Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Give witness

But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning. John 15:26-27, NKJV

Some days we can forget to give witness to God’s gifts in our life. we get so busy living life that we fail to tell someone about the One who gives life. Yet, what a privilege it is to testify to the truth. Once I was in bondage to my own selfish ways, but now I have been set free by the unselfish sacrifice of Christ on the cross. I can tell the Gospel story to new souls who have yet to hear and understand God’s word and His provision of grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit within my heart helps me to be a strong witness of Jesus. I testify, so another might be justified.

In the middle of a society hostile to Him as the savior, Jesus instructs His disciples to depend on the Spirit’s work in and through their lives. At Pentecost a proud and impetuous  Peter was inspired by the Spirit to courageously preach the cross and resurrection of Christ. A more timid John and Peter were empowered to pronounce the healing powers of Jesus to the lost and the lame. An unlikely cast of characters were transformed into God’s bold witness bearers.

When the world calls us to the witness stand for God, what do we say? More importantly, how do we say what we say? People take notice when our gratitude to the Lord for His love and forgiveness mark our mannerisms. As an imperfect parent we testify of God’s work of grace in raising our children. We talk of our financial challenges and the timely provision of our Lord. We describe a posture of patience influenced by the Spirit as we wait on Him to open a door of opportunity. In our successes and failures, we point to the faithfulness of the Lord.

What a gift for those who love you to feel and understand your love for God. The Holy Spirit is your Helper who empowers you. Your Spirit filled and Spirit led life is compelling evidence of God’s grace. So, tell somebody about the love of God today.

Make today a day of Impact for the Kingdom

Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Monday, March 23, 2015


The fruit of the Spirit is gentleness. Galatians 5:23

Gentleness is the fruit of the Spirit that comes from God. Indeed, the voice of the Lord is gentle, but weighty in worth. He does not scream in a defensive or demanding tone, rather He speaks with authority under control. Word spoken by the Holy Spirit is not harsh, but helpful, not loud, but loving like still waters, not testy, but patient. The gentleness of Jesus grows in the soil of patience, from the seed of sensitivity, with the water of humility.

We know we are governed by gentleness when the cadence of our conversation is not high-pitched with rapid-fire reactions. There is respectful dialogue without angrily attacking another’s motives. We prayerfully pronounce God’s principles as a fellow disciple and brother/sister in Christ, not with an “I have finally arrived”, know-it-all attitude. Knowledge, wisdom and discernment delivered with gentle strength carry influence and insight to the recipient. So lead, teach and serve with the balance that we see in Christ. Always learn of Him and His meek and gentle heart. Your gentleness generates gentleness in others for God’s glory. A gentle soul saves souls.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom

Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Friday, March 20, 2015

Holy Ghost two step

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.  Galatians 5:25

The Holy Spirit is the fuel for spiritual living. This is where freedom resides and where fruit bearing takes place. The flesh is pre-conversion to Christ living; it is reliance on self to seek security. The Spirit is post-conversion to Christ living; it is reliance and dependence on God. The Spirit and the flesh conflict with each other, but when the flesh has been put to death by faith the Spirit is able to come alive. Spiritual living submits to Christ. Spiritual living thrives as we  surrender daily to Jesus and His word.

The way we became a disciple, by grace through faith, is the same way we continue as a disciple. Yet, the flesh tries to flaunt its old habits as teasers to tempt us not to trust God. But we know better, it’s better not to boast in the flesh, but be humbled by the Spirit. When we walk in the Spirit we are empowered to bear the fruit of the Spirit. The Spirit brings wisdom when we consider ways that are unwise. The Spirit brings conviction when we begin to drift away from the will of God. The Spirit brings comfort when we struggle with discomfort. The Holy Spirit is the key to spiritual living.

Make today a day of impact for the kingdom

Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Monday, March 16, 2015

Handling change

Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning” (Daniel 2:20-21).

