Friday, September 26, 2014

To know Christ

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:10-11

Knowing God is not for the causal Christian, but for the committed ones. This intimate relationship is forged on the anvil of adversity and expressed through the power of Christ’s resurrected life. Knowing God requires dying to self and coming alive in Christ. Resurrected living is the fruit of a faith that is not satisfied with surface Christianity.

To know God is to be loved by Him, to love Him and to love for Him. To know Him is to behold Him in the glory of His holiness, and to bow down in humble worship. To know Christ is to receive His comfort and to carry on a caring conversation with Him. It is going deep in knowledge and understanding of God, so we can carry His character and faith far and wide. Knowing God leads to making God known with our words and deeds.

Knowing God grows your character, as intimacy with Him influences you to be like Him. Christ's character begins to transform your character. His influence in your life broadens your influence in other lives. Indeed, your depth of character determines your breadth of influence. Grow in grace, so you can export grace throughout your circle of influence.

But, be careful not to compare your character standard to others, even other Christians. Comparison games are the enemy’s game plan to get you off the track of trust in Jesus. Pride will puncture your increasing influence, when you begin to take credit for what only the Lord can do. The more you know God, the less you see of yourself and the more you see of Him and others. You know Christ in His death, accompanied by a radical resurrection.

How do you grow to know Him better? It happens in the margins of life, not in a packed schedule with no room for interruptions. A frantic pace lacks grace. A hurried life is tired, unable to trust and give back. Start by slowing down and making a set time with Christ. Be with Him, so you can hear Him, get to know Him, and be changed by Him. Then the depth of your character will grow the breadth of your influence for His glory.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom.  In the McLean Va. area come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook Saturdays at 6:30 or Sundays at 10am.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pursue wisdom

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt. James 1:5-6a

Pursuit. It is what we all experience. We pursue dreams, we pursue jobs, we pursue opportunities, we pursue a husband or a wife, we pursue hobbies, we pursue friends, we pursue adventure, we pursue good health, we pursue success, we pursue significance and we pursue happiness just to name a few of our pursuits. Indeed, what we pursue becomes the focus of what we do.

Pursuit is stated clearly as a priority in the United States Declaration of Independence: “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Over the course of history, the human race as a whole would agree that the pursuit of good things is an inalienable right of individuals. Conversely, we can choose to chase after unhealthy pursuits like: greed, lust, power and pride. Wise pursuits facilitate good outcomes, while foolish pursuits produce bad results.

Our pursuits make up who we are, thus it’s important that we pursue the right things. If you were honest, would a pursuit of wisdom make the top ten list of your life pursuits? Ask God if wisdom is His priority for your pursuits. If wisdom is the knowledge of what’s right and the judgment to rightly act on that knowledge, then anyone is capable of learning and applying wisdom. Perhaps,based on the day of the month, you begin by daily reading a verse of scripture. God gives wisdom to believing following disciples.

Does the pursuit of wisdom motivate your actions? Is it a part of your portfolio of pursuits? If not, consider moving it up toward the top of your list. After all, wise-decision making affects all of your other pursuits. It could be argued that a life full of wisdom will lead to the most fulfilling life, but a life void of wisdom sets the stage for foolish living. What we pursue becomes the focus of what we do, so endeavor to seek God’s wisdom.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom.  In or near the McLean Va. area come and worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook Saturdays at 6:30pm or Sundays at 10am.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Monday, September 22, 2014

Necessity of Accountability

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Proverbs 22:3

Accountability is a check and balance to assure us of the best decisions. It is a process of involving wise people in the decision-making process so all options are weighed and considered based on their probability of success. Accountability works best for individuals with an open heart, whose desire is what’s best for the whole.

For example, we may want to aggressively grow our enterprise, but wise counsel  recommends we expand with cash, not debt. Pride may want to charge ahead and dismiss sound advice, while humility is willing to listen and wait on God’s provision. Clarity comes to those who weigh all options and wisely choose the best.

What decision do you face that requires waiting, not moving ahead half prepared? Perhaps in the process of dating a special person, you both decide at the beginning of the relationship to wait a year before you begin talking about marriage. This guideline protects you from making a rash decision you may later regret. Ask another couple to hold you accountable, as you do better when others are watching.

Who is a trusted advisor/mentor in your life that can steer you with solid Godly counsel? Surround yourself with those who don’t directly benefit from what they recommend you do. They are objective, free from the temptation of private gain, based on your public behavior. Accountability is the Lord’s instrument to protect you from the penalty of prideful decision-making. Mistakes will be made, but accountability minimizes them.

Accountability is the Lord’s answer to us trying to figure out life alone. Do not waste time floundering around by yourself, moreover; avoid dangerous decisions by slowing down and discerning the right path for you. The Lord will lead you, if you listen to those who know you well and who want His very best for you. The greatest advantage of accountability is remaining in God’s will and not discrediting years of faithfulness. We do better when others are watching, so open up and let them see what God already knows.

