Friday, February 27, 2015


So he [Jesus] left Judea and went back once more to Galilee. Now he had to go through Samaria. John 4:3-4

Sometimes the Lord directs me down a different road from where I thought I was going. In the same way an orange detour sign’s black arrow points drivers around an impassable road, so the Spirit can lead me in a circuitous route to avoid a relational wreck or help a searching soul. I don’t like the feeling of meandering, but this may be God’s way to protect me from my will and my way. I am learning to appreciate the Lord’s detours and not rush to my final destination. God’s goal is not for me to just go from point A to point B. He longs for me to enjoy the journey, as the journey of a thousand miles starts with the step you are on.

Jesus followed His heavenly Father on a godly excursion. Instead of hurrying back in an efficient pace to Galilee, He took His time to stop in Samaria to love a lady labeled unlovable by His culture. Jesus was intentional to instigate a relationship with a person who could not give Him anything in return. What seemed on the surface to be a less efficient schedule, was more effective in God’s Kingdom. Jesus paused for one person. Giving the gift of eternal life to one trumped being expedient with many. He took a detour from the proposed plan so He could follow the Father’s plan.

Beloved is your faith flexible? Can you joyfully follow  the Lord to places and people that are not a part of your original plan? Perhaps the Spirit is calling you to stay longer in your current circumstance so you can continue to model Jesus for those who have limited experience with Jesus. Maybe the Lord has detoured you onto an unlit, uncrowded back road of life to test your belief and to grow your trust in Him. A life enamored by the noise and speed of busy highways can rush around only to discover Christ was just down the street in the cul-de-sac. Faith waits.

God’s detours are opportunities to know others and to make God known. By faith, our uncertain and imperfect path leads us into the certainty of the Lord’s perfect path. When His Spirit prompts our spirit to pause, we are wise to wait on His leading. Faith follows Jesus to people and places who need Jesus. His detours are His blessings in disguise. We are all blessed by impromptu love in Jesus' name. God’s detours are the best route to enjoy His results.

Make today a day of impact for the kingdom.
Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Monday, February 23, 2015

Trust and be an overcomer

When he [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. John 16:8-11

I can say I trust God with a person or situation, but then I act like I don’t. For example, I was dealing with an individual recently who was asked permission to marry their youngest daughter, they shared how they hesitated and asked themself, “Can I trust him with my precious little girl?” In the moment the Holy Spirit reminded theme, “Entrust her to Me, and you will be able trust him with her.” Now understand they still had some practical questions, but the Spirit gave them confidence to continue in the process. Due to this they eventually granted the sincere suitor permission, based on their trust in the Spirit facilitating their relationship.

Jesus made very clear the role of the Holy Spirit. Once the Lord ascended to heaven the Spirit would remain on earth to convict unbelievers in Christ, to lead believers to live like Jesus and to empower Christians to overcome the devil.  The Spirit of God is our fuel to live by faith. When we appropriate His wisdom and strength we gain insight into complex circumstances and perplexing people. Indeed, the Holy Spirit leads us to avoid sin. Sin places our desires as first priority, but faith puts what Christ wants as the top priority.

We obey because we trust the Lord and we trust the Lord as we obey. Yes, the sweet Holy Spirit has His way with us when we don’t stand in His way by yielding to His unction and direction. Our ongoing submission to the will of our Lord gives the Spirit free reign within our spirit. Like a broken thoroughbred follows the lead of his jockey, so we invite Jesus to saddle up our soul and direct our steps. Some days we run an aggressive race, other times we gracefully walk by faith and in daily moments of reflection we graze on the green grass of God’s word. Our obedience makes us more like Jesus.

