirit had put in his mind.  1 Chronicles 28:12

The Holy Spirit brings to mind what we need to remember. He has a plan for us to follow. His plans are for our good and what’s best for our entire circle of influence. Miraculously, the Spirit can cut through all the clutter of our concerns and remind us of a simple thought. What may seem an ‘out of the blue’ idea to us, is squarely on the heart of Christ. Thus, we keep an open mind so our Lord can bring to mind His thoughts. Similar to an unused app on a mobile device, the Holy Spirit can retrieve old information in our brain and bring it to the top of our mind.

However, there is an ongoing tension between the preparation required on our part and that which is under the Spirit’s control. Yes, we need to research, plan and prepare. God can bless a mess, but He normally blesses a plan. We must not presume on His favor. But, if we are not careful our thorough plan can become an idol of efficiency and we miss the Spirit’s prompting to adjust as we go. A plan drafted in the safe confines of the general’s tent often unfolds differently in the heat of battle.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8).

Furthermore, not only does the Holy Spirit remind us of thoughts already embedded in our brain, He also brings new thoughts to mind. Since God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, we are wise to humbly usher into our minds new concepts that challenge our neat categories. Perhaps the Spirit is saying: let your spouse manage the finances, forgive and seek healing from a past hurt, quietly serve others, be generous in giving, or seek out a forgotten friend or family member. Or, get to know someone for a year before you make a significant commitment. God’s thoughts are radically different, hence easily recognized, if we are paying attention. 

Above all, we are wise to keep our mind’s eye on our master Jesus. It may be that He speaks through a rapturous praise song as we lumber through rush hour traffic. A seat on a mossy rock beside a babbling brook may bubble up His love within our soul. He may warn us through a child’s honest question, ‘Why are you sad?’ Thus, we marinate our minds in truth, so the Spirit has a deep reservoir of wisdom to draw from. Scripture reading with a humble heart renews our mind. The Holy Spirit transforms our behavior when we listen to biblical teaching with a teachable spirit. Indeed, the Spirit brings to mind what we need in the moment!

“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:5-6).

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Brand integrity

A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Proverbs 22:1
What is my personal and professional brand? Are they the same? Do they align around the glory of God? My brand integrity is based on my promise to be who I claim to be. If I claim to be a person of compassion, do I show up when friends and family are suffering? If my ministry or business promises an excellent product, service, and delivery, do I stand by my professional guarantee? Brand integrity creates value, admiration, and loyalty.

However, if we over promise and under deliver, over time brand loyalty erodes, and once enthusiastic fans defect to a more effective service. For example, well-meaning leaders in the community can overcommit to serve on multiple boards. They then find themselves missing meetings and not engaging in the ethos of the organization. Their personal brand becomes tarnished, reflecting badly on their professional brand.

“Then the Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason’” (Job 2:3).

So have you defined your personal and professional brand? How are you perceived, and does it align with how you see yourself? What is the Lord’s desire for your branding? Your brand name is what distinguishes you from others who serve in your space. Is your distinctive relational care? If so, continue to build on this personal value with increased attention to those you serve. By God’s grace, honesty is a brand promise we can all become. We say what we do and we do what we say. People can depend on us. We are men and women of our word. Our word is our bond.

Lastly, look for brand integrity in those who represent you in the field, on your staff, and on your board of directors. Do they enhance your brand with their character and commitment, or do they dilute its reputation? It is better to have an empty role than to fill it with the wrong person. Do not be in a rush to grow your organization beyond its brand integrity. A good name at home and work is the brand that gives God the glory!

