Friday, July 1, 2016

Anointed or entitled

So he sent for him [David] and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. 1 Samuel 16:12-13
An anointed leader is chosen by God, not self-appointed or randomly assigned to a position by man. An anointed leader knows they are called by God, not driven by selfish ambition or the desire to be great. Greatness is reserved for servants of our Lord and Savior, who quietly give themselves to purposes greater than themselves. If I strive to be seen or selected for a role, I miss a chance to grow my faith while waiting on the will of God to unfold. Entitled leaders feel the need for a job title so they seem and feel important, while anointed leaders esteem others as more important.
David was minding his own business, being faithful where he was (to his call to shepherd well), when the Lord called him to shepherd His flock. God’s choice was probably a surprise to those who expected a “better” resume, but infinite wisdom knew the wisdom of selecting a servant with a love for God and a fiery heart to defend and lead God’s people. So Samuel, the man of God, followed the Lord’s leading by anointing David in front of his brothers. Because of their faith, submission and obedience, the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon God’s anointed (see Psalm 89:20-21).
Are you in waiting mode for an opportunity you think is just right for you? Or are you looking and praying for just the right person to serve with you? In either situation be patient, prayerful and opened handed. Trust Jesus and wait on His best, better to be in a storm, trial/tribulation with Jesus, than to be living and doing without Him. At any moment Christ can calm the chaos and bring clarity to the confusion, so pray against getting ahead of God. You bring the most glory to the Lord when your joy and contentment are found in Christ, not your circumstances.
The power to lead is not primarily about position, but submission, which positions you for favor from our Lord. Submit to God’s Spirit to cleanse your heart, fill your soul and lead your life. Submit to the authorities in your life to validate your ideas, protect you from yourself and hold you responsible to steward well the organization’s mission. Anointed leadership leads out of weakness, while leaning into the Spirit for strength. Is your faith fatigued? Ask the Lord for a fresh anointing. Be prepared and trust God that in Christ you are anointed.

Our Prayer: Father thank you for the call to lead.  Send a fresh anointing upon us for leadership, and the patience to wait on your instruction and unction in all our leadership decisions Amen.

Pastor Todd A. Brown
The greatest ability is availability