Beloved, now are we children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. 1 John 3:2
Uncertainty carries with it the baggage of being a bad thing, but what if instead we could embrace the good in what will always be. There is no promise of tomorrow, yet we sometimes live our lives as if we have everything under control, only seeking the Lord when we feel out of control. What if instead, we accept the true condition of life’s uncertainties and submit to the certainty of Christ. Rest in what we know to be real, the ever-present Lord, and don’t strive over the ever-changing dynamics of relationships, work and the world in general. Let’s consider a fresh look at uncertainty as a bridge to God’s heart, not baggage full of fear and worry.
John, the disciple of love, understood he was a work in process, not fully grasping the certainties of what Christ had for him. He knew he was a child of God, but the Lord had not yet fully revealed to him who he would ultimately become. He might have been reflecting on the words of Jesus when He wisely instructed the growing disciples of the process of maturing in the faith. Some truths are only learned and internalized over time. Wisdom is learned by exercising trust in the crucible of life’s uncertainties. As you are ready, God will reveal more of Himself.
“I [Jesus] still have many things to say to you. You are not strong enough to understand them now” (John 16:12, NLV).
The security of knowing and doing the next right thing keeps you dependent on Jesus. The certainty of His presence allows you to surrender to Him. Oswald Chambers punctuates this idea: “As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises.” The uncertain adventure of following Jesus is filled with surprises. Good surprises—surprises in the divine rewards of trust in God in the face of uncertainty. What good surprises might your generous heavenly Father have in store for you His beloved child? Surprised by joy. Surprised by healing. Surprised by provision. Surprised by love. Heaven’s certain surprises smother the striving over life’s uncertainties, as your soul inhales sweet peace.
Trying to live a life of certainty is limited by your common sense and wisdom. But choosing to follow Christ through life’s uncertainties is resourced by the Lord’s living waters, divinely imagining what might be. Focus on the certainty of your belovedness and allow your capacity to love to expand your Kingdom focus. Certainly, the man of sorrows is with you in your pain. Certainly, your loving heavenly Father stands with open arms to forgive and celebrate with you. Certainly, your helper and guide, the Holy Spirit, will show you the way. Certainty in God grows confidence, confidence feeds faith, faith grows hope, hope lives at peace.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).