The advice of well meaning people is not always best. They advise when we should buy or sell something, or borrow money: when we should save money or save more money, when we should give more money. In the case of a relationship, when we should give it a second chance or continue in a relationship, or when we should break it off. When we consider changing jobs, when we should stay or remain in a job, when we should change jobs. Sincere counsel that sounds right, may not be the best advice. Only Christ gives counsel that is accurate and true all of the time.
In the book of Revelation, Jesus’ very insightful counsel exposes the church’s inability to see its unhealthy condition. His remedy is the application of His Spirit’s salve to reveal their need to be clothed in righteousness. Those who recognize their needy state are in a position to receive counsel, but those stuck in denial live in a dream like delusional state, and in a perpetual state of pain. Money can mask issues, but eventually severe dysfunction drives people and organizations to recognize their sickly condition. The longer the delay, the harder it is to fully recover. Only that which is birthed and provided by the Spirit can truly satisfy the thirsty soul.
Wealth of heart gets to the heart of what our Lord desires most for us. Riches can be a roadblock to relationships or can provide additional options for spiritual and emotional growth. Abundance is the asset our generous God offers to His children. Abundance of life, relationships and all we need and desire to live a fulfilling life. The riches of Christ are not without cost. As our faith is tried by the fires of adversity and success we remain faithful to be a channel of the Lord’s acceptance, intimacy and fruitfulness. The best advice comes from our God’s wisdom.
Beloved are you open to advice? Have you truly humbled yourself to admit you are in need of help from God and others? Remember, more money is not the answer to issues that set up residence in the heart. The closer a person is to an issue, the harder it is for them to see the best solution. Faith takes a step back and invites in a third party to help parse the problem and provide good and wise counsel. The best counsel comes from our Savior Jesus Christ. What does He think about your situation? How does Jesus want to love you in your pain? Listen to the Lord, look around to see Him at work, and receive His best advice.
Our prayer: Father give us an attentive ear, attentive, and humble spirit to receive the full counsel of your Spirt Amen.
Pastor Todd A. Brown
"The best ability is availability"
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