Thursday, May 30, 2013

When things seem unheard

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1

Sometimes God is silent, even when His children cry out for answers. The unfair becomes a test of faith that grows the prayer life of those who stay persistent with the Lord. Understand, He is not too busy answering the billion other prayers bombarding heaven, but He does want an unfeigned faith in His disciples. God is not a cosmic “google” waiting to give unlimited information to all requests. Too much data can break a spirit, puff up a mind or confuse a heart.

The Lord knows what’s best in how we process unanswered prayers. We may not be ready to receive what we want or think we need. We seem stuck in a stage of suffering because we are learning the depths of dependency on God. We feel like we are dog paddling in a phase of waiting because our patience needs to progress to perseverance. Our aloneness can suffocate us, but we breathe better spiritually in a close walk with Christ. Unanswered prayers produce more prayer.
Jesus says that even an unjust judge can be convinced of the right thing to do, but our Heavenly Father does not have to be convinced of good actions. He is all good and He knows what’s best for His children. He wants us to be convinced of the next right thing. So, a prolonged prayer process creates new convictions we cherish and cling to for comfort. For example, in prayer the Spirit may reveal anger in a pocket of our heart that He replaces with forgiveness. Unanswered prayer pushes us to unknown places that need soul care. Humble prayers are always productive.

Lastly, we remain in prayer to remain in Him. Our perspective grows in Christlike clairvoyance as we focus on our Heavenly Father in His liberal love and holiness. Trust wins, not suspicion, when we grow familiar with the dynamics of faithful living. Prayer becomes like oxygen for our soul, lest we smother ourselves in worry. Like a needy individual we need assurance from our righteous judge, Jesus. Yes, our Lord never sleeps, He listens intently and loves us passionately.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 9:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On Duty

So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty. Luke 17:10

Christian duty is illustrated by a master and servant relationship. The Master (Jesus Christ) is caring and clear in His expectations for His servants (Christians). The Master expects diligence and thoroughness in the tasks at hand. He does not patronize the sincere servant with flowery compliments, but allows the servant to enjoy fulfilling work for the Master’s sake. Honorable service done for our Master Christ is the duty of all His followers. This is fundamental.

Our Lord does not owe us anything for our routine or radical efforts for advancing His Kingdom. Indeed, our life in total is all His grace. Our relationships, our ability to work, our mental reasoning, our feelings of love and hope all spring from the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is our duty to do what Christ commands without complaint or expecting anything in return. Like a good soldier does his duty for God and country, so servants of Jesus are faithful to their charge of love, joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost.

Those of us who long for approval struggle when our service is absent of commendations. Yet, this is a test to see if our motivation is for what we get out of obeying God, or for what we can give, by doing our duty in pure gratitude to Him because of our great love and appreciation for what He has done for us in setting us free from the bondage of sin. We become miserable, even angry, if we expect special treatment by the Lord or His people because of our sacrificial service. Yes, unexpected blessings will come back to those who bless, but this is not why we give. Our duty has no claims.

Therefore, our duty needs no more than to diligently follow Christ’s calling. He is our Master and we serve at His direction. He may have you engaged in the tasks of parenthood or the basics of an entry level job. Wherever your Lord has you on assignment, do it with joy. Total submission to Christ is our best option, yes, beloved we must repent of negotiating our own recognition and rewards. Christian duty done by grace glorifies God.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd. Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 9:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Handling Business

The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. Luke 16:8

Christians can be guilty of not being shrewd for Jesus. I can falsely feel like the Lord will take care of things without my best efforts. On the contrary, Christ expects us to be as innocent as a dove and as shrewd as a snake (Matthew 10:16). Gentleness and astuteness go hand in hand. The gullible miss out on God’s best, but the shrewd know how to manage well the wisdom of God. Engaged and mature thinking considers creatively and calmly how to capitalize on a difficult situation.
Apathy breeds despair and panic creates contempt.

However, we who know God, have the mind of Christ. The Holy Spirit is our advocate, whose insights transcend conventional solutions during tough times. The Spirit will lead us as we move forward by faith, but if we remain immobile in an anxious state, we will fail. As children of the light we have kingdom resources at our disposal. God’s favor rests on us when we attempt to influence people for His purposes.

