Thursday, March 12, 2020

A gentle whisper

Have you ever been desperate for an encounter with God?  Anxious for Him to show up and give you some sort of grand, extravagant revelation about His purpose for you on Earth?  
          The next time you feel that way, remember this...Don't blink.  You may miss it.
The statement I just made is from a look I took into the life of Elijah.  His story reminds us that whether we hear Him or not, God still speaks.  And whether we feel it or not, we all of us still have a divine purpose.  
Elijah was the boldest of God's prophets.  But in First Kings 19, we find him on the run, in fear for his life, and in desperate need of a revelation.  Here's how the Lord responded.   

God sent a mighty wind that broke the rocks into pieces on Mount Horeb.  But God was not in the wind.  He sent an earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake. He sent fire, but God was not in the fire.
God was in none of those things.  Instead, His revelation came in a whisper...  a still, small voice that reminded Elijah he still had a purpose on Earth. Be encouraged today beloved.  When we are seeking the voice of God or an encounter with God, don't fixate on the next grand thing or huge sign.  Be on the lookout for the next small one or simple thing. I have discovered that God often does His best work without fanfare.  He always has let me give you a couple examples:

Look at Moses.  A baby found floating down the Nile River becomes a prince in Egypt, and later a fugitive living a quiet life on the backside of the desert. But that child, that fugitive from justice, became a mighty deliverer after a meeting a simple burning bush.
Look at David, an inconspicuous shepherd whose brothers were bigger and seemed more qualified to govern a nation.  But Samuel listened to the still, small voice of God and chose David.  And that sheep-watcher became a giant-slayer and a king who led God's people. By being confident in his ability and a simple sling-shot and God-confidence.
 God had a purpose for Moses and David that no one would have ever seen coming. I know you may sometimes feel as though you no longer have a purpose.  I know life gets hard and things go sideways and you may begin to think your best days are behind you.  That is nothing but the lies of the enemy talking, not God.  Find your own Mount Horeb, listen closely to what God says about His purpose for you on Earth, and then set out to do it.

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