Lastly, when Satan senses we are surrendered to our Savior, he knows he’s defeated. By the word of our testimony, by the living Word,Christ, and by the word of God we have overcome Satan and his demons. He is detestable and defeated. We don’t flirt with his advances because we know the pain he creates. Pride, materialism and lust are age old temptations that hold no sway over a soul consumed by Christ. Fight the devil in the Spirit and we win, fight in our strength and we lose. Thus, avoid tempting behaviors by worshiping in praise and adoration to our Lord.

Make today a day of impact for the kingdom.
Also looking for a word of encouragement check out and listen to the weekly sermon.
Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

No Change

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Change can be exhausting or it can be exhilarating. It can blow in my face like a strong nor'easter  giving me a feeling of strong resistance or be a positive force  pushing me forward with accelerated momentum. In my mind, I like the good change of work progress and travel adventure, but I avoid the bad change of relational conflict and painful health ailments. I am attracted to change I can control, but I am reluctant to embrace change out of my control. 

Thankfully our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is unchanging. His righteousness is reliable. Christ’s character is consistent. Our Savior is a solid rock to protect us under its cleft or  break us on its cornerstone. Like a loyal lighthouse beckons from the seashore seeking ships lost in a storm or anxious over night time navigation, our Lord is always available to light our path. Jesus shines the brightest during our darkest days. His unchanging ways give us peace along the way of our ever changing circumstances. Jesus is dependable when others become undependable.

Has pending change paralyzed your initiative with fear or  captured your imagination? Look outside the comfortable box of status quo and imagine the possibilities of your creative God. Perhaps bad habits need to be replaced with good ones or maybe a good routine can be upgraded to a better one. For example, if you watch too much TV move the screen out of the living room and have live conversations with real people or quietly read together. Limit social media so you can be social with people in person. Use change for the better to become better.

Most of all be a student of our unchanging Lord. We all handle change well when we trust Christ to be our change agent. The Lord controls the outcomes. Our role is to remain faithful and calm as we face a scary situation for the first time. Wisdom does not dramatically react to the worse case scenario of what might happen, rather it prayerfully waits on God’s will to unfold into reality. We can be hopeful for the best and know Jesus walks with us through the worst. We serve an unchanging God, Who gives us unchanging truth in our ever-changing world.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom.  Also you can listen to my preaching ministry at

Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

So detailed

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.  Luke 12:6-7

Attention to detail communicates care. When we show intimate interest in something or someone, we value them. This is the nature of God. No concern is missed by His interest. Every bird is known by God: each cardinal, sparrow, black bird, vulture, robin, eagle, condor, blue bird, hummingbird, wren, dove and quail is cared for by God.

Yet the value of a bird compared to the value of a person is really incomparable. It is like comparing the value of a glass sliver to a radiant diamond. It is the cost of a bicycle in contrast to a Bentley. It is like setting a bird’s nest and a mansion side by side. It is laughable to surmise any kind of similarity in value. Yet God values you like the jewelry, the automobile and the home. Your worth far outweighs all of that which He has created.

You are the pinnacle in the portfolio of Christ’s creation. You are His most valued asset, He knows and understands the details of your life. You may be right in the middle of a maze of uncertainty. Life could not be more confusing. Your marriage is in chaos. Your career has hit a dead-end. Your finances are at a new low. Your motivation to move forward is like wading in molasses in the winter season. Life may not be fun right now.

However, the one with an eye on the sparrow has His heart on you. His care is beyond your comprehension. He is relentless and reassuring in His compassion. Let Him into the details and needs of your life, He already knows and He has your best interest in mind. The Lord knows what’s best for you. No need to fear, God is near. He is as near as a prayer. His attention to detail invites you to trust and lean into His great love.

Since Jesus values details, shouldn’t we? Of course, thoughtful and responsible people care about details because they represent what’s important to you or someone else. But details are not always easy to keep up with. They can become cumbersome and cranky. This is why you surround yourself with people passionate about areas you are not.

It may be time to trust others with the critical details screaming for your attention. They will probably do a better job than you in managing them anyway. You are still accountable for the details, but give a trusted advisor the responsibility.  You cannot cover all the details well,  but with a gifted few friends you will go far.

