Thursday, August 19, 2021


 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10

Be still with the Savior, for it positions us to see and hear God clearly. Stillness sets us free from busyness that can betray our trust in God. It is hard to be still in a society that values busyness and suspects and downplays the importance of stillness. We are made to feel guilty if we are not constantly on the go by the world. Why else would we stay habitually connected to computers, ipads, phones, social media, television, netflix, hulu, etc. etc. and caffeine? However, busyness is not a badge of honor, but a sad and seductive addiction. Overdone busyness is a lack of focus on God and His provision. However, to “be still” is the standard for serious followers of Jesus.

Be still and rest; Be still and reflect; Be still and think; Be still and pray; Be still and write; Be still and enjoy your family; Be still with no agenda; Be still and see things more clearly; Be still and know He is God. Be still and remember His word and promises to us. 

Being still is an investment that pays into eternity. Practicing stillness regularly means we trust God with the big things such as relationships, the future, finances, family, a job, and our health. Stillness also means we come to understand the small things and don’t sweat them because we know our Savior is in control. Stillness aligns our hearts with God. It is in our expressive stillness that we muse and meditate on His grace.

Yes, there are seasons of busyness that make stillness seem foreign. An infant requires intense attention. A move to another home involves significantly increased activity. Launching a business or a ministry is an all-consuming affair. Starting something new most likely means you are extremely busy. However, do not use your busyness as an excuse to ignore God. Push back from your fatigue that comes from forgetting to be still. In our busyness, we can still carve out time to be still with Christ. Busyness is not meant to be a habit; it’s meant to be for a time. We are not designed to stay there. We move on and don’t allow busyness to backlog. We pass through busyness on the way to being still.

Lastly, fill your stillness with the significance of knowing God. This is a potent perspective that facilitates faith and trust in the Lord. It is here that we are humbled with a massive dose of dependency on divine guidance and wisdom. It is in our stillness that we see God for who He is, high and lifted up, deserving of our honor, praise, and adoration. The sovereignty of God screams in our stillness.

God grows bigger when we slow down and rest in the shadow of His stature. It is in our stillness that we see the unseen activity of the Lord our God. The Holy Spirit is melting hard hearts. He is orchestrating authorities in our life to bend them and us toward God. He is drawing men and women to Himself in the middle of Christless cultures. Stillness shows us what our Savior is up to, and gives us a living hope that can be ours daily and regularly. Stillness shows us the way. Stillness is God’s way of working with us. Stillness saves time. Be still, and we will see Him exalted among the nations and in the earth. Stillness knows God.

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