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man” (Proverbs 3:3–4). 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Covenant with my eyes

I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. Job 31:1

Pure eyes are a priority for a disciple of Jesus Christ. Eyes are highly regarded because they can be an evangelist for good or bad. When locked onto lust, they are relentless in their pursuit of sin. Like a heat-seeking missile, they will accelerate their course until they reach their destination of destruction. Eyes are like missiles, needing guidance from God, not from a hot heart. Misguided eyes can easily choose the path of pornography and become married to their emotional impulses. Misguided eyes can lead a person to be so preoccupied with destructive behavior that he or she becomes an embarrassment to themselves and a disgrace to others.
God takes seriously the stewardship of sight, but like any of His great blessings, eyes are meant for good. It is good to gaze at God’s creation in all of its splendor and glory. How beautiful is the rush of a crystal-clear waterfall as it rushes over moss-covered rocks into a quiet reflecting pool at the bottom of its crashing course. This is a magnificent expression for our eyesight. Eyes are meant to enjoy beauty, not exploit it.

If you have an eye for art and interior design, you are blessed indeed. God has given you perspective and creativity that most lack. Do not expose your eyes to everything. Of course, they cannot be sheltered from all sin. Eyes are not designed to be reclusive, purposefully blind to the outside world. However, eyes are meant to be respectful of their Creator. Eyes are avenues for good or bad. Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light” (Matthew 6:22).
When you covenant with your eyes, you covenant with your Creator. Your Creator, God, longs to guide your eyes, so trust as you follow God with your eyes. He is a guide who leads with caution and adventure. He will guide you toward love instead of lust. He will guide you into contentment instead of discontent. When you see the material stuff of others, you will thank God on their behalf, not coveting with your eyes. He will guide you into generosity instead of greed. The more you have, the more you will give. When you see the needs of others, you will respond generously, whether you have God-blessed abundance or modest means.

You are sometimes totally blind to bad choices that lurk ahead. But because you have made a covenant with your eyes, your Creator will see you through vulnerable times. Moreover, He takes your contractual agreement with your eyes to heart. Your responsibility in this binding contract is to make wise choices. Avoid exposing your eyes to enticing and erotic images. Your covenant requires you to inform others of your propensities for temptation. Do not traffic alone in your vulnerable places. God’s covenants have restrictions and requirements, but all for your good.

Having a covenant with your eyes liberates you from lust and any other addictive eye candy. Make a contract with your eyes, then trust God to guide you away from gullibility into goodness, so you are not blind to the ways of the Lord. Understand and apply the terms of your eyes’ covenant. God’s terms provide boundaries with radical freedom. Keep eye contact with God and you will be free indeed.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Value people

So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 2 Corinthians 5:16

People are the pinnacle of God’s creation. Because He highly regards His image bearers, He sent His son Jesus to earth as a love offering for our sin. Christ’s death on the cross emanated from His compassion and love. It delivers all who believe from condemnation. Furthermore, from the beginning the Lord gave us dominion over His creation. Management/stewardship of the environment is under the canopy of our control. God’s gifts of salvation and supervision to people shows His incredibly high opinion of us. The Lord loves and respects His people.

Therefore, we have a choice. We either see people compassionately, as our Lord's creation, or we view them cynically, as messy, needy people. An individual can be an object of our scorn or someone who needs our prayers. Everyone’s story needs to be shared with someone who cares.  Do I contact someone just to check on them or because I need something from them? We value others when we value who they are.  Their ideas and opinions matter to us.

“Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and godly sincerity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace” (2 Corinthians 1:12).

Do those closest to us feel valued or used? Do we listen to what others think more than we favor our own thoughts? Sometimes an introverted child or work associate gets lost in the noise of what others are saying. Having patience to prod or pull from them what they have to offer is often worthwhile and valuable.  We all have occasion to protect the quiet one from the verbally dominant extrovert. We value all temperaments when we ask for all opinions.

A worldly point of view factors out faith in Jesus Christ and the wisdom of God. There is no regard for the work of the Spirit, only the work of what can be done in our own strength. But a spiritual point of view trusts our Lord’s involvement behind the scenes. We value above all what He thinks and how He is leading our lives. Thus, we pause and pray. We listen for His loving affirmation and His gentle correction. What God says and expects matters most. We value His opinion of others over our own, so we view them as His creation in need of love.

“In humility value others above yourselves” (Philippians 2:3).