Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Walk the path

I [the angel of the Lord] have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me. Numbers 22:32 b

The path you choose is the path you use. It may be a path of pride or a path of humility. The path may stimulate purity or impurity. It could be a path of wisdom or a path of foolishness. The path may be one of cooperation or a path of independence. Your path may be family friendly, or hostile to the health of your home. Watch the path of success as it can easily veer down the path of lost accountability. The path you choose is the path you use. So, be very wise about the choices you make. Make sure the path you traverse goes through God’s will. Your path is a picture of overlaid choices. One after another, your daily decisions carve out a well beaten path. But do not be deceived, every path leads somewhere.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14). Your current path is not insignificant. If it is a path of preparation, then prepare well. A well prepared path paves the way for opportunity. This is the path of patient preparation. The more you prepare the wider this path becomes. The less you prepare the more narrow it becomes. The path of preparation may seem long and onerous at times, but be patient.

Your faithfulness now will bolster your influence later. The path of preparation requires persevering patience. Travel this path with focused attention. Enjoy the ride, for these may be the simplest days of your life. The path of preparation is the strong foundation of any excellent and eternally significant endeavor.

Another path to walk wisely upon is the path of personal intimacy with God. It is easy to overlook this path because of familiarity or busyness. But without a worn out path to God, you will wear out. It is a path that requires discipline, but the fruit of your faith’s exercise will serve you throughout life. When you walk the path of intimacy with God, He fills you with His peace, security and hope. It is not a path of quick fixes, rather one of trust and endurance.

Traveling a path without God is like walking in the country on a moonless night or, running blindfolded through a city during the day. In either case there is a lot of activity, but it is filled with fear, confusion, misdirection and eventual hurt. Indeed, the path of God is not without pain or uncertainty. But as you travel on His path you are filled with His presence.

As you travel with God, be ever mindful of His guardrails of grace, love and law. They are there for your protection. They keep you from straying off His path of kingdom purpose. The worldly road most traveled is reckless compared to the less traveled path of heaven’s security. Choose daily the wise path of confession and consultation with your creator. The path of obedience to God leads to peace with God.

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