Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snake with legs

Snakes with legs? I know you are probably like Brown what in the world are you getting ready to bring forth today?   Trust and believe after you finish reading this you will be like, what a concept, and thanks for helping me deal with this particular kind of snake that isn't that rare.  Let me describe for you what a snake with legs is:  People that walk into your life with a smile on their face with a knife hidden behind their backs.  Snakes with legs!  People that will tell you that they love you while all of the time digging a ditch for your demise.  Snakes with legs!  Nice people with nasty habits that will seek to do unholy things to you all for the purpose of watching you suffer.  Snakes with legs!  People that will get close to you to find your weaknesses and then exploit them so that you end up living on the down and out and not on the up and up!  Snakes with legs!  People that will do their best to take your peaceful moments of heaven and give you hell.  Folks that want to take your rest and give you ruin.  Evil people that would do their very best to destroy your destiny and wreck your future.  But, here is what life's lessons have taught me, you will never beat a snake being a snake, you have to rise above them.

In Genesis 3:14-15, Adam and Eve encounter a snake with legs.  Here's what the Bible says, "And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" (KJV).  You see, God does not keep us from snakes because they bring you the testing that leads to your blessing.  The question is what lessons do we learn from this snake with legs in Genesis that will help us deal with ours that we see everyday?
First we learn the lesson of subtle destruction.  Remember this, the reason why your snakes hate you is because they hate the God that keeps on blessing you.  It is not you that they hate, they hate your God.  According to doctrine of the angelic conflict God created angels for the purpose of worship.  Michael was the angel of warfare, Gabriel was the angel of the Word, and Lucifer was the angel of Worship.  Lucifer (Satan, the Serpent/snake) was kicked out of heaven and was placed on the earth.  And instead of God putting another angel in his place, God made you to take his place.  This is why all snakes hate to see you coming with the favor of God resting upon you because you took their place.  

Secondly, we learn the lesson of spiritual distraction.  The job of any real snake is to get you to do what the Lord told you not to do.  According to the text, Adam and Eve can have every tree in the garden except for one.  And the serpent gets Eve to consider the one tree that she does not have.  It was distraction at its best.  But, my friends remember this, the best medicine for distraction is outward gratitude and public celebration.  You see, if you are thankful for what you have you can never miss what you never had.  This is why jealousy, envy and unthankfulness all come from snakes with legs.  A saint knows that everything that they have came from God.  A saint knows that God has been good no matter what they may or may not have.  A real saint knows that to be thankful for what you have is to also shout about what God has never let you miss.  If you want your snakes to eat your dust grab a thanksigiving and don't let it go. 
Lastly beloved, we learn the lesson of sacred deliverance.  If you try beating a snake at his game you will always lose.  You have to have someone that can handle them for you.  God tells the serpent that the seed of a woman would bruise his head.  Here's the problem, women have ovaries and not seeds.  So what seed was the Lord talking about?  It would be a seed that would come from a virgin that would change the face of time; a seed that would be born in Bethlehem; a seed that would cause wise men to come from the East just to worship Him; a seed that would make Herod attempt a genocide; a seed that would die on a cross and do away with snakes once and for all.  Here's the greatest shout of the day, you have a God that is a serpent specialist and He will deal with your snakes for you.  In fact, He takes them and uses them as a footstool for your life as you grow in His.
Yes, we have snakes with legs that come walking through our life trying to destroy everything, but more importantly you have a Savior with power that will fight your battles for you.  Let go and let God handle it and victory will always be yours.

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