Thursday, February 28, 2013


Love always trusts. 1 Corinthians 13:7

Love trusts to the degree it trusts in God. There is an assurance that the Almighty is in control and He will carry out His plan in His timing. Loves sees the Lord as the instigator of all good things and thus, is completely trustworthy. I know that, humans fail (because I fail, and have failed and last time I checked I'm human), but love lifts up those who let them down and gives them a second chance (Just as Christ does. Remember we are to love as Christ has loved us). There is a perpetual prayer from a heart of love that trusts God to do a work of grace in a graceless heart, as God is the only one who can change and transform the heart of man. Love believes Christ can change anyone or anything.

Do you believe the best about your family, friends, and associations? Do you give them the benefit of the doubt? Your relationships grow more attractive as you make it a priority to totally trust. Fear from past disappointments  feed disapproval and disrespect in the present. Let go of unlovely lies that he or she cannot change and begin to treat them like the Lord wants them to become. Be respectful and trust they’ll act respectable. Be kind and trust they will grow in kindness.

Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31

Love treats others like it would like to be treated. Furthermore, there will be those who are gullible or naive in their approach to trusting love, but God is still at work. A shady soul may take advantage of someone’s good nature, but in the process they will more than likely meet Jesus in the giver’s trusting heart. So, be wise and discerning, but err on the side of extending grace. Love like you trust, with abandonment and without conditions. When in doubt, love.
Above all, trust in the unfailing love of your God. He is always reliable. Be still before Him and hear His voice, listen to His whispers of encouragement, warning and wisdom. Daily tap into God’s great love for you and the measure of your faith will magnify beyond where you have been. The end game in God’s plan for you is to love you, so you can love others and yourself. Trust Him by receiving His grace and love. Belief brings out His love.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A risky reward

And Caleb said, “I will give my daughter Acsah in marriage to the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher.” Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother, took it; so Caleb gave his daughter Acsah to him in marriage. Judges 1:12-13

Risk, many times, precedes reward, and reward may follow risk. War is risky because you endanger life and limb. The stakes are high. However, the rewards of war are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, at least that is what they say, the jury is still out on that. The victor enjoys the spoils of war, while those humiliated in defeat suffer loss. Marriage is risky because it entails the co-mingling of money, time, trust, and loyalty. What’s yours becomes hers and what’s hers becomes yours. You become one flesh, for it is a relationship of oneness (Genesis 2:24). But the rewards of marriage are love, joy, peace, companionship, sex, children, and spiritual/emotional maturity to name but a few. The many risks of marriage are overshadowed by the mammoth rewards it hands out to the husband and to the wife.

Business and ministry are risky undertakings. You have prayed about an idea, and now you are on the precipice of launching your start-up enterprise. You have invested a tremendous amount of sweat equity and financial resources. But now you are at the point of no return. The stakes are high; you may lose a ton, or you may gain a lot. There is a risk of failure, which means your confidence may crater and your reputation may reel from your inability to deliver. But the rewards are the sense of accomplishment and the ability to build an enterprise defined by a Christ-centered culture.
Like David, your model of risk-taking may inspire others to greater vision (1 Chronicles 11:19). You have the reward of positioning yourself to invest in and influence Kingdom endeavors. Keep this your goal, regardless of whether you fail or succeed. Success will always be accompanied by mini failures. So stay focused on God and obedient to His calling. Risk and reward are kept in the right perspective through prayer. God will lead you by His Holy Spirit because these initiatives come from a divine directive. Therefore, there is no need to take unnecessary risks. Be patient, and God will lead you to just the right opportunities at just the right time.

Over a lifetime, there are limited God-ordained opportunities that require risk. Therefore, allow the Almighty to guide you through the risky terrain of life. Avoid shortcuts and, instead, wait on Him. Pay the price of patience and seize the moment only when your faith, His Word, and godly counsel validate your direction. Persevere in the process because God may ask you to do things that seem larger than life. He has prepared your way with people and resources, so follow hard after Him. And what may seem risky to others will be peaceful to you. When you draft off the wake of Holy Spirit directives, you are positioned for rewards. However, for some, the rewards remain dormant until death. Your risk may be living an obscure and obedient life to Christ, with the joy of remaining faithful as your only earthly reward. But the reward of knowing and obeying Him is eternal, and it is enough. The risk is rejection from people, but the reward is acceptance from Him.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Gotta go gotta go

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8).

