Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Covenant with my eyes

I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. Job 31:1

Pure eyes are a priority for a disciple of Jesus Christ. Eyes are highly regarded because they can be an evangelist for good or bad. When locked onto lust, they are relentless in their pursuit of sin. Like a heat-seeking missile, they will accelerate their course until they reach their destination of destruction. Eyes are like missiles, needing guidance from God, not from a hot heart. Misguided eyes can easily choose the path of pornography and become married to their emotional impulses. Misguided eyes can lead a person to be so preoccupied with destructive behavior that he or she becomes an embarrassment to themselves and a disgrace to others.
God takes seriously the stewardship of sight, but like any of His great blessings, eyes are meant for good. It is good to gaze at God’s creation in all of its splendor and glory. How beautiful is the rush of a crystal-clear waterfall as it rushes over moss-covered rocks into a quiet reflecting pool at the bottom of its crashing course. This is a magnificent expression for our eyesight. Eyes are meant to enjoy beauty, not exploit it.

If you have an eye for art and interior design, you are blessed indeed. God has given you perspective and creativity that most lack. Do not expose your eyes to everything. Of course, they cannot be sheltered from all sin. Eyes are not designed to be reclusive, purposefully blind to the outside world. However, eyes are meant to be respectful of their Creator. Eyes are avenues for good or bad. Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light” (Matthew 6:22).
When you covenant with your eyes, you covenant with your Creator. Your Creator, God, longs to guide your eyes, so trust as you follow God with your eyes. He is a guide who leads with caution and adventure. He will guide you toward love instead of lust. He will guide you into contentment instead of discontent. When you see the material stuff of others, you will thank God on their behalf, not coveting with your eyes. He will guide you into generosity instead of greed. The more you have, the more you will give. When you see the needs of others, you will respond generously, whether you have God-blessed abundance or modest means.

You are sometimes totally blind to bad choices that lurk ahead. But because you have made a covenant with your eyes, your Creator will see you through vulnerable times. Moreover, He takes your contractual agreement with your eyes to heart. Your responsibility in this binding contract is to make wise choices. Avoid exposing your eyes to enticing and erotic images. Your covenant requires you to inform others of your propensities for temptation. Do not traffic alone in your vulnerable places. God’s covenants have restrictions and requirements, but all for your good.

Having a covenant with your eyes liberates you from lust and any other addictive eye candy. Make a contract with your eyes, then trust God to guide you away from gullibility into goodness, so you are not blind to the ways of the Lord. Understand and apply the terms of your eyes’ covenant. God’s terms provide boundaries with radical freedom. Keep eye contact with God and you will be free indeed.

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