Thursday, April 28, 2022

Loved to love

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35

God’s love is so superior to man’s love. The Lord’s love is perfect--man’s is imperfect. Christ’s love is unconditional--man’s love is conditional. The love of God is limitless--the love of man is limited. Divine love is diverse--human love is likeminded. Think of an earthly father whose love is admirable, but still our heavenly Father’s love far exceeds his worthy example. Our Lord lavishes His love on our life so we can lavishly love other lives.

We are loved by the Lord to love for the Lord. Indeed, we are called by Christ to love with a love not of this world. It is a love that can only be explained by an encounter with Almighty God. His transforming power upon a humble heart positions His disciple to love on His behalf. The parting words of our Savior defined a radical love language introducing the new nomenclature of how His disciples were to love. His command and promise faithfully lived is the best apologetic for faith.

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them” (1 John 4:16).

Furthermore, our sequence of service and love starts with our brothers and sisters in the faith. If we ignore or ‘shoot our wounded,’ we are unattractive to an unloved world. Those who already live a lowly standard have little interest in exchanging it for another lowly standard. However, when we esteem the Lord’s unconditional love for one another, we are attractive to the unsaved. Thus, a fellow believer caught in sin needs our loving restoration, not our harsh condemnation.

Moreover, our love for the Lord is evident when we do what we know to be true. Obedience to our loving heavenly Father draws other potential disciples into our Father’s forgiving arms of grace. I show my love for another child of God when I honor God. Like siblings whose love for each other grows as they honor their parents, so Christians who honor their heavenly Father grow in their love for one another. Yes, as we are loved--we become Christ’s channel to love like Him

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Continual prayer

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NJKV

When we became followers of Jesus we were born into His spiritual ecosystem. The air of His environment is pure and cleansing. As faithful disciples we learn to use our spiritual lungs to breathe in the oxygen of God’s ongoing awareness. Our mindset focuses on His presence and power, not on fear or unseemly influences. Our heart surrenders in willful and joyful dependence on Christ. We pray without ceasing when our soul inhales the Spirit and exhales self.
Moreover, there is an openness that accompanies an attitude of prayer. We don’t have to prove a point or shift a conversation to blame someone else. Instead, we learn to pray in the middle of a contentious circumstance trusting the Holy Spirit to influence debates and align hearts around His will. Yes, prayer is the will of God, that reveals the will of God. We know without a doubt we traffic in the middle of the Lord’s will as we engage in prayer. Constant prayer is a joyful guide.

“Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer [life], being [both] alert and intent in [your praying] with thanksgiving” (Colossians 4:2, Amplified Bible).

Not praying is like holding our breath; we deny spiritual oxygen to our thoughts. We become vulnerable to lies and deception. We smother our faith when we deny our soul the air of prayer. For example, someone tells us disturbing news related to their bad choices. In the moment, we pray and ask God for grace to love and support them during this very difficult time. We embrace them without embracing their foolishness and ask the Lord for His wisdom. A prayerful response during a heated discussion cools the conversation. Prayer in a crisis invites Christ’s calmness. If the only time we pray is when we are in trouble, then we are in trouble. Prayer needs exercise.

Furthermore, in everything we give thanks to the Lord with a posture of humble prayer. When our health fails, we thank Him for the life we’ve enjoyed so far. Whether God heals us or not we will be grateful for His goodness and boldly share the gospel of Christ. We pray without ceasing, as we are alert to the Spirit’s promptings to give. We see with spiritual eyes the gray haired man diligently cleaning tables at the food court. With a smile we give him a cash gift, and in broken English we hear "Thank you." Continual prayer engages opportunities to give

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

We not me

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27

There is a larger context to life than just living for self. A self-focused life is chronically frustrated and is unable to reach its full potential. Its demanding demeanor marginalizes wise counsel and only attracts insecure individuals. However, those who pray for what’s best for the whole become whole. Everyone is honored in an environment that values individual contributions. “We, not me” is the vocabulary of those who honor God and that honor flows to each other. 

Every disciple is stronger when they are connected to other followers. Isolation contributes to spiritual impotence, but community gives spiritual life and power, think about Jesus even had a team and they did ministry together. Encouragement and accountability are exalted in relationships that serve what’s best for the whole. A leader who serves the team sees other team members serve well. A man who serves his family experiences a family that serves each other. “We overcomes me” with unselfish service. Thus, by God’s grace, put to death the “me monster” and replace it with love for the Lord and people. “We, not me” is the motto of mature believers.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Judas effect

Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. So Jesus told him, “What you are about to do, do quickly.” John 13:26-27

A deceived mindset is a soul that flirts with spiritual death. It is from our soul that we first embrace hope or despair, truth or lies, faith or fear, security or insecurity, acceptance or rejection, love or hatred, God or Satan. A soul that gives up on God, gives in to the god of this world, the devil. Thus, a soul is at risk when it is preoccupied with vain imaginations that leaves out, even betrays the Lord. A soul that does not care about Christ is in need of serious soul care.
Judas, though familiar with matters of faith, decided that faith did not matter. His conflicted soul surrendered to short term selfish desire, rather than riding out the storm with righteous motives. He would learn the painful lesson that consequences last when the deeds are past. Jesus found him out, even before He was outed by His betrayer. The Lord Christ knew God’s bigger purpose was at work, so He let him go. Judas sacrificed his soul at the altar of Satan’s shenanigans.

