Friday, February 10, 2017

Divine direction

I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23

We do not own our lives.  We have been bought with a price ( See 1 Corinthians 6:20). Jesus’ sacrificial blood purchased our freedom from the fire of hell, sin, and death.  By faith, He owns us.  A great exchange took place when you first believed in Jesus.  What’s yours became His, and what’s His became yours.  The life of Christ became your life. It is not your life to define, but His.  He has wrapped a wonderful definition around whose you are in Him. You are a child of God.  You are secure because your Savior keeps you.  You are valuable because the Lord values you.  You are protected because the Lord owns you as you are His prize purchased possession.

The Bible is God’s glossary of how to define yourself.  Scripture gives you a family tree of faith for you to trace your spiritual roots.  It is a mirror of how God sees you.  He sees you as accepted in His Son, though you suffer rejection from others.  Cherish and enjoy daily the acceptance of Jesus. Moreover, your mistakes are His opportunity to affirm His acceptance and love.  There are still consequences to your sin, but He is always available to receive you back because you are His.    

Furthermore, He directs His own (See Isaiah 48:17).  God’s desire for you is to understand and follow His will for your life.  Beloved it’s a step-by-step process and He directs your steps by and through the unction of His Spirit.  The Lord leads you in lockstep with His steps and voice as He leads us to join Him in the work of His will.    

Learn to walk patiently with Him, and watch Him work.  The Holy Spirit is your guide.  Learn how to let the Lord direct your steps.  Prayerfully listen to the quiet prompting/unction from His Spirit.  Stop when you need to stop.  Speed up when you need to speed up.  Slow down when you need to slow down.  God directs the steps of a submitted, surrendered heart.  

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