Tuesday, January 11, 2022

God of purpose

Bring about Your kingdom. Manifest Your will here on earth, as it is manifest in heaven. Matthew 6:10, The Voice

God is intentional in building His kingdom on earth. Unseen by the naked eye of  natural man, the Lord is at work behind the scenes facilitating spiritual outcomes that create what we call purpose. Earthly kings build their kingdoms, but ultimately it is the kingdom of heaven that reigns. So, to be on the right side of history (His Story), we align with what God is doing by prayer. We submit to His reign in our hearts, so His Kingdom comes within us before it manifests itself out to the world.

What are the purposes of our heavenly Father? How can our lives line up with what the Lord wants? We know our heavenly Father’s major purpose is growing our love relationship and intimacy with Him. He is our King who loves us, so we can grow to love and accept His gracious governance/lordship of our lives. Our king Jesus died for us, so by His resurrection power, we die for Him. Yes, we pray for His love to rule our hearts and motivate our words and deeds.

“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him” (James 2:5)?

The love of the Lord is an attractive advertisement to a lost and confused world. They see love and they wonder, 'Why?'. Why do we take the time to listen to a person’s story and enter into their life? Why do we give expertise and cash to help alleviate suffering and help create opportunities? Love is God’s greatest command and weapon of kingdom advancement, so we model for others our joyful privilege to love and be loved by the Lord. Yes, the kingdom of God is built on the love of God. God’s will is manifest on earth every time we love in Jesus' name. His kingdom of love defeats the kingdom of hate, and Satan.

Therefore, the more complete we become in Christ, the more the Kingdom of Heaven manifests itself in our lives. We usher in His dominion every time we pray for His will to be done down here, like it is up there. For example, oneness of heart with the Lord means we refrain from having to have the last word. Unity of soul with God means we are content to grow in our character above needing the praise of our peers. Alignment with the Almighty’s agenda supports the advancement of His Kingdom and the retreat of our own. We either pray our kingdom come or His Kingdom come, amen.

“Giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:12-14).

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