Ladies and gentlemen, It is time to go when God says so, even though you are not sure where you are going. Abraham was a “friend of God” (James 2:23 ) who trusted the heart of God. He was secure in his faith, knowing his heavenly Father would not lead him astray. Are you okay with only the call of Christ as your next step? Is He calling you out of your comfort zone to a new level of faith and obedience? It is here that you hear Him quite clearly.

Maybe He wants you to move with your company so your career can become the means of funding your passion for missions. Locals in foreign countries are keenly interested in teachers, housewives, doctors, bankers, and businessmen visiting their world. The marketplace is your ministry. It validates your value and confirms your character. The Lord will use your obedience to encourage the faith of others and especially the faith of your family, and friends.

The faith of parents often procures the blessing of obedience on their posterity. When your teenage son sees you say yes to Christ’s challenge, he is more likely to say yes to wisdom when faced with issues of trust. Your daughter will not soon forget your family’s earnest prayers as you sought to see God’s best and to obey. Parents who obey God’s call create the same expectation for their children; so follow the Lord for them, and for those with no children follow the Lord for the generations coming behind you, and those you have been called to model Christ for.

Lastly, the call of Christ leads to His blessing on earth and in heaven. It may mean prosperity. It may mean poverty. Or it may mean something in between. The most important reward is that of your eternal inheritance. Leave a legacy of loving the Lord, and you will have loved your children, and friends. Follow Him faithfully; there is a much higher probability they will as well. Is it time to go? Then go with your best friend Jesus.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Love rejoices in truth. 1 Corinthians 13:6

Truth reveals hidden realities. Therefore, the lover of truth daily discovers new opportunities to walk wisely in the ways and counsel of Christ. Because He is the Truth, a love relationship with Jesus illuminates truth by His Spirit and illustrates truth by His life. The fruit of truth grows in a life of faith, as faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17), and His word is truth. Those who embrace and love truth in God’s Word grow to know Him in deeper intimacy. Just as a loving husband is to pursue his wife, so loving followers of Jesus are to seek out His truth and His life. Truth is a tool for loving correction, not a club for angry retaliation. You speak the truth in love to one another and so bear one another’s burdens. Truth talking facilitates freedom to trust, as fear of a secret life fades away and is forgotten.

Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. 2 Corinthians 4:2 Love loves truth because it knows truth sharing is caring. When we love someone enough to not leave them in their ignorance we show we care. Love takes the time to explain and instruct, not complain and erupt. Yes, you patiently instruct your child in the teachings of Christ, so they will come to know Him and grow in His grace. Perhaps, you create a culture of apprenticeship at work so everyone has a mentor who models and teaches true best practices that develop leaders.

Lastly, season your passion of truth with the spices of humility and grace. Truth is volatile in the hands of pride, but embedded in a heart of humble grace it experiences transforming results. Also, use humor to illustrate hard facts that seem harsh when spoken directly. Also, levity can lighten the mood when the seriousness of a situation begins to become real. Above all love Jesus, Truth personified. His Spirit will direct you in all truth, so you can live truth in a spirit of love

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Love keeps no records of wrong. 1 Corinthians 13:5

Record keeping of wrongs is taboo for those who love genuinely. Love funnels all its focus toward forgiveness and relational restoration/reconcililation just like our Father in heaven. Love refrains from retaining resentment which leads to wasted emotional energy and unwanted stress levels. Yes, unforgiveness maintains a mental checklist of grievances that offers the enemy an entrance to encroach into a soul’s spiritual stability and begin to develop a root of bitterness which will block our ability to hear from God, and really serve God. Love is not an account ledger that credits rights and debits wrongs. Love is a white board that regularly erases infractions and hurts.

