Thursday, September 15, 2016

A good voice to hear

And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. Revelation 4:1-2
God’s voice has not vanished. He has not lost His voice because of overuse. His vocal cords are not strained but strong. His voice is clear and intelligible. His voice is all around us; listen and be in awe. His voice reminds us of His glory. 
John wrote earlier about Jesus standing at the door of a life, waiting to be invited in, now the Lord opens the door to heaven and invites John to come in and experience Him. The voice of God sounds like a trumpet, similar to the sound of the trumpet announcing the resurrection of the dead in Christ (See 1 Thessalonians 4:16). The Lord is drawing John closer to His throne of grace and worship so He might reveal to his humble servant His vision of things to come. Worship and grace escort us into the presence of our Father, who is ready to show us His ways.
The power of His voice is applied in our life. His voice can be stern in discipline or tender in grace. The powerful voice of Jesus called Lazarus back from the dead, and on the cross He interceded to His Heavenly Father for forgiveness on behalf of His enemies. Use your voice to pray for people who are dead in their sin and in need of a Savior. Lift up your voice on behalf of others who have offended or hurt you. God hears your voice. You are not a lone voice for the Lord.
God’s voice is majestic and regal. He is enthroned above all His creation. Jesus is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When He speaks, we listen. His words matter most. The Bible is the wisdom of His words in written form. His voice speaks through the pages of Scripture. So, take what He tells you and obediently apply it to your life. Tell others what Christ tells you. Those of us who hear the voice of God cannot keep quiet. Be a clean conduit for His voice to speak. The voice of God is clear and comprehendible to the ears of a humble heart.

Our Prayer:  Lord by your Spirit make us attentive and sensitive to Your voice, and when we hear Your voice clearly let us be bold in declaring and sharing what You say Amen.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Heartfelt worship

The twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. Revelation 4:10
I could see love in their faces. Some leathery and wrinkled from the toils and trials of life, others youthful: smooth cheeked and white toothed, both beaming with the joy of Jesus captured on their countenance. Why? I’m not sure, but it was something in the heart of the people: pure, fresh and faith filled. The Holy Spirit, like a knife through hot butter, cut to the very depths of my being. I wept in the presence of great lovers of God.
The twenty-four elders represent the church and all believers who lift their heartfelt worship to the Lord God Almighty. All followers of Jesus will be rewarded or not at the Judgement Seat of Christ (see Romans 14:8-10). The crowns cast before the throne in honor of God are the rewards received by the righteous, only to be offered back in humble adoration and honor of the King of Heaven. Heartfelt worship keeps the glory of God, not the works of man, the center of attention.
Magnify the Lord in worship, rejoice in and praise His holy name in song. God has done great things for us, in us and through us. He created us in His image and He saved us to grow into the image of His son Jesus. As we fear and adore Him, He pours out His grace and mercy. A life compelled by willful worship is captured by Christ. Yes, our praise models gratitude to God for the next generation to mightily rejoice in Jesus Christ.
Like the Mississippi River, thankfulness fills to overflowing the soul that sings out to its Savior. As we adore the Lord for His loving presence, He awards us the gift of security. We worship the Holy One in the rarified air of His righteousness, while His Spirit bestows holiness into our hearts. Our heartfelt praise guarantees generational engagement with God. We are secure, but the Holy Spirit’s influence is without borders. Like John, we are instruments of Christ’s work in and through us.

Our Prayer:  Lord let our worship be in truth and Spirit that we may experience the fullness of your glory that you through Your Spirit might empower us and direct us into every good work.