How do you use your resources to reach people for Jesus Christ? One gauge of your effectiveness for the Lord is how well you assist friends to grow in their faith. People are attracted to authenticity and audacious faith. Bold risks breathed over in prayer become trophies of God’s grace and work. Use your business or work as a platform of creativity for Christ. Shun the status quo and lean into innovation. Last year’s success needs this year’s relevance.

Lastly, do business with other believers who are excellent in their field. You support the economics of God’s Kingdom when you support other brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, Christians will let you down, but learn how to work together and look for those whose values and maturity are similar to yours. Unite your community of faith around Christ. Use the synergies of other saints to leverage service to society and be a strong kingdom witness.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 9:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Friday, May 24, 2013

Celebrate good times come on

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10
 The great God of the Universe and those in the presence of angels rejoice when a single sinner repents. A conversion to Christ is a big to the Lord. Like a body healed of disease celebrates wholeness, a soul healed of sin’s terminal illness can’t help but bring glory to God in celebratory praise. What was lost is found. What was estranged from the Holy Spirit is unified with God’s Spirit. What was sentenced to hell is pardoned for heaven. New life deserves a celebration.

Do you make a special effort to recognize a friend or relative’s decision to trust Christ? Perhaps you attend their baptism, buy them a Bible, or lead them through a discipleship process for new believers. Maybe you throw a celebration with a delicious meal and a time of affirmation for the one who has passed from death to life. Just like caring attention is deservedly given to a physical birth, so time and money are great investments in a new birth. Celebrate a new Christian’s faith in Christ.

Be intentional not to take for granted someone, who by grace, engaged God for the very first time. A faith that becomes too familiar with itself is a tired faith. However, a faith fired by the flames of a fresh faith is energized and reminded of its past zeal. Oh the joy of being a spiritual parent. Alive and well are disciples who are blessed to experience a soul’s new creation within relationships they love. Yes, there is no greater joy than serving as a spiritual obstetrician.

Our Heavenly Father throws a celebration for those who have come home to Christ. He laughs and sings songs of jubilation when His children repent of foolish living and turn to trust in Him. He expects His other children to join Him in a expression of gratitude over one sinner who has come to their senses. A saved soul is extremely valuable in eternity’s currency. Like a found silver coin on earth is a converted soul in heaven. A conversion to Christ is cause for celebration.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd. Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sincere Forgiveness

This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart. Matthew 18:35

Forgiveness is a serious matter to the Lord. It is so significant that He gave His only son, Jesus, on a cruel Cross as forgiveness for our sins (John 3:16). Forgiveness wipes clean a debt that was impossible to pay: only the sinless One can forgive sin. Because of God’s mercy on us, He expects us to extend this unconditional grace to those who offend us. Gratitude has a long memory of His great grace. We forgive freely because God, through Christ, has forgiven us.

Sincere forgiveness gives us freedom. It frees us to be who God wants us to be. Forgiveness frees us from the need to pay back or heap guilt and condemnation on the one who hurt us. When we let go of anger, even bitterness, our emotional energy is free to comfort and care for the needs of others. A heart bound up in its own hurt cannot even care for itself. Indeed, forgiveness shifts our focus from the idol of self pity to the praise of God’s mercy.

We sin when we chose not to forgive. Furthermore, our fellowship with the Lord is stifled without sincere forgiveness. Our intimacy erodes without the clean slate of forgiveness from Christ. So, how can you know if you have truly forgiven someone who has hurt, even violated you? You begin to bless them instead of curse them. You talk well about them behind their back. You pray for them to grow in God’s grace. Forgiveness frees you to love well, and love often.

