Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Train up a child

“Pains as of a woman in childbirth come to him, but he is a child without wisdom; when the time arrives, he does not come to the opening of the womb.” Hosea 13:13

Children need to be taught wisdom. Yes, sometimes it’s hard for them to grasp its meaning because of their age and stage in life. Wisdom comes through understanding and applying God’s Word to life's experiences. Many individuals are limited in their perspective of both, so wisdom guides them away from unwise decision-making. Wisdom is one of the most wonderful gifts you can give your child. Therefore, make its knowledge inviting and practical.
Tell stories of individuals who made wise decisions and the positive effects that followed. Then contrast these uplifting illustrations with those who chose an unwise path and suffered harm as a result. Stories stir the heart and illuminate the mind. We owe it to our offspring/s to engage them in conversations about real live people. Otherwise they remain oblivious, in a bubble of unrealistic living, basically naive to life itself. Wisdom comes by allowing them to spread their wings and begin decision-making while they still live under your roof, so if you have children loosen up the noose you have around their neck some and trust in the power of God through prayer as you cover them in prayer when they are away from you.
Start out while they're young by helping them make money decisions by giving them chores and allowance for chores done so they learn early responsbility, earning power, saving, giving, and the value of a dollar. Show them the pattern of “share, save, and spend” from your own financial management. Then lead them to do the same. Watch them smile as they experience the joy of generosity. Be proud as their discipline and patience grows. They will be able to save for something they want, purchasing their prize with cash. Be an example of smart spending, you may become a recipient of its fruit as your child learns how to be a savvy shopper.  Financial wisdom is a practical gift whose principals you can use to train your child (Ephesians 6:4).
Good judgment in choosing friends is another facet of teaching your child the ways of wisdom. Make sure children understand the propensity to be like the people they “hang out with” (Proverbs 13:20). It’s wise to choose friends whose faith is growing and robust. Go with friends who lift up, instead of those who pull down. It is unwise to flirt with friendships that dilute growth with God. Discuss why they need to avoid friendships that become a wedge between child and parent. Wisdom does not settle for the shallow acceptance of just any friend. Wisdom has a high standard for friendship. Challenge your children to pray for friends who complement their faith, who move them closer to their heavenly Father. Wise friends rub off on your children in wise ways.
Lastly, discuss with your child regularly the wisdom of God. He gives wisdom (Proverbs 2:6). Read with them from the Bible, and discuss the meanings of particular verses. Make the discussion of Scripture a part of your everyday life. When you train up your child they will begin to in their own innocent way hold you accountable to the truth God is teaching you.
You cannot improve on the wisdom of the Lord. God’s wisdom will follow them the rest of their lives. It will be with them when you are absent. You can be at peace when you have a child who is wise in the ways of God. You are wise when your goal is to grow a wise child, as wise children become wise adults.

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