Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Benefactor of faith

And behold, they brought to Him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.

Some situations call for the extra faith of others to get us through. It is okay to appropriate the faith of friends when you face a task that takes three people to tackle. You may have lost the confidence to carry on in your current condition, but faithful friends are willing to rally around you and help; so let them. Allow faithful friends to lift you to the Lord.

Invite the intimate concern of Christians who can lead you to Christ. When our faith is weak, the Lord places people in our path who can pick us up if necessary. Your emotions may be frazzled from overwork and underpay. You met the deadline, but it almost killed you in the process. Fatigue makes cowards of us all. Weak faith needs a faith infusion.

Furthermore, you may have strong faith, but to make it through this challenging season requires extra faith from family and friends. When was the last time you held hands and prayed together as a couple at home? Or are you so busy doing that you have neglected taking time together to go to Jesus?

The family unit, by God’s design, allows an appropriation of faith for one another. One struggling family member has the support of other family members. A united family lifts one another to Christ’s care and love.

The results of applying the faith of family and friends are extraordinary. Sins are forgiven, emotions are healed, bodies are made whole, life has a new lease, and Jesus becomes radically real. There is phenomenal encouragement when the body of Christ comes together to care for the wounded, the broken, and the lost. A full faith is freedom.

Therefore, seek out those who need our Savior Jesus, and do not be content until they come to Christ. If you are in need of extra faith, do not be shy in sharing your heart with those you trust and respect. When we all reach for Jesus together, He exceeds expectations.

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