There is a risk involved in sincere forgiveness. Your offender may continue their disrespectful, potentially harmful behavior. They may take advantage of your kindness (just be reminded that kindness isn't weakness truly is show how strong God has really made you). Your forgiveness is no guarantee they will change, but you will change (and that is what God wants most). Christ will conform you into His work of grace, mercy and love. God will deal with the unruly ones in His timing. Their conscience is the Holy Spirit’s auditor who will bring them into account. Your sincere forgiveness reveals the heart of God.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Monday, May 20, 2013

Addition by subtraction

But the LORD said to Gideon, “There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will sift them for you there. If I say, ‘This one shall go with you,’ he shall go; but if I say, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ he shall not go.”Judges 7:4

Less of some things can mean opportunity to trust in God with more things. This is why the sifting by our Lord need not be discouraging. His goal is not to harm you, but to strip you from any dependence on yourself or others and to rely solely on Him. Your financial limitations are an occasion to watch Him provide in ways that give Him the glory for your life. Less money means you have the occasion to trust Him with His creative provision.

When some of your friends fall away it stings; but your best friend, Jesus, still remains. You can become involved with numerous relationships and miss engaging in intimacy with God. Fewer true friends will lead to richer relationships and more time with God. If your life is driven by one new relationship after another you will drown in shallow living. Having fewer earthly relationships means you have more time for your Heavenly One. Less is more.

Take the time to shed the weight of worry and watch God work. A surrendered life can be efficiently leveraged. However, a life independent of God is severely limited in its influence. He is positioning you for unprecedented leadership and influence. Now is the time to quit mourning your losses and move on. You have a new lease on life with the Lord, so follow His lead. Watch Him take your “five loaves of bread and two fish” (Matthew 14:17-19) and multiply them way beyond your efforts and enthusiasm. What God breaks He rebuilds to be dependent on Him, and more influential and fruitful. This rebuilding process has simplified your life; so don’t revert to complicated living. Less is truly more.

If “more is more” is your motto, you can easily become mean-spirited, bitter, and hard to deal with. A “more is more” mantra eventually becomes meaningless. You achieve and receive more, but to what end? There is no fulfillment outside of Kingdom-minded motives. If it is all about you, you will become miserable. If, on the other hand, it is less of you and more of Him, everyone is happy. This is how God works. “‘He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble’” (Luke 1:52).

Therefore, lower the volume of activity and wait in quietness. It may be time to talk less and listen more. The calming presence of Christ is priceless, so tap into His reservoir of renewal. Less worldly thinking and more heavenly thinking leads to discerning the will of God. Don’t just stand in awe of His robust accomplishments through your meager efforts. Now is the time to use this momentum generated by your Master. God is on a roll and you have the privilege of joining Him. By faith, stop doing two things before you add one. Slow down so God can speed up. Focus on quality and watch Him multiply the quantity. God wants to do more with less so He gets the glory. Decrease, so He can increase (John 3:30, KJV). Less is more,less of you and more of Him.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd. Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

No doubt

“Moses answered, ‘What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, “The Lord did not appear to you”?’” (Exodus 4:1).

Moses experienced the “what if” trap. “What if they do not believe me or listen to me?” And several thousand years later we struggle with the same doubts. What if they reject me? What if they say no? What if they say yes? What if I fail? What if I am hurt? What if they do not understand? If God has led us thus far and if His track record is one of faithfulness, are we not really saying, “What if God does not do what He said He will do?” Doubt detaches us from trust in Christ.

If we are not careful, our beliefs and behavior can reflect this kind of irrational thinking about God. We really struggle at times (usually right before we take that step of faith) and wonder if God is really true to His Word and if He will come through for us. Yet we know that God has never failed us. His timing may have been different than we expected, but He has not failed us and He will not fail. Even knowing this, we still struggle with doubt. Why is this?

Doubt is a normal part of the trust process. We go through doubt on the way to trust in the Lord. Even the most faithful followers of Jesus deal with doubt (see Matthew 11:2). However, the danger of doubt is remaining in doubt. Extended striving over doubt can paralyze you. It can paralyze your relationships, your finances, your career advancement, and, worst of all, your obedience to God. He is either trustworthy or He is not.