Make today a day of Impact for the Kingdom, and come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook on Saturdays at 6:30 or Sundays at 10am.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Friday, September 19, 2014

Be thorough

The Israelites had done all the work just as the Lord had commanded Moses. Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the Lord had commanded. So Moses blessed them. Exodus 39:42–43

We live in an instant society. We want relationships, money, and our eating experiences in an instant. In the process of making everything instantaneous, we have lost something. We have lost an appreciation for thoroughness in our work and in our relationships. We take shortcuts to finish on time, sacrificing quality, just to end up with an inferior outcome. Or even worse, we misrepresent the facts or lie outright to reach a goal because of the pressure we feel to produce. Thoroughness requires attention, trust, and tenacity.

Whatever happened to thoroughness, the discipline to plan ahead, provide accountability, cover the details, create a beautiful result, and celebrate the success? Instead, we plow ahead without proper understanding and procedures. Everyone does what is right in his own eyes, and we miss the opportunity to learn and benefit from one another. Indeed, thoroughness begins with a good example from the leader. Like Moses, Nehemiah stayed focused on the work at hand.

Moses was a thorough leader. He listened patiently to God and then delivered in detail to the team what was expected and required to accomplish the project. He understood and applied wise management of people. He understood each of their individual gifts and skills. People who take pride in their work are the most thorough when they are competent in their area of responsibility and clear on expectations. They understand what is needed and when it is to be complete. Details and deadlines are friends of thoroughness.

Lastly, thoroughness is dependent on the needed resources and relationships to carry out the project. Do not be afraid to be resourceful. Seek out the people and information needed to carry out your job. Your thoroughness will speak volumes to your boss and to your peers. Your thorough and excellent work is the best testament to your trust in Christ. In the end you are blessed because of the quality product or service you created. God is glorified through thoroughness and the enduring influence of your work experience.

Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom.  Come worship with me Saturdays at 6:30pm or Sundays at 10am.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Less is more

But the LORD said to Gideon, “There are still too many men.  Take them down to the water, and I will sift them for you there.  If I say, ‘This one shall go with you,’ he shall go; but if I say, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ he shall not go.”  Judges 7:4

Less of some things can mean opportunity to trust in God with more things. This is why the sifting by our Savior need not be discouraging. His goal is not to harm you, but to strip from you any dependence on yourself or others and to rely on Him. Financial limitations are an opportunity to watch Him provide in ways that give Him the glory in your life. Less money means you have the occasion to trust Him with His creative provision.  When some of your friends fall away, it hurts; but your best friend, Jesus, still remains. You can become involved in numerous relationships and miss engaging in intimacy with the Lord. Fewer true friends will lead to richer relationships and more time with God. If your life is driven by one new relationship after another, you will drown in shallow living. Having fewer earthly relationships means you have more time for your Heavenly One. Less is more.
Take the time to shed the weight of worry and watch God work. A surrendered life can be efficiently leveraged. However, a life independent of God is severely limited in its influence. He is positioning you for unprecedented leadership and influence. Now is the time to quit mourning your losses and move on. You have a new lease on life with the Lord, so follow His lead. Watch Him take your “five loaves of bread and two fish” and multiply them far beyond your efforts and enthusiasm. What God breaks, He rebuilds to be dependent on Him and more influential. This rebuilding process has simplified your life; so don’t revert to complicated living. Less is truly more.
If “more is more” is your motto, you can easily become mean-spirited and hard to live with. A “more is more” mantra eventually becomes meaningless. You achieve and receive more, but to what end? There is no fulfillment outside of Kingdom-minded motives. If it is all about you, you will become miserable. If, on the other hand, it is less of you and more of Him, everyone is happy. This is how God works. “He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble” Luke 1:52.
Therefore, lower the volume of activity and wait in quietness. It may be time to talk less and listen more. The calming presence of Christ is priceless, so tap into His reservoir of renewal. Less worldly thinking and more heavenly thinking leads to discerning the will of God. Don’t just stand in awe of His accomplishments through your meager efforts. Now is the time to use this momentum generated by your Master. God is on a roll, and you have the privilege of joining Him. By faith, stop doing two things before you add one. Slow down so God can speed up. Focus on quality, and watch Him multiply the quantity. God wants to do more with less, so He gets the glory.  Decrease, so He can increase Less is more,less of you and more of Him.

Make today a day of Kingdom impact.  Feel free to worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook Saturdays at 6pm or Sundays at 10am.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Monday, September 8, 2014

Dealing with What If

Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you?’” (Exodus 4:1).

Moses experienced the “what if” trap. “What if they do not believe me or listen to me?” Several thousand years later we struggle with the same doubts. What if they reject me? What if they say no? What if they say yes? What if I fail? What if I am hurt? What if they do not understand? If God has led us thus far and if His track record is one of faithfulness, are we not really saying, “What if God does not do what He said He will do?” Doubt detaches us from trust in Christ.

