Monday, February 24, 2014

Only Believe

Whoever believes in him [Jesus] is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. John 3:18

Belief in God is vastly different from my belief that God exists. For example, I may see a stranger walking down the street and believe they exist, but I certainly don’t believe in them, because I don’t know them. In the same way, I must move beyond my mental assent of the Almighty to a belief in Him as my Lord and Savior. I grow from a religious routine related to a distant Deity to a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ. Belief in God is trust in God.

Belief in God is much more than turning to the Lord only when we are in trouble. It is a moment by moment consciousness of Christ and a daily walk with Jesus in His way. This level of trust in the Lord transforms our thinking and molds our behavior. The Holy Spirit becomes our trusted guide who reveals our next step in all  situations and who warns us regarding unwise decisions. Yes, belief in God gets us to God as our number one trusted advisor. Belief births salvation.

He [Jesus] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2

Take to heart a heart felt faith experience by your personal belief in God. Jettison the idea that God is disconnected from daily life for it is the difference between heaven and hell and peace and insecurity. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to free it from the penalty of sin. The instant you trust Christ’s death for your sin’s absolution in place of your morality, you are free indeed. Belief in God equals eternal life with God.

Not being an atheist is not enough, even the devil acknowledges the existence of God. So, your belief in the Lord is focused, not vague. It is concrete, not abstract. Trust in Christ listens first to His voice and shuts out the competing noise of the culture. Before belief, God was your enemy and the devil your ally. After belief the Lord is now your ally and the devil your enemy.  Thus, in Christ, you are no longer condemned, but set free to worship, serve and love. 

Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va. we are "Disciples making a Kingdom Impact".  Also tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel programming.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline

Friday, February 21, 2014

He Cares

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

God cares about you. He cares about your job; He cares about your fears; He cares about your spouse or significant other; He cares about your children; He cares about your parents; He cares about your worries; He cares about your finances; He cares about your car and your house; He also cares about your character, and He cares about you caring about Him and caring for others. He is a caring God. You cannot out-care God. His capacity to care is infinite and his competence to care is matchless. You can care because He cares. There is no care of yours that God does not care about. If it is important to you, then God cares about it. Yes, you will experience misdirected cares, but God’s desire is to come alongside you and realign your cares with what He cares about the most. He cares enough to bear your anxieties and to replace them with His peace and assurance.
When you give God your worries, you in turn, receive His calming presence and peace. God’s system of care is countercultural. God transforms your cares into what He cares about; so cast your cares on Christ for He cares for you. Equally spiritual people may cast their cares on God in polar opposite ways. One may find release in a quiet written prayer, while another may feel cared for by God through raucous worship. Let another’s processing of anxiety be a guide, not a guilty comparison.
You know God cares immensely. So how do you cast your cares on Him? By faith, you let Him care. He cares and can be trusted. Therefore, allow Him to do what He does best. You allow Him to care for you. This takes humility on your part. You are acknowledging a desperate need for God. Your declaration of dependence is two-fold. You admit you are anxious, and can’t handle your worry alone. Secondly, you submit to the fact that only God can handle this level of concern. Hence, your submission to God allows His care to consume your anxieties. Your care-giving to God is recurring. Over time, He helps bring your feeble faith and misguided mind into focus on Him. What started out as a burden, He transforms into a blessing. Your pain becomes productive.
You become free to care for others, because He has freely cared for you. Your perspective takes on a heavenly flavor. Do not wait until matters get worse before you off load on the Lord. Go to God first, because He cares the most. Let bad news travel fast, because He already knows. An all-caring God cultivates a carefree attitude. The more you allow Him to care about your worries, the less you have to care. Then you can focus your care on people and eternal issues. Let God be consumed with your cares so you are not. Then you can lead others to your all-caring Christ. Care for them as Jesus does. Your care will lead to His care. This is the beauty of the circle of care. You do it right, and they will want your God. You care for others, and they will want the God that cares for you. Keep your caring Christ-centered. You care because He cares. You can care because you have let Him care for you. 

Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va. We are "Disciples making a Kingdom impact".  Also Tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel programming. 