Lastly, the greatest difficulty is when we are in the middle of tremendous adversity or uncertainty. God’s posture is one of continual compassion and sincere love. He is there to walk with you. He is leading you, and He will provide the needed skills, finances, health, and relationships for you to accomplish His will. Let Him use this time of trial to, once again, show that He is God, and that He is faithful.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd. Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Work n Worship

To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. Genesis 3:17

Work, many times, is work. Painful toil is a consequence of what happened in the beginning, God cursed the ground because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. Labor became laborious; instead of paradise in the sinless Garden of Eden there was blood, sweat and tears mingled with sin. Work is not meant to be ease, but intense effort.
Is your work a struggle? Are you in one of the most stressful seasons of your career? If so, God doesn’t waste pain. It’s in your discomfort that He comforts and in your unease that He gives courage. If the Lord has your attention in an environment out of your control, stay true to what you can do and leave the results with God. In stress seek Jesus. “So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 2:20).

Beloved, see work as another opportunity to worship God; a sacrifice of service you lay before Him for the Holy Spirit to ignite with power and effectiveness. Lift your heart and head in humility; present your hands and feet by faith all for God’s glory. Silently sing in sincere worship while you work. Worshipful music does for the ears what the Sistine Chapel does for the eyes it's lovely to listen to for the glory of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Lastly, look at your work as a testament to excellence on behalf of Jesus. Your ministry is your work and your work is your ministry. Monday through Saturday are not secular days of service, but a Christian’s sacred obligation to model their faith with first rate work. Perhaps you facilitate a Bible study at lunch, or before or after hours. Your outstanding effort in the enterprise earns you the right to prayerfully and graciously share your faith.

So when job security is jittery and insecure exhibit  God's peace  in the form of calm contentment and patient perseverance. Work struggles are the scenario where others can see you act out what you say you believe. Perhaps your bold belief during adverse work conditions activates believers and leads unbelievers to begin their belief in Christ.  In all that you do, do as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23).

Friday, May 10, 2013

Give it up to have it all

In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything cannot be my disciples. Luke 14:33

Abandonment is the attitude of the disciples of Jesus Christ. Utter abandonment to fame, fortune, friends and family to carry out Christ’s calling. I know words like these many of us (myself included) don’t like these hard words of Jesus, but they are a test of our true love and committment for Him and what is necessary to be effective in Kingdom advancement. Am I a casual Christian or am I a committed Christian? Motivations of convenience and comfort bear the fruit of shallow spirituality while the desire of death to self bears the fruit of unencumbered obedience. Count the costs before making commitment.

Zealous fools begin, but do not proceed down the path of the Lord’s purposes for their life. However, as a sober minded disciple who counted the costs, you answered Christ’s call to follow Him. Your commitment was based on the courage and resolution to do the next right thing, regardless. The gates of hell do not prevail, because you are executing God’s game plan. There is a visceral sense of destiny because you are following the most trusted One, Jesus.

Furthermore, tribulation and persecution will come when we persistently love and serve Jesus' joining Him in the working of His will. The outside forces of radical resistance are not meant to be met with our radical activism. A combative and harsh religion loses its attractiveness to the spiritually unattractive. Thus, when we feel pressure to conform to the culture, we invite the Holy Spirit to conform us into the likeness of Jesus. He raises the stakes with our radical love, forgiveness, acceptance and service.

Have you given up everything for God, only to experience His generous return policy? All we have is His anyway, but our gracious Lord allows us to manage His assets. What we desperately hold on to, He often takes and gives away. What we freely let go of, He may give back, since we can be trusted with His blessings. Therefore, count the costs as a Christ follower by being a radical doer of the Word. Be known by how well you love. Give up everything for Him and you can experience it all.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd. Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mining for Gold

The Kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matthew 13:44

Followers of Jesus have the joy and privilege of treasuring the treasure of God. Like an archeologist for the Lord, they dig in the dirt of His love and are surprised by His generosity with the precious metals of grace and truth. Jesus is the preeminent gem. When excavated from this field of faith, He invites us to a lifetime of discovery and renewal. Now, the search for spiritual treasure requires trust, persistence, and faithfulness. We must enjoy the process that produces character in sincere seekers of the Lord.

