Wednesday, July 21, 2021


 The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word and my servant will be healed.” Matthew 8:8, NKJV

Far too often, our sense of humility is rooted in a distorted view of self, not an elevated view of God.

It is easy to see our shortcomings and failures, to know better than anyone else the ways in which we have failed to be the men and women God has called us to be. We should therefore be quick to seek the forgiveness and mercy of God, asking him to heal us and make us whole. However, sorrow over our failures is not the same thing as genuine humility. True humility sees not only our failures, but even our absolute best selves, the full potential of who we are made to be, yet is still quick to embrace and celebrate one’s identity as a servant under authority.

You and I will never be humble until we gain clarity on the exceeding worth and value of Christ. In the words of the centurion, “I am not worthy” can only be a statement of true humility when it is said in relation to Christ and his infinite worth. By human standards, a centurion was a person of great significance, a military leader with command over 100 soldiers. In fact, it would be untrue for him to say he has no worth or significance, for everyone around him would have seen that to be false. 

Similarly, many of us have been entrusted with positions of leadership or given resources or education that invite great respect or honor. Faith in Christ does not require that we deny these truths or ignore the opportunities for influence that we have been given. What it does ask of us is a daily reassessment of our worth in light of the worth of Jesus Christ.

This centurion of old gives an example for all ages of the way of humility. Humility is found when we see Jesus for who he truly is and learn daily to see ourselves and the world around us through his great light.  And while his words are right and true - “I am not worthy” - as we welcome the Lord into our homes and lives, in the mystery of his goodness he makes us worthy. By his grace, we are seated at the royal table, invited to dine with the King as his sons and daughters. 

And so, mindful of the areas of leadership or influence we have been given, let us always remember and live with this reality before us, Christ is the King, and we are his faithful servants who lead, love, and serve, in order to invite others to encounter and abide in his perfect love. 

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