Be aware of the overall details and give close attention to the ones only you can manage. Otherwise, you will be average at best in your execution. Most of all trust God and others with the shepherding of details. However as you trust, provide friendly follow up. Do for others what God does for you. He gives attention to the details of your life, no need to fear and worry for you are God’s most valued creation in all the world. He cares for you.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom.
Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

God's favor

Blessed is the man who listens to wisdom, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:34-35

God’s favor is the fruit of friends who find wisdom. They seek wisdom by first watching at the doors of heaven and waiting patiently at the feet of Jesus. It is humbling to think that each day God is available to commission our cause for Christ. The wisdom of Jesus is what we pursue, because His is pure, profound, and the best.

Like Abel, the Lord looks for the best offering for blessing. Therefore, honor God by offering Him the first fruits of your day. Just as He deserves “first” on your time, talent, and treasure, so He expects the beginning of your day. Get up and go to God first. There you discover a wealth of wisdom, and under the shadow of Jesus you receive His favor.

Happiness happens to those who wait for wisdom. His blessing cannot be rushed, so rest in Him. The favor of God is absolutely worth the wait; like the arrival of a newborn, the joy is unspeakable. How many times have we rushed ahead outside the canopy of Christ’s blessing? The Israelites learned to stay under the cloud of God and be lead by faith.

Indeed, there is no spiritual oxygen to sustain those in an “out of favor” environment. It is lifeless and lonely. However, for those on whom their heavenly Father’s favor rests, there is rest. His blessing provides strength for the journey, and perseverance to stay on the trail of trust. Jesus experienced the favor of His Heavenly Father when He submitted to public baptism (His confession of faith) and His commitment to public service (His commission to ministry).

What issue of obedience do you need wisdom in, so to continually experience the favor of the Lord? Your life is alive and vibrant because the Lord favors you. You are a favorite of the Lord, because you are learning to wait on Him and to humbly walk with the wise.

Make today a day of Impact for the Kingdom
Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Monday, February 9, 2015

Finacial stewardship

We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man. 2 Corinthians 8:20-21

Financial stewardship is first and foremost in the eyes of an organization with integrity. This especially applies to gifts made in the name of the Lord to a church or ministry. For those who name the name of Christ there is a high standard of fiduciary responsibility in handling cash. The best reputations in wise financial management belong not to cavalier money managers, but conscientious ones.

What checks and balances does your church have in place to protect you from fraud? Do the ministries you support have an audit by an outside firm to assure impartial oversight? These are basic bottom line best practices that protect everyone involved. Naïve trust without accountability, as it relates to money, can lead to mismanagement of funds.

Wise money management doesn’t do just enough to get by, but it goes the extra mile to avoid any criticism in the misappropriation of funds. There is a solemn commitment to steward well the Lord’s resources. Churches and ministries that highly value stewardship, go to great pains to put leaders of integrity in place, who manage money with integrity and full disclosure when necessary.

How are your personal finances? Has God blessed you materially and with money? Do you represent Him well, as His money manager? Is there a financial professional full of character that looks over your shoulder, as an accountable second set of eyes? Secretive financial practices invite suspicion, while full financial disclosure promotes integrity and trust.

If you are a married couple, financial ignorance is not an option. One spouse may manage the finances, but the other one needs to understand their financial status and they both need to hold each other accountable. Most families and organizations do not complain of too much financial accountability, but many get in trouble where it’s lacking.

Therefore, whether at work, home or church implement financial processes and policies that provide ongoing accountability. God blesses with more those who manage well a little. It’s passing the small tests in financial accountability that affords you larger opportunities. Honor the Lord and man by taking pains to be financially accountable in your financial stewardship.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom

Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Friday, February 6, 2015

Humble leadership

Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Zechariah 9:9

Jesus modeled humble leadership. There were no airs, pretension was absent from His personality. Christ could be gentle and aggressive at the same time. He led, but He led with sensitivity and prayerful obedience to His Heavenly Father. A humble leader refrains from public pomp and defers to a modest manner. Humble led is humble bred.