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline

Monday, February 17, 2014

K.I.S.S (Keep it simple silly)

Freely you have received; freely give. Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts—no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. Matthew 10:8-10

Jesus gives His disciples simple instructions with a simple strategy to simply share the gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. He commissioned them to focus first on their own nation. The Lord encouraged an unencumbered life so His followers where free to focus on eternal life. Christ keeps it simple because He knows we are easily distracted and can drift into complex schemes that suck the life out of opportunities to give life. The gospel only needs clarity in communication, as the Spirit’s power uses this earnest simplicity to unleash the anointing and the influence of heaven.

Status, stuff, society, sin and self all move toward making matters more complex than is necessary in the Kingdom of God. Like an intricate spider web, the complexity of life can trap us in an inertia unable to respond in spontaneous service. By the time we are free to return a call or clear our calendar, the hurting person has moved on to someone who has time. The motto of earnest simplicity is ‘less is more.’ Because God has freely given to us, we are free to freely give to others.  

Simplicity does not mean we are all called to live a monastic life, but it does mean we are free from the seduction of stuff. An unencumbered life is not isolated from society, but it is free from culture’s control and pull. A life with margin does not seek status, but it does use success as a platform to care for and be a blessing to the unfortunate in Jesus' name. Enjoy your season of simplicity as a window for the love of Jesus to shine through you. Simplicity points to the Savior

Perhaps it's time to resign a role or responsibility that no longer requires your attention so you are available for impromptu interactions with hurting hearts. Sometimes it is the spur-of-the-moment ministry opportunities at church that mean the most. Be on call for Christ and He will open doors for you to simply share the gospel with lost souls. Moreover, create margin with money, so in the moment you can freely give to those hungry for help. A little bit of immediate encouragement is the fruit of earnest simplicity. Keep it simple, so the Spirit can work in you

Come worship with me at 1740 Kirby Rd. First Baptist Chesterbrook We are "Disciples Making a Kingdom impact".  also listen to for the best in Christian and Gospel programming.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline

Friday, February 14, 2014

Fan or Follower?

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. John 12:26

Fans of Jesus stay a safe distance away as observers, just like a ticket buyer of a show. Followers of Jesus engage up close as servants. Fans have fun at a Christian concert, but go on living for this life. Followers have fun at a Christian concert, but go on living for the life God has promised and made available by the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ. Fans obsess over anxious thoughts. What if I lose my job? What if I lose my health? What if I lose my house? Followers rest in the peace that comes from being with Jesus. They remain faithful where the Lord calls them to serve. They follow by faith.

A fan of Jesus is emotionally whiplashed by life’s ups and downs. Their joy and peace rises and falls like the peaks and valleys of a stock market pricing chart. Similar to the double minded they are unstable in their faith commitment. If things go well, they are well. If things go bad, they are bad. Their spiritual voice grows hoarse cheering on other Christ followers who sacrifice all, but they don’t plan to give up very much for God. Fans are comfortable as spectators not participators in the working of God's will and purpose.

If you care for your orchard, you’ll enjoy its fruit; if you honor your boss, you’ll be honored. Proverbs 27:18, The Message

As a follower of Jesus you see Him as your Savior and Master. You don’t passively watch Him work like you would an entertaining show, rather you actively roll up your sleeves and join Him in the work of His will as the Spirit leads. Beautifully and generously, the Lord invites you to enjoy the fruit of your labor. Years of sowing Biblical teaching into the heart of your child will grow a harvest of humility, love and laughter. What you give up for God, you get back bountifully from God.

Furthermore, your Heavenly Father honors you when you follow and serve Him. Your fidelity of faith in Jesus is not mist on a mirror that quickly melts away. Instead, it is the continual flow of living water from your heart that bubbles out of your love relationship with the Lord. Your Heavenly Father honors those who honor Him with His abundant grace. He owns you, because He bought you with the blood of His son Jesus. The One who gave His all deserves your all.

Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va.  We are "Disciples making a Kingdom impact".  Sunday (10:45am) Tuesday (11am) Wednesday (7pm) and every third Friday (7:30pm).  Also tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel music.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The new normal

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19

New normals are a test of our trust in the Lord. They call us to get on our knees in prayer and cry out to our Heavenly Father. They are transitions we go through in life when we move into new seasons: health challenges, a job transfer, a new church or an empty nest. New normals are more difficult because it is the first time we have experienced these realities. Patience, flexibility and trust facilitate adjustment to a new situation. Adapting to change and focus on God is necessary.

For example, a close friend may move to another part of the country. Since you are geographically divided, you now keep up by email, calls, texts, social media, and visits. Or, if you’ve lived as a single adult for years, but are now married, you focus on the person of your dreams. Hence, friends from your past life don’t receive the same attention as your best friend, your spouse. A new normal in relationships is hard. If you try to be everyone’s friend, you risk becoming no one’s real friend.

Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets. Luke 6:26

Make the best of your new normal by seeing God in the middle of your circumstances. Whether adversity or euphoria, either is an opportunity to draw closer to Christ. Accept new normals as your friend not your enemy.  It is a nudge toward the Lord, not a wedge between you and the Lord. Our Savior Jesus Christ specializes in doing new things. He makes a way of hope in our wilderness of worry and streams of faith in our wasteland of fear. See your new normal as God’s new thing.

What is your new normal? A boss who is more demanding? A child who is pushing the boundaries of their freedom? Life after divorce? Life after a loved one’s death? Financial limitations? Relational stress? Abundant resources? More opportunities than you ever imagined? Steward well what you have, so the Lord can trust you with more of His blessings. Accept your new normal as an opportunity to adopt new ways to know and serve God. Learn how to lean into the Lord. Your new normal is the next step in following Jesus. Perceive it, believe it, receive it, embrace it.

Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va. We are "Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact".  Sundays (10:45am) Tuesdays (11am) Wednesdays (7pm) and every third Friday (7:30pm).  Also tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel programming.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

God's messengers

David said to Abigail, “Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me. May you be blessed for your good judgment...” I Samuel 25: 32-33a

God dispatches His messengers daily. You can expect a regular word from the Lord through others. They may represent His envoy of much-needed encouragement, or they may engage you with a regiment of rebuke. Whether He sends His messengers with a positive or a negative word, it is critical that you concur with their instruction. Your emotions may be driving you in one direction because you have been treated unfairly, even inflicted with a gross indiscretion. But God’s messenger is imploring you to take the more reasonable road of understanding and forgiveness. Just because you have been wronged, does not mean you are to wrong. Anybody can do that; it takes strength of character to not retaliate.
God is in control. So leave your offenders in His hand. Let the Lord deal with them in His timing, and His way. God’s messenger may be telling you to wait. This opportunity staring you down does not deserve your acceptance. Your pride and ego have nominated you to the task, but you know in your heart it is not the wise thing to do. Listen to God’s messenger and avoid a moment of regret. It is easy to ignore, reject, or argue with God’s messenger, but think twice before you debate with heaven's representative. They are ambassadors of heaven, reaching out to you on earth to lead you in the direction of God's will and purpose. 
Many times, God’s messenger comes in the form of a friend who knows you all too well and has seen some of your destructive patterns over the years. He has your best interest in mind. Their desire is for you to learn from your decisions of the past and flourish in the future. They are taking a risk with their friendship because they care. If they were self-serving, they would shut up. So, listen to God speaking through your friend, especially when it is not what you want to hear. He also speaks, frequently, through your spouse or significant other. They love you, and yes they may be fearful and insecure, but it is because they don’t want you to miss God’s very best.
Do not allow ego and pride to blind you to their warnings and concerns. They may not understand all of the ins and outs of business, but they do understand the Holy Spirit’s promptings. This is a level of discernment which God has wisely given to them as your gift. Make sure you receive it and use it well.
Lastly, reward God’s messengers. This is behavior that deserves recognition and appreciation. You reward the behavior you want repeated, and you rebuke or ignore the behavior that you want to cease. Do more than say you agree. Instead, make a big deal over their determination to deliver the truth. Instead of blowing off the messenger of good will, invite them into your circle of influence. Promote those who persist in pitching the facts. God’s messengers can be trusted because they bear news from your heavenly Father. Therefore, take seriously their words, and act accordingly. Listen actively to God’s messengers, and in turn, become one.

Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va.
We are "Disciples making a Kingdom Impact"  Sundays (10:45am) Tuesdays (11am) Wednesday (7pm) every third Friday (7:30pm).  Tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel programming.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101

Monday, February 10, 2014

Rag to Riches

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9
Jesus exchanged the riches of heaven to become poor on earth. He gave up His mansion to be born in a manager. He gave up His Kingship to be pursued by jealous King Herod. He gave up His train of royalty to ride on a lowly donkey at His humble coronation. He gave up His majestic throne to take a towel and wash filthy feet.  He gave up His glory to glorify His Heavenly Father. Jesus gave up His riches, so we might be made rich by His grace and love from riches to rags back to riches.

Yes, Jesus Christ was born in poor conditions, lived a low income life and died impoverished. Yet, He was the richest gift ever given to the human race. The gifts brought by the wise men were a mere trinket compared to the gift of salvation who quietly lay at the back of the inn surrounded by noisy animals. All the natural resources in the world combined do not begin to define the value of this one child, Christ Jesus the anointed One. One man’s poverty made the world rich indeed.

And all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:24

What is the value of one saved soul? What is the worth of God’s grace that gets us through life with peace and joy? The human mind cannot properly monetize the mission of Jesus, but we know its worth far exceeds any earthly comparisons. Diamonds and jewels are only shiny rocks in light of God’s love given to all who love Him. Grace is the Lord’s blank check to draw on in time of need. His bank of love never has a run on its resources. It is insured by infinite grace.

Furthermore, your adoption by grace through faith gives you full benefits as a child of the King.  So, steward well the riches you received at salvation when you inherited the Kingdom of God. You have been made rich by every good deed that flows from God’s grace at work in your heart and life. Thus, remember the poor, because the One who was poor gave up His riches to make you rich. You are able to enrich others by introducing them to the poor child born at Christmas. For your sake, Jesus gave you His riches. Yes, thank Him this season for His indescribable gift! And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you.

Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va.  We are "Disciples making a Kingdom Impact".  Also tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel programming.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline

Friday, February 7, 2014

His Grace

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

The grace of God strengthens a child of God. Like a vitamin gives energy and nutrients to the body, so God’s grace energizes the inner being of believers. This is why in the face of human weakness, grace flourishes. Fear weakens, but faith strengthens. Anger weakens, but forgiveness strengthens. Busyness weakens, but prayer strengthens. Noise weakens, but quiet strengthens. Stress weakens, but rest strengthens. Yes, the love of God strengthens His servants by grace.

Has your patience been tested to your very last nerve? Are you exhausted and depleted by the demands of others? Look for the way of grace to give you what you need in your emotional emptiness. Your heart yearns for what only the Lord can provide through the fullness of His Spirit. So, Christ consoles your soul with His eternal encouragement, the good hope you have in Him. Gladly and gratefully receive God’s grace like at salvation, abandon yourself to His care. Because of the disgrace Jesus experienced on the cross, you enjoy His grace when you bear a cross of pain.

It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace. Hebrews 13:9

Furthermore, the inner energy we receive by God’s grace is supplied for our service. This is why it is remarkable when a man or woman on their sickbed become a blessing to those who serve them. Nurses, nutritionists and neurologists go away scratching their heads having been in the presence of heaven’s emissary, a grace filled follower of Jesus. Indeed, our adverse condition is not about us, but about how we can graciously exhibit what we believe for God’s glory. Grace strengthens.

Grace gives you stamina to serve a needy child or an aging parent. Grace engages your empathetic heart with a friend’s hurting heart. Grace is the fortitude you need to remain steadfast in a relationship that is not life giving right now. So, whether strength of character or mental toughness is required, God’s grace is available as your supply chain. Grace does carry Christ’s expectations, but with it HIs power to execute. Grace is a sweet, soothing sound that is music to your soul.
Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va.
Sundays (10:45am) Tuesdays (11am) Wednesdays (7pm) and every third Friday (7:30pm).  We are "Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact".  Tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel programming.
Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Check the motive

“Ask all the people of the land and the priests, ‘When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past seventy years, was it really for me you fasted?” Zechariah 7:5b

Motives are sometimes hard to distinguish. Especially difficult are motives related to religion. Why do we serve God? If gratitude and love are the reasons for our service then our motives are right and true, but it is not always that easy or clear. Sometimes as committed Christians the lines of pure hearted motivation are blurred. Service for Christ is not to make us feel better about ourselves, rather our service is to glorify our Savior Jesus, and win the lost.