Do you bear the burden of accounting for all injustices committed against you? Are you weary of wishing you had not been wronged? If so, look into the keyboard of your heart and by God’s grace press the delete button of forgiveness and erase external irritations, and start over. Start with a clean slate and your spirit will be set free to rest and enjoy God, people, and serving God the way He intended for you. Let go of harmful words that broke your heart and let the Lord mend it with love. A mind at peace is the fruit of forgiven love.

Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them. Romans 4:8
Since the Lord’s love doesn’t keep records of wrongs against us, we are wise to forgive ourselves of past guilt. The command to love ourselves includes not having a standard higher than God’s toward our transgressions. We are either forgiven of all or not forgiven at all. Jesus Christ’s redemption is not partial, but whole. He does not pick and choose cleansing based on the degree of our offense. We must understand that we are categorically and fully forgiven of past, present and future sins. That is a shout right there.

Therefore, since Christ doesn’t count your sins against you, you can’t count your offender’s sins against them. Your forgiving love chooses to wipe away hurtful infractions. Indeed, ask the Holy Spirit to repair relationships broken by another’s bad behavior: broken trust, broken promises, broken romance, broken cars, homes and bank accounts. Offer up your broken and contrite heart to God, receive His healing love and forgiveness and then extend His forgiven love to others.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Love over Anger

Love is not easily angered. 1 Corinthians 13:5

Ladies and gentlemen we must understand that anger dismisses love in the moment, as hurtful emotional outbursts overwhelm any evidence of love’s presence. However, anger’s most feared enemy is love and forgiveness. Love can handle anger’s influence. It sees anger coming and prepares for its onslaught with a prayer for patience and forgiveness. Tempers are tempered when a culture of love surrounds relationships. Love does not allow anger to make itself at home in a heart that’s been hurt. It avoids anger.

Has the someone who knows you the best hurt you most? Is it hard to love them because your pain screams for retaliation? If so, seek the Lord for an infusion of His fresh fire of love and forgiveness. Your unconditional love is needed most during times when your spirit has been crushed by an unlovely person. Let go of the need to inflict pain on the one who was insensitive to you. Grace and forgiveness are your tools of love that rebuild broken relationships. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. Luke 6:31-33

Your love is a gift you give in exchange for an angry interaction. Rise above petty arguments and model for others a mature faith that doesn’t fight back because you are experiencing some form of irritation/frustration. Because you have been loved supremely by your Savior you lavish the same unrestricted love on those who let you down, as we are admonished to love others as Christ has loved us, and trust and believe we have not felt His wrath in the moments where our sins and flaws have angered Him, so why let others feel your wrath and miss the Christ working in and through you. You replace an angry attack on your adversary with patient restraint backed by heaven’s unlimited resources. You love much because you have been forgiven and loved much by God.

Let the Lord’s love lead you away from a focus that demands to be right and instead give room for flexibility and restoration. Dismiss the need to get your own way and own the need to love your loved ones at their point of need. Like miraculous modern medicine apply the ancient ointment of love to disjointed, even diseased relationships. Remove the cancer of anger with the sharp scalpel of selfless love. The Lord’s love frees your heart to be a fierce lover for Him!

Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little. Luke 7:47

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Helping those in need

He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. Proverbs 14:21

We must understand that there are those in our lives who have unmet needs that cripple their ability to live life to its fullest. It may be the need for food, clothing, or a place to live. They may need a job, a car, or an opportunity to get ahead. The needy may be lost in their sins without Christ, which is the greatest of needs. Wherever their point of need lies is our obligation to kindly care for them. “Give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven” (Matthew 19:21).

Evidence of our following Jesus is shown by our caring concern for the poor. Our kindness may require us to give up something so that another can gain something. Perhaps there is a fun trip you give up so a poor person can enjoy food for a month. What financial expenditure can you put on pause? Do you know someone who could benefit from a car repair or a mortgage payment? Sacrifice solicits most when the need of others is highest.

“Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God” (Proverbs 14:31).

