Tuesday, March 1, 2022


The rest of their brothers (the priests and the Levites and all who had returned from the captivity to Jerusalem) began the work, appointing Levites twenty years of age and older to supervise the building of the house of the Lord.  Ezra 3:8

Transitions are hard, even good ones. But sometimes it is time to move out and move on. God may be calling you back to a particular city or town for you to influence old and new friends for Christ. Or He may be calling you to a brand new endeavor full of wonder and risk. Either way, your transition is what is best for His kingdom and for your spiritual growth. Transitions are a time to trust the Lord, His timing, and to live boldly for Him in and through the transition.
The goal is to position yourself, with career and family, for the most impact on God’s kingdom, placing you and your family in an environment that will challenge, nurture, mature, and provide opportunity for your spiritual growth and expression of gifting. Yes, pray much and seek wise counsel, but do not let fear of the unknown stifle you. This life is your one opportunity to follow hard after God.
“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
Do not let the things of this world paralyze you or cause you to pause. Hesitation can hurt. However, in your zeal, do be sensitive to your loved ones. Make sure to nurture them through the process. Retain Christ as your compass through the transition. He will keep you honest and soften the hearts of those most affected by the move. Do not let the fear of man get you off mission. Rather, let the fear of God lead you to follow His call.
Transitions can be exciting. They can keep us young. They move our faith to a whole new level. You could have stayed in your comfort zone with a minimally felt need for God. But now your dependence on Him is daily, real time. You feel and know He is your loving heavenly Father. Your circumstances may or may not get better, but you will.
“Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt…. The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered” (Genesis 39:1–2).
Is He leading you to a new city? Hire a realtor. Does He want you to downsize so you can simplify your life? Put up a for sale sign. Does He want you to cap your lifestyle so you can give away more money? Tell your financial advisor. Does He want you to move overseas and train national leaders? Get a passport. Does He want you to reach out to your neighbors? Invite them to dinner. If He wants you, trust Him, and wholeheartedly give yourself God.
Divinely orchestrated transitions are like a loyal friend whom you totally trust. See this shift as an asset on heaven’s balance sheet of your life. Ride change like the ocean waves. It may be a little scary or maybe a lot scary, but He is with you. You will crash occasionally, but He will buffer your fall, like resting on a soft, sandy sea bottom. Let this transition lead you closer to God and His will. You will never know exactly what you would have missed if you do not, and you will have few regrets if you do.

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