Are you motivated to make Kingdom priorities  your number one goal? Are you intentional in seeking intimacy with Jesus? It feels laborious at times, but your labor is not in vain. Once you are committed to Christ, resolve to hide the truth of God's word in your heart and in the process position your life to be aligned with the will of the Lord. Your sold out life reflects a beautiful orchard for all to admire Christ working in and through your life. Work in fields of faith that yield massive, good fruit.

We have the unique opportunity and stewardship to seek out the wisdom and knowledge of God in Christ. A good process is to process our findings in prayer and meditation. Like a gold miner we pan for God’s gold nuggets with our wire filter of Scripture that separates fool’s gold from wisdom’s gold. In what can be a monotonous discipline we will find a variety of gold treasures: dusts of discernment, slivers of hope, nuggets of wisdom and rocks of faith.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mercy Mercy Me

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. Ephesians 2:4-5

The quality of God’s mercy is not obstructed. Like the gentle and ceaseless flow of a bubbling brook, it refreshes all who come to drink. Those refreshed can fill their spiritual buckets and bless others who in their parched suffering have yet to taste heaven’s love. Yes, the rights of God’s mercy are inexhaustible and its riches are more than can ever be spent. His mercy shows compassion, nullifies judgment, covers pain and withholds what is deserved.

Do you lift up prayers of gratitude for the rich mercy of your Lord? Is mercy your manner of speech and conduct? Mercy exists like the foyer of your home to welcome the undeserving and those who feel shame, but not hope. Like a critical care unit in a hospital, make your home a ward of mercy for those who need healing, love and acceptance.

Our pride is unmoved by mercy; neither extending or receiving. With a granite like face, grace is absent. Our pride’s philosophy is an “eye for an eye,” with no eye on God’s eternal perspective of mercy. We desperately need to daily approach His throne of grace and mercy with our needy hearts. Humility looks in the mirror first as a candidate for Christ’s mercy.

Moreover, mercy is a perquisite step toward forgiveness. As we cry out, “God be merciful to me a sinner,” we are positioned to be forgiven and to forgive. Thus, cling to the mercy of Jesus who graciously gives mercy to you in abundance. Be a man or woman of mercy, as you experience from others their: insecurities, fears, struggles, rejection, arrogance and accusations. Lean into mercy, take responsibility where another won’t. Often, give and take this rich quality of mercy uninhibited.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd. Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact

Friday, May 3, 2013

Don't be a hypocrite

This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:49-50

There are posers who profess to know God, but He will one day say to them, “I never knew you.” It is scary to think an individual can believe they are ok with the Lord when they are not. Maybe they heard the truth of the Cross, but they did not receive the truth by faith into their heart. There has not been an exchange of trust in themselves to a total dependence on Christ. Fools may have good religious feelings, but they have not surrendered to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.

Have you truly trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Is your love and affection captured by the love of your Heavenly Father? If not, it is wise to be circumspect about your commitment to Christ. As Jesus stated, mingling with the good fish does not make you a good fish. A bad fish smells like a fish, looks like a fish and tastes like a fish, but it remains in its original state until it's drawn to heaven by God. Make sure the scales of sin are removed from your spiritual eyes.

Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized. Acts 9:18

It is uncomfortable to picture a loving God having a system of judgment that includes hell. However, would He really be loving if He did not punish sin and expose religious hypocrites for pretending to be something they're not true followers of Jesus? We water down the Word of God when we feel like we have to apologize for the Lord’s consequences that accompany improper beliefs. Oh how He loves us, because on Judgment Day, wrongs will be made right in His sight.