Furthermore, the best motivation for reaching out is kindness of heart, not guilt of mind. It is a kind word that lifts another person’s spirit. It is a generous gratuity to a diligent server. It is a gentle response to a demanding spirit. The needy are all around us, especially during economic downturns. Maybe there is a neighbor who is out of work whom you can invite into your home for dinner and  encouragement. Kindness is a culprit of compassion and care.

Lastly, look out for the needy because of the Lord’s great love toward you. Kindness asks, “Where would I be without God’s grace? Where in my life can I extend His grace, love, and mercy?” Blessings await those who give and receive kindness. We are all needy, some more than others, but our provider is the same our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Too loving to be proud

Love is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4

Beloved. Love and pride cannot coexist, as they are mutually exclusive in their motives. Pride is more concerned first about getting its own way, while love looks out first for the needs of another before looking at what is in it for me. Love is not proud and loves the proud, it is adorned with humility and submission to God, but pride perceives those who live by love as weak and easily overcome. Love walks in humble dependence on the Lord, while pride walks in arrogant dependence on self, like being all of that an a bag of chips with pink lemonade on the side. The flesh makes fools out of pride, but the wise rise out of humble love.

Does love incubate in your humble heart? Do you listen for the cries of those starving for love? You are the one God has appointed love others as you are loved by Him. Learn how to love well.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3

Moreover, make yourself available to be loved. Your pride wants to protect your image and not be vulnerable to receiving love. Any admission of need (even the need to be loved) is a sign of weakness to your pride. However, your humility is quick to confess a heart in need of comforting words and a warm hug. Let your loved ones in on who you are, so they can really know you and love the real you. Give the gift of authenticity to trusting friends and many will love you back.

Lastly, make it your goal for the grace of God to push out pride and replace it with a humble heart. You won’t think any less of yourself, but you will think of yourself less. Humility is like a deep and wide canal of watery grace, it is a channel for ships of love to travel. It bridges your heart with another hungry heart in need of love. Most of all humility connects your heart with your Heavenly Father’s heart. His love for you shuns pride and floods into your humble heart.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Love does not boast. 1 Corinthians 13:4

Dear friends, lovely people boast about the greatness, the goodness and the glory of God. Yes, love looks up to the Lord in gratitude and does not look down on others. There is no bragging about self, only exalting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and all the great things His love has done and provided in our lives due to the loving relationship we have with Him. Love looks for ways to lift up those struck down by suffering or lost in sin without drawing attention to its heroics.

People who love understand that wisdom, success and wealth come from God. Bragging and the desire for accolades and constant acknowledgement has no place in the presence of love.

Love does not force its agenda, rather  works to collaborate and seek what’s best. For example in marriage, don’t demand your own way, rather in love take time to value each another’s ideas and desires and work towards them collectively. If organization is important, perhaps you schedule a day once a quarter to clear out the clutter in an area of your house. Furthermore, money management may be a fear of your mate’s, if so calendar time weekly to plan and discuss finances.

This is what the Lord says:“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches. Jeremiah 9:23

Love does not have to feel superior to be valued. On the contrary your modest assessment of yourself is what leads to mutual respect that validates love. Keep your ego in check by recalling how far God has brought you,  not forgetting how far you still have to go, as it always helps to keep one humble and right in their spirit. You are not God’s gift to the world, as that role is reserved for Jesus and Jesus only. Love does not have to brag, because it is secure in Christ’s love. Your part is to lay low, loving others and God’s part is to promote you in His time.

Beware of becoming a legend in your own mind, only the Lord deserves a legendary legacy. The more you grow in your capacity to love, the lower you go in needing to feel important. The ability to love is reward enough without having to be recognized. Your love will unify those you serve, because you are not worried about getting credit for the outcomes. Boast only about God’s faithfulness to answer prayer and extend His grace and favor. Great gain happens when we love like the Lord loves us.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lead me guide me

“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity” (Proverbs 11:3).

Integrity is an instrument of almighty God. He uses it to guide His children in the direction He desires for them. Have you ever wondered what God would have you do? Integrity is His directive to do the next right thing, trusting Him with the results. It is out of honesty we begin to comprehend Christ’s desires. He delights in our uprightness.

