Friday, January 16, 2015


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

It takes courage to wake up, get up and face the day. Issues and people may make us feel afraid, but with God’s grace we face our fears by faith. Fear is not absent in a courageous spirit, it’s just not in control. It may be a loud passenger in the back seat shouting concerns, but it is not driving the car, courage holds the steering wheel. Thus, we minimize our fears of the unknown and we maximize our faith in the known. Cowards are intimated into inertia, while courage carries on.

What barriers do you face that courage can help you overcome? Maybe you feel undervalued at work and it is time to ask for a raise. Perhaps you need to tell a friend ‘no’ and risk hurting their feelings, even jeopardizing your friendship. It may be your responsibility to lovingly confront a strong leader about their inappropriate conduct. Courage to continue your education, remain committed to your marriage or stand up to a bully are all noble pursuits. Bravery stays engaged.

Leaders can courageously find answers and take personal responsibility or in cowardice make excuses pushing responsibility on everybody else. This is why a decisive leader with average skills is superior to an indecisive leader with greater gifts. Courage causes the one in charge to move forward even when all the facts are not known. Courageous leaders know how to adjust as more data is discovered, but all the while they lead the team toward the goal. A leader with grit and guts doesn’t panic, but perseveres. They follow where the Lord leads even when it is popular or supported by the majority.

Above all, we are wise to gain our courage from Christ. He who modeled courage in the face of the most horrific circumstances gives us what we need to face our fears. His wisdom gives us insight to overcome ignorance. His grace gives us patience to outlast another’s procrastination or prevarication. His love gives us undaunted leadership to lead with compassion and clarity. Thus, we find courage to pray. We feel the support of God’s people and their prayers. Our courage, though imperfect, keeps us focused on Jesus. 

Make today a day of Kingdom Impact.  .

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

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