God’s voice has not vanished. He has not lost His voice because of overuse. His vocal cords are not strained but strong. His voice is clear and intelligible. His voice is all around us; listen and be in awe. His voice reminds us of His glory.
John wrote earlier about Jesus standing at the door of a life, waiting to be invited in, now the Lord opens the door to heaven and invites John to come in and experience Him. The voice of God sounds like a trumpet, similar to the sound of the trumpet announcing the resurrection of the dead in Christ (See 1 Thessalonians 4:16). The Lord is drawing John closer to His throne of grace and worship so He might reveal to his humble servant His vision of things to come. Worship and grace escort us into the presence of our Father, who is ready to show us His ways.
The power of His voice is applied in our life. His voice can be stern in discipline or tender in grace. The powerful voice of Jesus called Lazarus back from the dead, and on the cross He interceded to His Heavenly Father for forgiveness on behalf of His enemies. Use your voice to pray for people who are dead in their sin and in need of a Savior. Lift up your voice on behalf of others who have offended or hurt you. God hears your voice. You are not a lone voice for the Lord.
God’s voice is majestic and regal. He is enthroned above all His creation. Jesus is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When He speaks, we listen. His words matter most. The Bible is the wisdom of His words in written form. His voice speaks through the pages of Scripture. So, take what He tells you and obediently apply it to your life. Tell others what Christ tells you. Those of us who hear the voice of God cannot keep quiet. Be a clean conduit for His voice to speak. The voice of God is clear and comprehendible to the ears of a humble heart.
Our Prayer: Lord by your Spirit make us attentive and sensitive to Your voice, and when we hear Your voice clearly let us be bold in declaring and sharing what You say Amen.