For example, are you totally honest on your tax return? Is your tax preparer a person of unquestionable integrity? We can trust professionals to represent us well, but we are ultimately responsible for an honest outcome. Furthermore, is there anything you are doing, if printed as a newspaper headline, that would embarrass you and your family? Indeed, integrity brings joy to heaven and security on earth. It is your guide for godly living.

Moreover, the iniquity of the unfaithful destroys. The blessing of God is removed as it cannot be bought with bad behavior. Relationships are scarred and some even severed over dishonest dealings. Overnight, poor judgment can soil and potentially destroy a hard-earned reputation. Pride acts like integrity is only for others. It deceives itself and becomes a disgrace for its dishonest and duplicitous ways. Iniquity is an unfaithful guide.

“I put in charge of Jerusalem my brother Hanani, along with Hananiah the commander of the citadel, because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most people do” (Nehemiah 7:2).

So we ask ourselves, “How can I be a man or woman of integrity over the balance of my life?” There is a simplicity about those who base their behavior on the principles of God’s Word; nothing fancy, only faithful living in their daily routine. The grace of God governs their soul, the truth of God renews their mind, and accountability is an anchor for their actions. Honestly ask yourself, “Is integrity my faithful guide?”

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kind loving

Love is kind. 1 Corinthians 13:4

Dear friends, kind love is the kind of love that shows up to serve. It always looks for ways to move beyond feeling generous to being generous through actions. Kindness transitions empathy into action and sympathy into service. Kind love is not stuck on itself, rather it relishes  reaching out to the needs of others as it is displayed in abundance through honor and humility. It wears a smile, gives a hug, kisses a head, pats an arm, lifts a burden, prays a prayer and writes a check. Love is kind, because Christ is kind and He is love. So, when you love kindly you are being like Jesus.

Let me ask you this, how does it feel when you have a kind encounter with someone? Probably a mixture of respect, joy and inspiration to name a few. Unsolicited loving kindness that comes to you when least expected, provides the most encouragement. Your kind love is the kind of support your spouse, friends, sibilings, and children need to get through the day and not be overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations.

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. Jeremiah 31:3

Indeed, your kind love is attractive to all with whom you have influence. Unkindness is a repulsive smell, but kindness is a sweet aroma that fills the air it occupies. Like honey to a bee, a scratch to a dog or a caress to a cat, your loving kindness is tasty for hungry hearts. It is security for souls that itch for intimacy. When you love kindly, you experience its fruit: peace, joy, patience, gratitude, respect and friendship. Kindness facilitates all kinds of good deeds.

Lastly it is the Lord’s loving kindness that causes us to be kind. His kindness draws us to Himself and leads us to repentance. Because of our heavenly Father’s great kindness, we want to be the kind of children that He is pleased to call His own. Therefore, from our grateful hearts we are honored to honor Christ by loving our loved ones in kind ways. Yes, we pray for our home to have a relational climate of kindness. Our kind actions speak the language of God's love.  Make love a priority of your life today.

Monday, February 11, 2013

faith boost

My days have passed, my plans are shattered, and so are the desires of my heart.” Job 17:11

Sometimes, our plans do not go as we had hoped. In fact they are shattered. They’re obliterated in front of our very eyes. You were almost breathless when your dismissal finally sunk in. In your shock, you could have been pushed over with a feather. Certainly plans are made to be adjusted, but this one blew up in your face. You were devastated. You had positioned your career for this one opportunity, and it failed to materialize. Even now, your emotions vacillate between bewilderment and anger toward God, and your future feels gnarled and disjointed. You feel emasculated. It doesn’t make any sense. The money was there, along with the relationships and resources that were poised for deployment. It was as if the stars were aligned. Then suddenly, your plan became irrelevant and it vanished overnight.

Now you are positioned to start over. It is hard to assemble the energy to withstand another assault on your vision. It is time to give up and give in to defeat because God is still in control. He controls your plans and their successful launch. He can still be trusted going forward. Just because things have not worked out according to your timetable is no reason to quit trusting Him. Trust the Lord with a reengineered plan that will be better than the old one. His ways are much better than your ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).