Service for God with wrong motives can easily lead to burnout, disappointment, frustration, and disillusionment. An act of service on behalf of Christ is not conditional. You hold it with an open hand and with a pure heart you offer your time, talent, treasure, and temple (your body). Your expectations are at peace knowing you have followed the example of Jesus. Your motive is to please and obey Him it is not for your fame, but for your Father’s name.

Hence our contentment comes from Christ, not our achievements and the accolades of men. Men may see our righteous acts and want to give us more credit than is deserved. This is the time to publicly reflect the glory back to the Lord. Praise offers the opportunity to privately and humbly thank God for His unmerited favor, mercy and blessing.

It is important to do a motive check of your life. It is a moment-by-moment, day-by-day, and year-by-year process. We are all experts at rationalizing and justifying good results that emerge from shady motives. The methods may even be acceptable, but the reasons are wrong. However, pure motives can be found, as they come from a pure heart. Seek to align your motives with love. Great works can be accomplished, but without the foundation of love we gain nothing in the eyes of God.

“If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing” (I Corinthians 13:3). 

Being in God’s presence presents an opportunity for us to purify our motives. So, do all things for Him and His glory. Moreover, let your reward be unseen rather than seen. Then the pure motives represented by gold, silver and precious stones will one day survive God’s revealing fire. It’s all for His needs and their needs. Stay motivated with pure motives for Jesus.

Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va. Sunday (10:45am) Tuesday (11am) Wednesday (7pm) and every third Friday (7:30pm).  We are "Disciples making a Kingdom Impact".  Tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel programming.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline

Monday, February 3, 2014

Thankful and content

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”. 1 Thessalonians 5:18… “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want”. Philippians 4:12

Gratitude and contentment go together. They feed each other, and are both fostered by faith. When I remember how God has so richly blessed me, I am overwhelmed by His generosity. For example, for His salvation in His son Jesus, I am eternally grateful. His gift of grace, I am grateful for its freedom. His forgiveness, I am grateful for guilt-free living. His love, I am grateful for the ability to love and be loved.

His holiness, I am grateful His character can be trusted and is transformational. Stuff is secondary, while the blessings of faith, family, friends and fitness grow our contentment. We may not have what we want, or even deserve, but in Christ we have all that is necessary. So, be humbly grateful to God, and contentment will increase its influence.

“The fear of the LORD leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble”. Proverbs 19:23

Contentment is to rest in Christ, trusting He is in control. Circumstances, good or bad, are an opportunity for Him to show Himself faithful and true. So, once you go to God in gratitude, you can live life in contentment knowing Christ is in control. Contentment is not passive and uninformed, but rather it is engaged and educated. It is not anxious. It replaces worry with work, pity with prayer, pride with humility, and grumbling with gratitude.

Your peace and stability is the fruit of contentment, which grows out of the ground of gratitude. Seed this soil in prayer, and you will see abundance abound. You are able to accommodate in adversity, because the Lord has gone before you. You are able to bridle wants in prosperity, because gratitude to God and contentment in Christ governs your generosity. Thank God often, and trust Him to cultivate your contentment.

Come worship with me at First Baptist Chesterbrook located at 1740 Kirby Rd. McLean Va.
Sundays (10:45am) Tuesday (11am) Wednesday (7pm) and every third Friday (7:30pm).  We are "Disciples making a Kingdom Impact".  Also tune into for the best in Christian and Gospel music.

Rev. Todd A. Brown, Pastor
First Baptist of Chesterbrook
1740 Kirby Rd.  Mclean Va. 22101
Worship with us Sundays at 10:45am
Vision:" Disciples Making a Kingdom Impact"
Listen to "Life Notes" with Pastor Brown
Mon-Fri at 11:55am on WBGRonline