A humble leader does not get too far ahead of his followers. Indeed, he takes the time to get them up to speed. He makes sure there is understanding of the overall goals of the organization, business, or ministry. He provides the teaching, training, and coaching necessary for the team to serve with excellence. He or she sets a high standard of character with their own example, but they are patient to work with people at all levels of maturity.

A humble leader is not afraid to make the hard calls when necessary. He will not tolerate pride of leadership. He loathes leaders who blame others for not meeting objectives. Prideful leaders are demoralizing rather than inspiring. They sap the energy of the team instead of energizing the team. Their own demons of insecurity creep into the work culture like an infected sore. They are unhealthy and contagious. Pride led is pride bred.

A humble leader provides loving accountability. He inspects what he expects. This accountability results in encouragement and progress. Humble leadership cares enough to take the time and make sure the team understands. He or she avoids irresponsible assumptions that create false expectations and unrealistic goals that only frustrate. Indeed, wise leadership starts with humility that leads to service.

Humble leaders use their position as a platform for service. The team is not there to serve the leader—there is a much bigger motivation. The larger priority is the mission and vision of the organization. For the follower of Christ the ultimate motivation is “to work as unto the Lord” Colossians 3:23. This one compelling desire will fuel the fires of excellence. So, the humble leader looks for opportunities to serve the needs of his team.

Perhaps, you make a phone call on behalf of a team member or take them to lunch and listen to their heart. It may be a bonus or a day off for a job well done. These are acts of service that are other-centered and unexpected. Humble leaders will not be out served. So, by God’s grace stay humble and serve the team for His glory. They will follow you wherever He leads. Indeed, humble leaders look to serve, humble led is humble bred.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom
Pastor Todd A. Brown
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Mission: Exalting, Evangelizing, Equipping, and Encouraging every soul in Christ
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Monday, February 2, 2015

The benefit of waiting

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31, NKJV

There is an inner passion and energy our Lord gives us when we wait on His best. He strengthens our faith with His faithfulness. He strengthens our resolve to do the right thing the right way. He strengthens our prayer life when we feel out of control and utterly dependent on His grace and mercy. He strengthens our relationships during the times we hit the pause button and learn to rest in His peace. He strengthens our calling to become the man or woman He has called us to be.

Waiting takes patience and grace, but the results of going to the next level of trust in the Lord can be life altering, and fulfilling. For example, a job transition can push our buttons of insecurity or embolden our anticipation of God’s next assignment. We may pass on a higher paying job for employment that allows us to build up relational equity and pay out spiritual dividends. A caring and collaborative work culture with an engaged mentor far exceeds just making more money.  We gain professional strength as we wait on a vocational platform that aligns with our mission, vision and values.

Are you exhausted by striving during a window of waiting in your life? Or have you found inner strength by leaning into the Lord in a time of outward uncertainty? The Holy Spirit is more interested in our soul work than the work of our hands. Our best creations come from God given ingenuity that flows from the work of the Spirit within our soul. Indeed innovative plans can come when circumstances come crashing down. During soul reflection, think outside the box of what’s been done and look for a new work of Christ. The Spirit strengthens an imaginative mind for God.

Therefore, ask the Spirit to strengthen your soul as you wait on what’s next. Allow God’s peace to guard your heart and mind so those who love you sense calm from the One who calms the storms. Your spiritual journey requires refreshment only your Savior Jesus can provide. As you run through life stop and wait at Christ’s water station. Gulp down His cool, quenching grace and He will energize your soul. As you walk through adversity, God’s love and comfort will keep you from fainting and awaken you to His hope. Wait on the Lord for His renewing strength and power.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on