There is no human comprehension to what God has in store if you remain faithful to Him. Indeed, His ways (Isaiah 2:3) can be hard to understand. The cycle of digesting His will into your mind and soul is like “chewing cud,” a repetitive process that requires time and patience. The desires of your heart need validation. This is part of His plan, and this is where prayer plays a vital role. Take the broken pieces of your plan and place them at the feet of Jesus. He will take your shattered plan and piece it back together with His enhancements. A crushed plan in the hand of Christ has much more potential than your perfect plan buried in your grasp. You limit the Lord by holding on in distrust or fear.

Lastly, like the expressed genius of an artist, the newly formed plan has the depth and breadth of a masterpiece. It is an original crafted by the hand of God. Therefore, do not settle for anything less than your Master’s plan. His master plan is monumental and can move mountains. Your desires may be dead, but now is the time to submit to God in a fresh and humble way. Watch in delight as He resurrects your desires to align and connect with His. He has slowed you down so your plans partner with His. See your shattered plan as a blessing, not a curse. God loves to take what is broken, lift it up, and make it whole again. Place your plans and your heart in His hands.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Don't be deceived

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12
Dear friends self-deception is the worst kind of dishonesty because it is so convincing. Subtly it convenes our mind and emotions to ally around a lie to the point where we truly believe it as truth. For example, self-deception whispers into the ear of our heart, “You are so smart and capable,” but it forgets to include Christ’s influence in its instruction, in the fact that it is Christ who created the Brain that you might even have the capacity to be smart. Then we wander down a prayerless path, forged in our own strength, only to discover we missed God’s best by a mile.

Truth to power is this, we are only as prosperous and capable as our Lord allows. He makes our path straight and successful as He defines success, thus the reason it is so important to know what God defines as success for you, and not what the world says is success.  Truth be told beloved you may be more successful then you think or even realize. “I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths” (Proverbs 4:11). To which voice do you adhere?your own or your Savior’s? Perhaps His plan is for you to make less money and have more family time. Maybe you turn down this promotion and trust Him for a better one in a different season.

“The pride of your heart has deceived you” (Obadiah 1:3).
We can talk ourselves into anything, especially as it relates to money. I can easily justify a new house, car, kitchen, furniture, floors, or grill. But do I really need to upgrade or just repair what I have? How can the Lord trust me with something newer if I have not been a good steward of what He has already given me? Trustworthy people can be trusted with more, but the untrustworthy lose opportunities. Thus manage well your present possessions.

Self-deceivers are self-destroyers; so avoid self-delusion by being accountable. Give others permission to ask you uncomfortable, even hard, questions. Better to be embarrassed sooner than humiliated later. Humility invites the inspection of loving friends into our lives. You do much better when others provide loving accountability that we may not deceive ourselves.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

God's got it

The Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands. 1 Samuel 17:47, NASB

Dear friends life is full of opportunities to do battle on behalf of the Lord. Engagement with fear is a spiritual skirmish waiting to happen, but the Spirit flushes out fear and defeats it with faith. Anger is always set to ambush and battle its foes, but patient forgiveness sees it coming and bypasses its ugly assault. Pride is lurking to pounce on the strong and successful, but humble prayer pushes back relentless reinforcements from hell. Indeed, enemies of God are brought down by God, and God alone.

Beloved what battle are you facing/trying to fight that has the best of you? Is it a health issue? Then cry out to the Healer, Jesus. Is it relational conflict? Then submit to Christ who can restore broken relationships. Perhaps you face a financial giant; go to God and seek godly counsel with transparency and trust, asking both for wisdom, provision, and accountability. Is it a person, then pray for clarity, and wisdom on how to handle it with the love of Jesus, as we are commissioned to love others as Christ has loved us. Heaven has the assistance you need. Look for the Lord’s resources from those who love Him and you.