“I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.” So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself” (Matthew 27:4-5).

Moreover, a nation’s soul is at risk when Christ continues to be pushed out of the culture’s conversation. Tolerance for everything but the truth of Scripture will kill the soul of our country. If the ideals that once made America great are put to death, we will no longer be great, but a shell of what we used to be. The soul of a nation can avoid spiritual sacrifice by remaining loyal to the Lord. If our actions betray Jesus we lose God’s favor, but if we obey Jesus we gain God’s favor.

The good news is a soul who receives the love of their heavenly Father finds life. Life with purpose. Life with love. Life with joy. Life with peace. Jesus provides the best soul care. Our churches who rediscover their souls will flourish with the salvation of lost souls. Disciples will multiply, families will be fortified and God will be glorified. As we pour out our soul in praise to the Lord we are energized by eternal matters. A soul who hopes in God is made alive for Christ.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

So much more

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37

You are more than a sinner saved by grace. You are a saint who is no longer a slave to sin. You are more than an enemy of Satan's. You have overcome the enemy by the blood of Christ and the word of your testimony. You are more than a dad who helps around the house. You are the engaged father of your children who models your heavenly Father’s love. You are more than a mom who washes clothes and irons. You are a mother who instructs your peeps to love Jesus.

You are more than a coach or teacher. You are influencing the next generation to live out their faith in Jesus Christ. Your are more than a government official who solves problems. You serve your constituents by applying character and common sense to the laws of the land. You are more than an employee. You are a part of a work culture that influences your coworkers, vendors, customers and the community. You are more because the grace of God has made you more.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

You are more than the problems of your past. You are a new person with a fresh faith in God, because in Christ old things pass away and all things become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). You are more than the result of poor decision making. You are a precious child of God who seeks the wisdom of her heavenly Father to apply the best solutions. You are more than the product of a dysfunctional home. You broke the chain of chaos when, by faith, Christ broke your chains of sin.

Others may try to define us with their well meaning ideas and expectations, but we rest in who God has created us to be. Circumstances may weigh heavy on our hearts, but we know in our hearts we are more than conquerors in Christ. When we remember whose we are, we trust Him where we are and where we are going. We take pride in being a soldier in the Lord’s army and we spiritually train like an athlete who competes for Christ. We are more, because by God’s grace we are more. Don’t settle for less than the Lord’s best. More of Him means more for Him

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Walk the path

I [the angel of the Lord] have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me. Numbers 22:32 b

The path you choose is the path you use. It may be a path of pride or a path of humility. The path may stimulate purity or impurity. It could be a path of wisdom or a path of foolishness. The path may be one of cooperation or a path of independence. Your path may be family friendly, or hostile to the health of your home. Watch the path of success as it can easily veer down the path of lost accountability. The path you choose is the path you use. So, be very wise about the choices you make. Make sure the path you traverse goes through God’s will. Your path is a picture of overlaid choices. One after another, your daily decisions carve out a well beaten path. But do not be deceived, every path leads somewhere.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14). Your current path is not insignificant. If it is a path of preparation, then prepare well. A well prepared path paves the way for opportunity. This is the path of patient preparation. The more you prepare the wider this path becomes. The less you prepare the more narrow it becomes. The path of preparation may seem long and onerous at times, but be patient.

Your faithfulness now will bolster your influence later. The path of preparation requires persevering patience. Travel this path with focused attention. Enjoy the ride, for these may be the simplest days of your life. The path of preparation is the strong foundation of any excellent and eternally significant endeavor.

Another path to walk wisely upon is the path of personal intimacy with God. It is easy to overlook this path because of familiarity or busyness. But without a worn out path to God, you will wear out. It is a path that requires discipline, but the fruit of your faith’s exercise will serve you throughout life. When you walk the path of intimacy with God, He fills you with His peace, security and hope. It is not a path of quick fixes, rather one of trust and endurance.

Traveling a path without God is like walking in the country on a moonless night or, running blindfolded through a city during the day. In either case there is a lot of activity, but it is filled with fear, confusion, misdirection and eventual hurt. Indeed, the path of God is not without pain or uncertainty. But as you travel on His path you are filled with His presence.

As you travel with God, be ever mindful of His guardrails of grace, love and law. They are there for your protection. They keep you from straying off His path of kingdom purpose. The worldly road most traveled is reckless compared to the less traveled path of heaven’s security. Choose daily the wise path of confession and consultation with your creator. The path of obedience to God leads to peace with God.