Change can make me uncomfortable and uncertain about the future. If I ignore change, I lose my opportunity to influence the process. If I embrace change, I treat it as a friend who wants to help, instead of a foe who wants to hurt me. The reality of change requires a Spirit-led response, not a naive dismissal. Change can manage me or I can manage change. In the same way, I learn to adjust to my body’s ongoing issues so I grow in how to make the best of life’s ever evolving changes.

Daniel experienced the radical transition of moving into a new country with its unique culture and demands of god like loyalty to its king. Daniel was a person of prayer and principle, thus he would not worship anyone but his sovereign King, Yahweh. He did not cower under the pressure to compromise his deep convictions and principles. He managed change by rejecting expectations of political and religious expediency. Conversely, he challenged the status quo by offering dietary options that yielded better outcomes. Managing change requires courage and boldness.

What change do you face that requires faith? You may feel your body has betrayed you. Ask the Lord for wisdom in how to leverage these new physical limitations for His purposes. Work associates may have transferred or been terminated. You are left carrying the load of their job responsibilities. By God’s grace be a team player. Do your best and trust the Lord with the rest. Be a problem solver, not a chronic complainer. Perhaps a relationship has gone rogue and you feel alone. Use this season as an opportunity for solitude, refreshing, and rejuvenation with the Lord. Managing change takes wisdom and discernment from the Lord.

Beloved God is unchanging. He is a rock of reassurance and stability. Like the weather can be sunny one day, rainy, snowy, and cloudy another, so life has its different occurrences. Therefore, we are wise to let life’s drama draw us closer to Christ. Our dependable Jesus wants us to go deeper with Him. He is especially near when we face the pressure to compromise our beliefs for the accommodation of an unjust authority. Prayerfully, we manage change so it doesn’t manage us.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom
Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:7

Acceptance sets the tone in a trusting relationship. It ascribes value by making a friend feel special, especially if someone struggles with wounds and hurts from the past. Acceptance is a sweet elixir for guilt, shame, and regret. It looks to bring meaning in the moment and doesn’t dwell on former failures. It creates a non-judgmental, safe environment. with compassion, it listens with empathy. Acceptance feels no discrimination or bias.

Who is hungry for your approval and acceptance? Is it a child, a parent, a friend, a co-worker, or fellow disciple who needs to feel your warm words of delight in them? To be an  unincluded team member can be torture. Passive rejection can be worse than blatant rejection. Indeed, an accepting attitude says, “I believe in you,” “I am for you.” When acceptance is having it's work, you give others the benefit of the doubt. A person who feels approval has nothing to prove. When you love someone with conflicting standards, they tend to ask, “Why me?” Kindly say, “Why not you?” that will bring praise to God.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom.
Enjoy this past Sundays sermon by going to

Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Friday, March 6, 2015


The fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness.Galatians 5:22b

Faithfulness flows from the fruit of the Spirit’s vine. It is the ability to stay the course. Faithfulness is a personal resolve to stay committed. Faithfulness feels a compelling call from Christ to stay put in a career, especially when it’s not easy, knowing perseverance leads to righteous rewards. Invite the Lord’s faithfulness to you to facilitate your faithfulness to Him, His call,  and your service to others.

Are you at the crossroads of a commitment? Will you remain faithful, even though it is unfair and hard? It is easier to follow Jesus when He heals and forgives. It is harder to be a dedicated disciple when you are persecuted for your faith and demeaned for doing good. However, because Christ remained faithful to the cross, on the cross and after the cross, you remain faithful to bear your cross for the cause of Christ and kingdom advancement. Make sure to keep your eyes on Jesus, not on the unfaithfulness of others. A friend’s unfaithfulness, even betrayal, is your opportunity to remain faithful. Scared friends may scatter and an insecure family member may gossip, but you still model loyalty to those you love. Love is faithful in the face of unfaithfulness.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom.

Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on