“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15

Our true battle is not with who or what we see, but with the unseen powers and principalities who seek to soil our faith in the Lord (Eph. 6). The enemy Satan speaks lies to our minds so we meander around the most meaningful, and struggle with feeling insignificant and powerless. The truth of the matter is that God dissolves the devil’s deceptions and replaces them with clarity and confidence in Christ. The war in the heavenlies has already been won, so enlist in the Lord’s army. Your battle is His battle.

Therefore, be bold as you battle with the weapons of the Lord’s wisdom and not the foolishness of man. Fire back with God’s grace, love, and truth. Shoot at the ultimate enemy, not at the messenger who is only the bearer of bad news. Take your smooth stone of spiritual service and sling it toward Satan, trusting and knowing full well that God directs your efforts to defeat the enemy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Name

“I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands.” 1 Samuel 17:45-46

There is a name that is above every name, which is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. His name is greater than Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, as He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. His name is larger than life, it overcomes death and reigns for all eternity. The name of the Lord is a strong tower of strength and protection. His name is a nuisance to His enemies and confidence for His children. The name of God is our spiritual security. His name is the object of our worship, praise, service, life petition and prayer.

We honor  God’s name because He is honorable. We humbly and proudly claim to be followers of God, because He has called us to Himself. Some will make fun of our faith, but we know in our heart and from experience that Jesus is a leader worth following, and submitting our lives to fully. Our Savior Jesus is creditable for His claims are undeniable. Yes, when we speak His name there is no middle ground response. Jesus is either embraced or dismissed. We are defined by Christ’s name.

“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” Exodus 20:7

Therefore speak the name of the Lord your God with reverence and awe. Do not misuse His name by apologizing for His commands or by stepping into His shoes as judge, as the only keys He has shared with us are the keys to the kingdom, which means my efforts are to be to bring people into relationship with Christ that they might experience the fullness of the Kingdom of God. The name of Jesus Christ is our life example. His name is our brand promise of peace, hope, joy, and forgiveness to a lost, dying, confused and hurting world. Proclaim the name of God as your true love, the Lover of your soul. Be ready to respond to those who ask you for the reason of your hope in Christ.
As you face giants of fear, face them in the name of the Lord Almighty. As you face giants of rejection, face them in the name of the Lord Almighty.

As you face giants of shame and guilt,  face them in the name of the Lord Almighty. As you face giants of anger, face them in the name of the Lord Almighty. God will deliver your enemies into your hands for His name sake, cause He is just that kind of Almighty God.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Looking for you

But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after His own heart and appointed him ruler of His people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.” 1 Samuel 13:14

God seeks out men and women who are sensitive to His heart. Saul who was motivated by pride and fear did not keep the Lord's command, so God appointed David as the next King. Beloved you must understand that a leader risks losing the Lord’s respect when he disrespects the Lord’s commands and His authority. An individual loses their positive influence on people when their influence with the Almighty wanes. God seeks sincere seekers, so He can entrust them with His favor. He looks for and recruits submissive star players for His team.

Have you become too familiar with your heavenly Father’s commands? Has your familiarity with the Holy One bred unholy contempt? If so, you can return to God’s good graces with grace based obedience or you can risk being removed from your position of authority. Let your heart rest in the hand of your heavenly Father. You will endure under the mighty hand of God, but, out from under His authority, hope shrivels and His help fades away. So, submit to His authority.

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.” 2 Chronicles 16:9 NKJV

Ladies and gentlemen make it a point in your life to keep your heart tender towards God with constant cultivation in the commands of Christ. You remain useful to your heavenly Father by staying sensitive to the Spirit’s promptings. The Lord is not looking at your outward appearance, but at your inward beauty of integrity. Perhaps your mind needs cleansing from the seduction of the flesh and renewed with submission to the Spirit. Also, keep your pride in check with humble acts of service.