If we are not careful, our beliefs and behavior can reflect this kind of irrational thinking about God. We really struggle at times (right before we take that step of faith) and wonder if God is really true to His Word and if He will come through for us. Yet we know that God has never failed us. His timing may have been different than we expected, but He has not failed us, and He will not fail us. Knowing this, we still struggle with doubt. Why is this?

Doubt is a normal part of the trust process. We go through doubt on the way to trust in the Lord. Even the most faithful followers of Jesus deal with doubt (see Matthew 11:2-3). However, the danger of doubt is to remain in doubt. Extended striving over doubt can paralyze you. It can paralyze your relationships, your finances, your career advancement, and, worst of all, your obedience to God. He is either trustworthy and faithful or He is not.

Lastly, the greatest difficulty is when we are in the middle of tremendous adversity or uncertainty. God’s posture is one of continual compassion and sincere love. He is there to walk with you. He is leading you, and He will provide the needed skills, finances, health, and relationships for you to accomplish His will. Let Him use this time of trial to once again, show that He is God.

Join me for worship and word at First Baptist Chesterbrook Saturdays at 6:30pm or Sundays at 10am.  Make today a day of impact for the Kingdom. 
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Real talk on real faith

Even as he spoke, many believed in him. To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” John 8:30-31

To believe in Jesus is much more than just to believe Jesus. Genuine/real faith flows from a heart transformed by the truth of God's word, not just inspired by an emotional desire or intellectual interest. Those whose faith is only a flash of feelings will fall away, but those who embrace Jesus as Savior and Lord are never the same. Belief in Jesus conforms us into the likeness of Jesus as intended by God from the beginning (see Genesis 1:26-27). Our language is kind. Our demeanor softens. Our eyes brighten. Our attitude is hopeful. Our is spirit joyful.

Beginning faith is like meeting an attractive person, admiring their life, maybe even dating for a while, but the relationship is far from a marriage commitment. On the other hand, authentic or saving faith is wed to Christ. It is a lifetime covenant of learning, growing, transforming, and becoming one with Christ. We who believe in Jesus are the bride of Christ. It is unconditional belief and fidelity based on His divine nature. Faith in Him is foundational to our relationship of hope, love and forgiveness.

In a manner similar to a man and woman who have been married for decades, so is our maturing faith in Jesus Christ. Their intimate knowledge of one another conditions them to anticipate the needs of the other. The familiarity of their individual thought processes creates space to patiently wait. The understanding of their unique communication styles causes them to frequently complete each other’s sentences. As they grow older they act and look more like one another.

Jesus is clear, “If we hold to His teachings we are really His disciples.” Our faith is not perfect, but it is learning and growing. Is your life hidden in Christ? Has He captured your affections and ignited your imagination for Him? Yes, move beyond believing Him to believing in Him. Make faith foundational by depending on Jesus for your every need. What’s more, healthy Christians reproduce spiritual children, so pray your life is a channel for the Holy Spirit to convict lost souls to be born again. Our real faith goes to God daily to listen, learn, and be loved by Him.

Come join me for worship Saturdays at 6:30pm or Sundays at 10am at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va.  Let's make an impact for the Kingdom together.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Spiritual Guidance System

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12

Jesus Christ is our guide to walk in God’s will. We can traverse with Him through life as a trustworthy friend. Additionally, the Holy Spirit illuminates our mind to understand His next steps. Yes, the Spirit reveals the truth of God's word, as our Lord comforts our sorrows, disciplines our darkened behaviors, and pours out generous portions of His humility, grace, mercy, joy, and wisdom.

What does it mean to follow the Lord Jesus? It means we submit our wills to His will, our inner most desires align with His inner most desires, His commands are joyful to obey, and what breaks His heart breaks our heart. We follow Jesus by faith. Since we trusted Him to save us, we can trust Him to guide us. When we are unsure, he is sure. When we have questions, He has answers. Jesus is our spiritual guide who leads us through valleys, over mountains, and beside still waters.

Our commitment to Christ in faith gives us insight into what others need. We don’t hide our light in the inner sanctum of ourselves, rather we release it to be a blessing to those distressed or depressed by darkness. If we owned the local power company, would we be good citizens if we kept the use of electricity to ourselves? Neither are we good Christians if we engage God’s truth and grace only for our own mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.

What do you face in life that needs revelation? Faith is not a leap into the darkness, but a step into the light. So, be patient and pray. If this is not the right choice, there will be another, better one. If this is not the right job, there will be another, better one. If this is not the right relationship, there will be another, better one. As you wait, your spirit catches up with your Spiritual Guidance System Jesus. As you walk, you trust your guide to go where He’s been before.
Come worship with us Saturdays at 6:30pm or Sundays at 10am.  First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Saturdays 6:30pm (come as you are), or Sundays at 10am.
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" & "Kingdom Impact with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at noon and Sundays at 9am and Wednesdays at 9pm on