Therefore, in the meantime, pray for those who genuinely believe they are right with God but have yet to be born again. Teach those who are religious but lost about a desperate desire for the Lord that follows submission to the Lord. Help fellow church members move from a head full of knowledge to a heart full of passion to pray. Information about Jesus becomes alive, when you experience Jesus in a personal, loving and intimate relationship. Ask the Holy Spirit to flush out impostors today, before it is too late to change. Better a hypocrite’s exposure now, than then.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd. Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lesson from Abraham

Genesis 12:1. Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: 2. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

God Is Positioning You To Be Blessed.  When God Directs, You Must Follow.  Abram was directed by God to leave his country, his kindred, and his father's house. The Lord was positioning him not only to be blessed, but also to be a blessing unto others. In order for this to occur, Abram would be forced to walk by faith, not knowing where the Lord was taking him. The only thing he knew was that God was directing him.  Those who serve the Lord must learn how to walk by faith. They will be called upon to obey even where their destination is not clear. God desires to bless you as well as for you to bless others. He will position you so that you are in the proper place at the proper time. Though the journey may seem unclear and the destination unknown, walk by faith. As you follow His directions, you will discover God has always known exactly where He was directing you.

Fine Pearls

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46

What is the Pearl of Great Price? Simply Jesus. He is the only One worth selling all to follow by faith. God made His children spiritual merchants on a quest for what’s most valuable in life. These earnest explorations of religion are empty, until the grace of God in Jesus Christ is uncovered and understood. Vain treasures are those mini pearls that are but a weak reflection of the genuine One. Sincere efforts to search out the most significant asset of God will find Christ.

There are many fine pearls that draw our attention away from the Pearl of Great Price, Jesus. The pasty pearl of pride draws us away toward our own limited abilities. The flashy pearl of entertainment consumes our energy and dulls our senses. The fake pearl of religious hypocrisy creates an image without any spiritual substance. And the black pearl of unbelief keeps us from experiencing God. But, as we enjoy the Great Pearl in an intimate relationship, we need no more.

It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 1 Corinthians 1:30
How do you steward well this, your greatest asset from Almighty God? What disciplines are you developing to not take for granted this your most valued resource? One way to value your most valuable belonging is to share it with others. It can’t be weakened by too much use. It can’t be ignored while on display in your life. You are truly wealthy when you are graced by the riches of God. But you are  utterly poor and spiritually bankrupt without engaging the Great Pearl of Christ.

Lastly, sell and give away whatever is necessary to enjoy your riches in Christ. Your cluttered life can easily leave out the Lord. The complexity of stuff can cause you to miss the simplicity in Christ. Streamline your schedule, so you can go deep in your intimacy with your God, and your relational engagement with those you love. Jesus Christ is your Pearl of Great Price. So, value Him greatly, by giving Him your full love, devotion, and service.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A little cooking lesson

Again he asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough. Luke 13:20-21
The word of Christ is a change agent for the Kingdom of God. Like small batches of yeast, truth leavens the Lord’s influence in a heart and soul. A little bit of Scripture goes a long way toward growing a moistened heart for the Lord. The loving fingers of God work into our doughy soul the yeast of His love. Patience sees faith rise up and cause a life to smell appetizing, like the aroma of fresh baked bread. Truth is a change agent for the soul.

Furthermore, it takes work to kneed the yeast of God into a life The Holy Spirit is like the diligent cook who works the dough with persistence. The dough of our soul is tossed and turned, pounded and made smooth, so the yeast of God’s love works its influence into our inner man. We feel unstable at times, but this trusting posture invites us to receive faith’s full affects. Yes, faith’s fermenting process grows a bold and robust belief. A little leaven transforms.

A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough. Galatians 5:9

Therefore, keep your heart moist with humility and pliable with prayer. A hard piece of dough is unable to grow, but a heart full of grace submits to the Holy Spirit’s control. Each day is an opportunity for Christ to bake fresh bread from our available life. Moldy and crusty bread is thrown out, fit for the trash, but fresh bread is the dinner table centerpiece for all to anticipate. Is your life an anticipation for God? The Bread of Life changes you into His bread of life.

Lastly, be aware of unseemly influences that subtly change your heart’s desires. There is bad yeast, so beware, and be careful. The yeast of greed quits growing generosity. The yeast of cynicism quits growing faith. The yeast of selfishness quits growing service. Thus, the best remedy for bad yeast is to replace it with the good yeast of God and His love. Invite Christ to be your change agent for Him. Daily, kneel before your Heavenly Father, so He can knead His character into your heart

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd. Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"