Because the Spirit of God seeks you out, you are wise to turn toward Him and move in His direction. Obedience to God always moves towards God, while disobedience to God always moves away from God. The Lord may be seeking you out to replace another unwilling servant of His. So, remain humble as opportunities to serve Him open up. Your added responsibilities make you more responsible to represent Christ well.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

No Bully Zone

He [Goliath] said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. “Come here,” he said, “and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals!” 1 Samuel 17:43-44

Bullies abound. They make their shameless appearance on middle school yards, they taunt insecure teenagers and they show up to scare and intimidate coworkers. Bullies think they can strike fear and submission into victims by their sometimes imposing presence. The giant Goliath railed at David, jealous of his youth, good looks and health; he threatened and despised him. Bullies use mind games to melt their enemies. They curse with shameless arrogance and pride.

Are you being bullied to do something, and so lack peace? Do you feel manipulated and shamed by an authority figure? If so, by God’s grace stand up to their idle threats. Call their bluff by saying no and trusting Christ with the consequences. You can expose a bullies blindside by challenging them with truth and killing them with kindness. Let the Lord fight your battle, as your actions will prove themselves right by your integrity. Bullies fall in the face of faith in God.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Moreover, look out for innocent people you know who are recipients of another’s angry intimidation. Stand up for them and stand with them. Yes, pray passionately for their security to be in Christ, but also become an advocate for their cause. Bullies are threatened when their coercion is challenged by caring friends. Your courage needs to choose a side so injustice does not steal your friend’s peace and security. Protect those exposed to the enemy’s idle threats.

Lastly, stand up to a bully in the name of the Lord. It is not your clever words that ultimately prevail, but the power of the Holy Spirit in your spirit, speech and deeds that prevails. Christ can change another man or women’s heart in an instant. Therefore, look to the Lord to fight your battles; He has never lost! Lay your finely crafted arguments at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to persuade your foe to do what’s right. Humble courage depends on God to bring down a bully.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dealing with burdens

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Sometimes, your soul needs to catch up with your body. There is a disconnect created by distractions and busyness. You are weary of life and work. This soul fatigue will follow you until it finds rest. It is relentless in reminding you what is important and necessary. The warning lights of weariness flash in the face of your faith. You are tired and troubled with nowhere to turn. This is when you can turn your eyes upon Jesus. He offers a constant invitation to come to Him. Burdens bear down on your back of responsibility like a ton of bricks, but Jesus is there to ease the pressure. Health issues assault your body like unceasing fire from the enemy, but Jesus is there to soothe the pain through prayer.
Marriage confusion has the best of you and you are ready to give up, but Jesus has the answers as the supreme counselor. Work expectations have overwhelmed your ability to execute the right results, but Jesus is there to impart His wisdom and discernment. Do not let failure talk you into giving up. You can carry on with Christ. Submit to His restful invitation. Take Him at His word and yoke up with His humility and gentleness. His invitation to rest is received by faith. The yoke of Jesus gives hope and encouragement to the soul.

Start by aligning your calendar with Jesus time. A partnership with Christ requires time and attention. You cannot maintain a relationship with Him without investing in Him. Jesus went to the mountain to commune with His heavenly Father, and when He came down, large crowds followed Him. Why? People follow leaders they know they can trust. When you spend time with Jesus, you build trustworthiness. You go to the mountains alone to pray, and you come back surrounded by followers. They know you have been with Jesus (Acts 4:13).

When others know you have been with Jesus, they are reassured that you are depending on Him for wisdom and direction. They can trust that your motives are pure and that this business or ministry is not your deal but His. You gain instruction from Him on how to execute His plan. Followers take great comfort when their leader pauses to pray and takes time to receive the Holy Spirit’s discernment over issues of vision and strategy.

Therefore, slow down each day and listen to the voice of the One who created the world with a word. His words are powerful and freeing. They are comforting and convicting. The Word of God will save you from unwise decisions and free you to make wise ones (Proverbs 30:5). Organize your priorities around the priorities of Christ. Get away, and get with Him. Give your soul a break when it is strained under the barrage of activity. Take a step back and reevaluate. This requires faith. Let others into your confidence and trust that they are agents of the Almighty. His angels surround those who fear Him. Be accountable to be alone with Almighty God. This sensitive soul-care reaps temporal and eternal rewards. A well-kept soul results in robust living. Go to Jesus for He is asking you to come. Come quickly to Christ. Your soul deserves to catch up.